So I met this cute girl on r9k. She was taking about being lonely in some friend and gave her discord...

So I met this cute girl on r9k. She was taking about being lonely in some friend and gave her discord. After talking I realized she only lived about 2 hours out from me. We've talked and gotten to know each other and initially she said she wasn't looking for a relationship. We planned to meet up around next week, I wake up this morning and she sent me some nudes and sexual messages. I'm confused and scared, what do I do?

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if she sent you nudes then she has mental problems. stay away.

but you won't because you're a desperate beta. so the next best thing you can do is just hang out with her and see if you have some stuff in common.

don't get too attached tho cuz she's going to dump you or cheat on you eventually.

>cute girl
>met on Jow Forums

Attached: gonna get.jpg (384x494, 60K)

just go meet her and fuck her retard

shes a whore obviously so dont stick around too long

Find yourself a decent girl user

She sent these images to you and as easy it was for her to send them to you just like that she will send them to some other guy.

But like

If you are desperate make her a fuckbuddy and walk away shes definitely not commitment material

user deserves what he's going to get

I mean is it really that bad that she sent them? we've talked for like 2 months through voice call and text, I consider her a friend. I just haven't been in a relationship, had sex, or irl friends before and she kinda knows that. I think I even sperged one time and said
>God I wish a girl would get naked for me
I'm not looking for a pure virgin gf or anything I just wanted someone to be around. I've never experienced anything like this so it's kinda scaring me.






honestly user your base option at this point is to hang out with her as soon as possible, lose your virginity, get attached, and get your heart broken as quickly as possible. so that you can become a man and move on with your life. so just go into this with full guns blazing, kid. good luck.

There's something obviously off with her if she's sending you nudes after 2 months. But if you genuinely have a chance of meeting her and fucking then just do it and ride it out as long as you can. Don't be too hard on yourself if it goes bad.

I'm not anxious about fucking her I'm just hoping we can still stay friends if I do. I don't really want a relationship and I don't want sex if that's the outcome. how do I say this without sounding cold/retarded?

you can't fuck her and stay friends. sorry but that's the reality of the situation.

but honestly you can't be her friend either because she's a thot

user I don't care if she's a thot, I just want to fuck her like an animal but I don't want a gf. I'm not emotional enough to have a girlfriend and I don't want to hurt her. Damn this sucks, that ass was fucking fine. How do I let her off easy but stay pals?

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you're obviously going to fuck her so go do that but after you've done it a good amount of times and you remain good contact with her, ease into talking about having a friends with benefits relationship. explain that both of you aren't really interested in eachother as far as a relationship goes but you still like to talk to eachother as friends

it's not as melodramatic as you're making it

Show us a picture

This is some good advice user
I would but she browses the same boards as me and I don't want to fuck my friendship up

But she already knows since you posted this here.

if she was going to be mad at you it's already gonna happen since she'll see this thread. Might as well be nice to the anons and give us a taste

I still have plausible deniability, that's why I posted on Jow Forums and not Jow Forums because a lot of you guys actually talk to girls. Sorry anons but no ass today.

How do we know that you're not making this up?

Why would I care?

show us a cropped version of the picture that blocks out her face

just post the ass my nigga. I'll post my girl's ass in return if you do.

you don't want to see it anyway. we're talking about a (most likely) obese thot that posts on r9k. she literally is pond scum tier

Don't overthink things. The only thing you need to think about is, before you get a message, think "would I be pissed off if I received this message" If so, rethink the message.

Just move forward, lose your virginity.Don't be an asshole. Don't worry.

But OP said she's a cute girl.

i'll give you a whole gallery of girl ass in return

Attached: savana.jpg (871x1549, 81K)


That's kinda scummy user

she doesn't mind

not at all

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Catfish haha how you know they really her lool

is that a poo stain

pretty sure that's a poo stain


I think I'm the girl you're talking about.

user, I think we should stop talking.

show ass

>Online girls
I've had lots of experience. All of it tells me, "put your eggs in literally any other basket."
Doesn't matter really, because one way or another online girls are scratching an itch. All my online girls were nudies.

What's my name then? or yknow Dm me the thread.