If you're a submissive man, have depression, anxiety for no reason you're a closeted gay

How do you respond to this? Isn't this just the truth? What if they tell you you need to come out?

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I jerk off to big tits right in front of those arseholes.


I'm not OP, and I've actually had a friend tell me the same (depression + submissiveness = gay)

>submissive man
i am
>have depression
>for no reason
kind of
>you're a closeted gay
I don't like gay porn at all. I masturbate to hardcore, femdom, or lesbian femdom. my lesbian friend dragged a bunch of us to a gaybar on her birthday years ago. I danced with a couple of guys. It wasn't arousing at all. I like looking at women's bodies, feeling them up, kissing them, and especially eating pussy is something that i enjoy.

I kind of wish I was gay. It'd make finding a top to partner with a lot easier.

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You can only be gay if your sexual attraction is limited to men.

If you experience sexual attraction towards women, you are not gay. You could be closeted bisexual, but not gay. This should be obvious.

If I look at women I get aroused but I would never even think of having sex with them or being intimate with them like I used to want to. Now I just wish I was them and wearing their clothes and being intimate with men but my attraction to men is different as its not really visual.
This on top of the aforementioned and being effeminate, avoiding confrontation, easily hurt by others opinions, constantly worried about how others perceive you, fussing over your appearance, easily intimidated by others, always wanting to give up responsibility, never really having any values, ethics, convictions, strong religious beliefs, not understanding manful competition, always looking to someone else to argue whatever you think is true, having an overall submissive neurotic bottom energy that is immediately obvious due to your body language and being unable to hide it e.g. can only feel safe if you look down, look as nonthreatening as possible, not bother anyone, make the minimum amount of noise possible, visibly nervous, allow others to verbally harass you or lightly physically abuse you without doing anything back because you are too emotionally weak to stop them, naive, high negative emotion, lacking a father figure, overbearing mother, overly anxious/worried, wide eyed/prey eyes, overly happy whenever someone is polite to them, self hating, masochistic, extremely critical of themselves, low emotional/psychological resilience in general, care about being accepted by everyone around them if they be nice as possible and make themselves look as nonthreatening as possible, attracted to girls but don't want to have sex with them, no real principles/strong beliefs, can't think for themselves or are highly influenced by their environment and the people around them even though they aren't a child anymore, extremely impressionable, react to conflict by feeling scared and anxious and trying to be as kind as possible etc
This means you're a gay faggot right?

Yes, but submissive != spineless doormat
>have depression
Yep, runs in the family
Have social anxiety, so checked
>for no reason
Genetics fucked some systems up
>closet gay
Am straight. Tried to experiment with a guy, it went cringy and uncomfortable so I noped out of there. Had gfs and felt natural and comfy, so hard pass on your assumption.

So bullying turned me gay because I internalized their opinions even though I knew they weren't true I fixate on the traumatic memories and play them repeatedly over and over again until they become a part of my identity i.e. make me a homosexual? How do you stop incorporating and agreeing with other peoples opinions on yourself despite knowing they're wrong?

How do people become strong or weak willed? Do they get broken?
Do you relate to much here?

You are a weakling, but not gay. Don't misunderstand my tolerance with submissiveness or i will finish you with a single strike.

>I was them and wearing their clothes and being intimate with men

Stop reading right here. Yep. You got the gay.

The fact that you got on some of these halfafags nerves is a red flag that this is a shitpost.

This board is for advice, you’re obviously here to act like a lil shit head posting a pic of another lil shit head.

Can a mod kindly purge this shit?

I'm only one of the three and that's submissive

but I'm still a faguette

Aged 8-19 I would've been aroused by pic related, wanted to have sex with her as a man/boy and felt a yearning in my heart when looking into her eyes and I'd imagine how a conversation with her would go and imagine our life together and what we would do together.
Now aged 20 I get aroused by this yet when I look at her I wish I was her and that my mannerisms would be perfectly adopted and I just think about how much I want to fuck men while they're aroused by me as much as they are by her.

What happened? I never had any homosexual urges before
I can't imagine how you can look at pic related and not want to suck a dick

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Mabye u just wanna get pegged

sociopathic attacks don't work on me sweaty

>Mabye u just wanna get pegged
No the entire point is to please assertive men because they have always decided how much I suffer. Women aren't genuinely dominant I got off to femdom CBT/Ballbusting aged 11-18 and I'd time the hits with my own hits to my balls. I still ended up wanting to take dick and pain from men
So if everyone around me told me this does this mean they're sociopathic? Aren't sociopaths far better equipped to deal with other people and generally lead much more content lives free of psychological abuse and manipulation from others?


internalized homophobia
> I masturbate to hardcore, femdom
Latent bisexual cope
internalized homophobia
fag in denial

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It's not the truth. Male submissiveness is just where porn fetish meets low self esteem. Depression and anxiety hits most straight men they just rarely speak about it or seek help, instead slowly going insane or drinking themselves to death

Your friend must be gay or bi to say something that insane. Depression does not cause teh gay

Dude you just have extremely low self esteem and a porn addiction. It sounds like your fantasies are about not having to be a man because it's too much pressure. That's not gay or trans that is having a fucked up sense of self

You should go to a male therapist and get to the heart of it... I'm guessing a shitty dad and high pressure upbringing. It seems fixable. Also if you are doing drugs please quit. I have seen friends pickle their brains on weed, speed, and porn. You can get over this and I suspect will realize you were never a sub to begin with

>Depression and anxiety hits most straight men they just rarely speak about it or seek help, instead slowly going insane or drinking themselves to death
Pharmaceutical industry says otherwise


Okay so OP was watching femdem at age 11 that means

1. Failure parents who left him with a computer at dangerous age
2. No dad or shitty dad
3. Raised by woman
4. Probably doing drugs

You can overcome all of that shit or you can be a mixed up straight guy. OP is no gay, he's a kid who got brainwashed by porn which I suspect will fuck up a huge number of zoomers. You are the generation raised on this nightmare shit before parents were able to realize what you had access to. You can overcome your generational challenge or fail and ruin you life for some fucking porn exec

if you don't want a qt petite domina to make you beg for her pussy while licking her toes and calling you a good slut you're objectively a homosexual

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It wasn't just porn, I was gender non conforming as a kid in my behaviors/mannerisms. I imagined I was an abused girl in my fantasies as I closed my eyes before I went to sleep around aged 6-9, I'd be in a cage with other girls and stripped/beaten/humiliated or travelling on some desert planet where I'd be the one who suffers the most, there would be men in the dreams but I wasn't aroused by them I was only aroused by the women.
Also I'd hit myself on the head and start crying at school around this time if I was excluded from anything or if I didn't understand how to act normal. I'd imagine I was a girl in the bathtub and wrap a towel around my chest and try to crossdress etc.
But for some reason I was only ever attracted to girls and I remember getting my first erection over some half naked women on a tv show when I was 8, I didn't even know what was happening I thought the skin was going to snap.
I don't understand why I was attracted to women for so long.
>age 11
Peers already knew about masturbation earlier than that, girls had already started talking about what stuff they had done with boys a couple years later. It was just a femdom joi by lexi lapetina with her telling me she is going to crush my balls, I didn't even know what masturbation did. Also I constantly looked up men being kicked in the balls by women aged 11-12, then just femdom ballbusting/cbt instructions after that until I started self inserting as the girl at 17-18 in regular porn, again still only attracted to the girl.
I remember crying at 12 because I realized my dick would never grow and it would always be below average, I always masturbated to my insecurities so after SPH/mental domination/verbal degradation when everyone around me came to think I was a closeted homosexual as an explanation for all of my issues, I got off to "forced" bi/gay encouragement femdom at 19 and then I started self inserting as the twink bottom in gay porn so long as their face was fem or off cam

>around aged 6-9,
A 6 year old does not come up with that shit on his own

Ask for [source]

I remember watching some mad max style tv show in a desert where these couples were all wearing leather/rags and having disagreements over things, the women were half naked and a guy was found cheating with this timid woman, the other women ganged up on her and beat her/spat on her while she didn't do anything back. I just imagined I was her every night in some variation, like in a different group/setting
Then there was this gameshow where the female contestants got semi naked and were covered in eggs/waste and humiliated
This is pretty much all I remember and I think I was just born like this, fantasizing about being an abused girl just came so easily to me. There were other things I watched but I barely remember much. By the time I was 11 I just forgot about imagining I was a girl. Around that time I became infatuated with Famke in golden eye and Angelina Jolie in Gia, it felt like I had never seen someone so perfect when Xenia dies. Started to draw portraits of actresses and when I was 14 I drew a girl 2 years older than me and gave it to her and had a year and a half long crush and sadness/pain in my chest whenever I thought about her. Now I'm just a faggot, I've been isolated from girls for so long its like I've finally settled on my true sexuality at 20.
My attraction from before now is like something alien to me but I wish I still had it. Women still attract me if I pass them in person but I no longer think about them or want to be with them, its just faceless men and I get intense homosexual urges if I'm alone and I'm not distracting myself, especially before I try to sleep. Like I imagine being held down and fucked or burying my head in a guys chest and running my hands all over him.
I used to feel relieved and content after I hurt my balls to a womans cbt instructions but now with gay porn I feel anxious and disgusted
Like what happened? I was gay all along probably but I don't understand the intense attraction to girls
Billie Eilish

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Why are a large majority of male homosexuals known for their flamboyance? This isn't a trait commonly associated with submission, depression, or anxiety.

Truth is heterosexuals and homosexuals of both genders tend to vary a lot.

>Why are a large majority of male homosexuals known for their flamboyance?
Not really flamboyance just being overly nice to everyone

by not being a pussy

I still don't buy it. You might be bi but you sound like you want to be the guy. An abusive guy, but you are too timid to become that. That's what I'm getting from this.. Being aggressive and borderline abusive is standard issue male sexuality. You got turned in as a kid by some abusive content you were not ready for. Your family should not have let you see a movie like that. It fucked you up, you found porn, etc. You can be that guy with a girl, its pretty easy. A better path would be seeing a therapist imho

Being a house wife to some middle man in the old times sounds like the absolute best lifestyle. Think about it, you don’t work or have bother with social interactions outside of a close circle. You are literally chilling in the house 24/7 while the man had to work every day to provide. Don’t act like cleaning and cooking are hard to do either. I wish I was a house wife in the old time.