Basically I'm looking for my own Eva, an external source of meaning and purpose. But how do I find meaning else where...

Basically I'm looking for my own Eva, an external source of meaning and purpose. But how do I find meaning else where? Doesn't all of it come from external sources? Don't we find meaning in out place in the world?
I don't want to feel like this anymore. I don't want to feel like I'm going nowhere all the time

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Go out and do stuff that your heart wants, dont worry abiut failure just find it
Like Try new things and see how it feels

Time to have Kiss!

O mean kids

I really wish I could just forget about failure like that, it's why I constantly don't put anything into action

This damn smartphone!! I meant to say "time to have kids"

'nowhere,' 'somewhere,' all designs.

Well I want to but I can't. Too short (5'1")

What do you mean? Is there such a limitation?


Elaborate please?

Women want tall men. Simple as that

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Did you just watch Evangelion or something? I felt the same way for a while when I watch that shit very young. You'll get over it soon if that
s the case

No it's not my first time. I watch ep. 26 whenever I feel down. I've felt like this for a long time before I found it

What's going to make you feel proud of your life when you're on your deathbed?

Maybe look at It like a challenge?

Join a cult

I dont know. I want to something that people will praise me for, but I know that is a trap, because as soon as it stops I'm back to where I started... I to create something that will live on beyond me.
I would if it was , but as I should the odds are overwhelming against me. There would be no point in trying

are you currently under the influence? just carious; you don't have anything to impose it, not to get you worried

curious* man I'm fucked

No, I'm not under the influence