Will China surpass America?

Will China surpass America?

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No but steve bannon will be hanged for treason

The Zeihan says no.

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Not with an economy set on a foundation of sand

It already has
A nation whose people is ruled by a foreign people is not a nation

I fucking hope so, they won't allow the fucking degeneracy to happen

Well they've dealt with the scourge of Islamic mental illness in the right way, without that impediment....they have an edge.

only if their noodle sticks to the wall

They haven't even be able to take over the South China Sea.
The only place they're taking over is Africa, but that's not hard for anyone to do because niggers.

no, its too large with alot of inequaility between the interior and the coast
+ random ethnic groups that make up 20% of the population who want to succeed such as the muslims, tibetians, vietnamese, monoglians etc
also in china loans are made based upon parties ties and family, not economic decisions, so alot of the loans in china are bad loans, making up to 60% of china GDP in bad loans, some examples of this are the ghost cities in china, inefficient and wasteful allocation of capital
also china is basically japan's business model in the 1970-90s and will crash very soon (low cost exports with very silm profit margins) funded by bad loans
hence the stock market crash in 2015 + more recently, and china had to freeze the market to hide the bad loans

No, same thing was said about Japan.
If you listened to Jared Taylor, you would know this already
Stay informed, tune in to amren.com podcast

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Yes. And this is scary.

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china doesnt exist
its a hoax made up by Big Rice and the Kung-Fu Film industry

>GDP=successful country
That's why the US is a utopia.

japan/other east asia economies overcame the collapse with high savings rates, frugality and national pride/cohesion
china doesnt have any of that, and the "han chinese" is a made up ethnic group constituting many different and random tribes intermixed with monogolian/northern tribes
china has only had its own rule for breifly in 1300-1600s, and today

China is kinda fucked. With their 1 child policy population is gonna plummet. Even though the policy has been made less strict in recent years, they won't have enough people to fill jobs. Not only that but they have many elderly people who will soon retire. Their economy will crash in the next 10-20 years.

They grow like 10% per year. And they have 1500 mil people.

You grow like 5% per year. And have 350 mil people.

This is fucking huge problem for whole world.


They do have a huge demographic problem with way to many old people. They also have the issues of building cities and infrastructure that is never used just to keep the GDP up.

They have 1.x billion people compared to a bit over 300 million in the US and 500 million in EU. So if they can get to a GDP 1/2 of the western world, they will be bigger than US and Europe combined.

The real thing to keep them back? India. India becoming a super power by 2020 means power in the region shifts to India, and India will pass China in population soon. Once India comes to power, it will be up to them the fate of China.

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The jews are already trying to infiltrate Chinese politics. Race mixing their hebe genes and their half-chinese children into powerful members of society who will likely start to push "progressive" ideology that crippled western nations.

China's real good at making cheap versions of concept stolen from others

It's hard to surpass anything with that model

>india superpower by 2020
>t. dumb nu-weeb faget
not sure if trolling or legit retard

Not that I care, but China is getting ready to colonize Africa, they've been dreaming of a new Silk Road for years. It's likely there are going to be gross human-rights violations, judging by how Chinese treat their own, and the kinds of countries they're comfortable allying with. When news of said human-rights violation start pouring out of Africa, the American elite can & will use it as a pretext for getting involved, along with our usual cohorts, and in the process kick in China's teeth, set up our own local powers in the area, and colonize the resources ourselves.

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If they surpass us, we're all fucked into becoming slave lavour

> China has never lied about their numbers

I shiggydiggy

No. They dont exist.

Their lie is almost same as your financial bubble.
Everyone lies.

India could wipe Spain off the fucking map, any time they wanted. Show some respect.

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>1 post by this ID
A spice goes in all fields.

>Everyone lies.
How very Jewish of you
Didn't used to be that way
Even if everyone does you don't use the promoted ones, you independently multiple-y measure

For you, maybe.

Neighbors not nations? It's a shame that taxes and a military seem to disagree with you.

Wow she's beautiful. Hapa?

We already defeated the people who were a threat. The Russians.

Prophecy states Rome rises again and will be a terror.

Well, you’re going to find out what it’s like to be Chinese once they annex the Russian frontier. Better join the EU.

there's zero chance of the chinks overrunning anything. chinks have never had an empire, at the height of their power they can just manage to conquer their own country, but not anything more

that doesn't make you any less of a retard

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We have no any problems with China yet.

First they don't interested at Russia at all. They want Japan and Korea and Taiwan of course.

Second we have too many nukes.

China is your problem. Because they ruin US dominance at the world.

But i support join the EU.

Time has changed. Very soon they will be bigger than whole West.

And we all can't do nothing with that. Only nuke war but who will do it.

>India could wipe Spain off the fucking map
India's not good at wiping m8

Naaa. They're basically insects

>Peter Zeihan

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No. No one will defeat the US. We will collapse and fall down all by our own doing because we are led by retards. Then some nation of jag offs like Russia will claim it was them all along.

I for once welcome my Chinese overlords.

Look at the Amerimutt and laugh. Always supporting its fellow non whites.

But he never discusses the racial demographics of the USA.

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Russians seriously get your heads out of your ass. A country that vast should not have a smaller economy then Germany and Japan

This is now a chink hate thread. Enjoy:

Within 10 or less years. Trump was put there to slow that down and another things for those who put him there, but he’s doing a sloppy job at the former one. Sure, the Chinese have experienced a slowdown, but it’s not enough.

Obviously. Trump is a small road block on china until the next democrat takes over

>Argentina and Japan are future superpowers.

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cheating can only get you so far, chinese bugmen don't have it in them to rule anything

Prophecy states Rome will be consumed in ash and hellfire

It's inevitable. With brazilification of the US their economy and military will start to wane. In Europe Islamisation will pick up speed due demographics and we will start to regress. Even if a couple of countries in Europe and a couple of states in the US become White ethnostates we will be too few to really compete.

Genetic engineering, AIs, automation, etc, are all wildcards that could possibly change everything.

recive my blessings based grug poster

So why don't you move to China then moron?

>We aren’t ruled by a uniparty
Found the kike.

>They grow like 10% per year.
I bet you believe 6 gorillian jews were killed in the holocaust too. Just because china reports it doesn't mean it happened. In fact, given how they can't help but cheat and lie at every opportunity its a fair bet that they've been lying about their growth for decades.

India will never become a superpower because the fundamental factor in China's growth is manufacturing. All products are made in China. From your Iphone to your television, to your keyboard. India becoming a superpower is a meme. India is still currently a third world country.

By 2030 sure it will take Aeons for you to keep up

Yet, China still churns out crap.

Because too many foreigners moving to China is also a form of degeneracy and the Chinese won't allow it.

China has to implode at some point.

So will the US. Or do you believe that our current sociopolitical situation is tenable in the long run?

It's not really a race to see who will surpass who. It's about who can keep things together and avoid collapse for longer.

She misses her Chad

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So we should allow them to move here?

No, and if you spend some time here in China you'll realize this country is nowhere close to surpassing the first world in anything meaningful.


If things keep progressing in China and regressing in the US the way they have been, yes.

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sauce or you're a faggot

China will always be a shithole just like India. Anyone that says different is coping hard.

But he never discusses what even 25% complete Belt And Road would do and the fact that China is producing and consuming more of its own and third world goods

Yes. It's pretty much guaranteed.

They're trying their best to make it look pretty but it's a cultural shithole. They're banking on that social rating system to improve things.

>low IQ retard who is wrong about literally everything all the time says no

...How does this question follow at all logically from what I said?

If anything we should adopt immigration and nationalization programs more similar to the Chinese model. Grant entry visas on extremely limited duration, no birthright citizenship, and naturalization for only the most capable of people, on the order of say, a few hundred per year.

No they couldn't. Their ICBMs would be intercepted by the THAADs we have stationed all over the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

This. Everyone pay attention.

china just does not seem like a first world capable country
westerners have been more civilized than them for hundreds of years. they're still blowtorching live dogs in the middle of the street in 2019

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But they are equal to the first world in aesthetic amenity.



How about per capita you fucking retard ...

Shanghai is an exception and the people there are only slightly better than normal Chinese people. It's still a cultural shithole.

Yes it is user, soon we will be speaking Chinese and they will butt fuck us to oblivion. Also potential qt3.14 Chinese gf desu

The question was
>Will China surpass America?

Your response was

>I fucking hope so, they won't allow the fucking degeneracy to happen

I had asked:

>So why don't you move to China then moron?

You had responded:

>Because too many foreigners moving to China is also a form of degeneracy and the Chinese won't allow it.

I then replied

>So we should allow them to move here?

How does that question not logically follow from what you had said?

>T. Zhang ping zhu.

>China is against degeneracy
Top kek. 40% of the country was addicted to opium in the 19th century.

>A nation whose people is ruled by a foreign people is not a nation

you must no dick-all about Chinese history...

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On the same side of the coin we're cutting kids cocks off and somehow we're still #1.

>qt3.14 Chinese gf

enjoy her terrible breath and retarded opinions about everything

How about this one:


or this one:


Or this one:


Don't get me wrong, I'm not a fan of gooks, but I must admit they have purposefully tried to develop their nation so that it would present well to outsiders. The fact that it's full of gooks and looks like one big fucking chinatown cannot obscure the fact that they put a lot of effort into making it look nice and modern.

The only places in Asia that are a success were ruled by the huwhite man. Pure coincidence I'm sure.

I live here bro. I just said in another post that they're trying to make the country look pretty but the people are still complete dog shit. The culture is complete dog shit. They try to hide that by putting up skyscraper after skyscraper.

Never surpass, but will reach a level of equilibrium with the USA in certain ways
the Anlgo-Kike-EU world order will always wield supremacy though

>what is reverse image search
I'm only spoonfeeding you because you got digits.

your alternative is a 4/10 white girl who fucks other guys behind your back or a nigress

Yes, but only because America isn't American anymore. It's Brazil 2.0. Demography is destiny.

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No, my alternative is Korean or Japanese. Korean women are amazing.

Ironically China has been Brazil'd many times over it's history. "Han Chinese" are one of the most mongrelized peoples on Earth.

and it is from 2014, bro

take a look at the latest version

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hopefully, democracy is retarded