Im so fucking angry Jow Forums...

Im so fucking angry Jow Forums. Women have it so easy to live to have sex to exist and we men must fight with hell to even have something. This is either greatest punishment from god or gift. I wish beta men wouldnt orbit women so much. It boost their ego their self righteousness their very being and existence is fortified by those beta men who put them on literal divine piedestal. What i wish for is that there was some kind of hero like hitler who would give men purpose. Something to fight for to live for so their existence wouldnt be centrified about having sex and getting girlfriend. Even if our ultimate goal is to eventually procreate it still should not be ride throught hell but pleasant experience.

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find your own purpose you fucking npc

Imagine everyone you know
All of them

Now imagine they want to fuck you and that's the only reason they talk to you.

>Now imagine they want to fuck you and that's the only reason they talk to you.

is this supposed to be something negative? Because only thing this post caused to me is erection.

i laughed

even my own mother?

especially mommy

Now my dick is getting hard too

I blame feminism and beta males

There's more to life than getting a girlfriend and fucking, you don't need Hitler to go to college, workout, have a social life and enjoyable hobbies.

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looks like you are not even smart enought to comprenhend the post.

Get your fucking life together and stop whining. Change your childish mindset and someone will want you

Another one who have not understood the post. Low IQ board

He's right

It's true,
everything you see is enabled by men, who should be sent to labor camps.

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>Even if our ultimate goal is to eventually procreate it still should not be ride throught hell but pleasant experience.

If you think about it, only the procreating part is the enjoyable part. Events leading before and after that is usually boring and unncessary.

>. What i wish for is that there was some kind of hero like hitler who would give men purpose.

Thats on you. Loook for your purpose elsewhere.

seriously though, how is this bad? they would probably give you even more attention and you could manipulate them to do a lot shit for you.

Haha not really when it’s the exact purpose of our lives. Why the fuck do you think you’re here? Sure as hell not because some guy thought “there’s more to life than fucking and getting with a woman.” No, it’s because he thought the exact opposite and utilized his resources and realized that is all we are here for and if you don’t have children you will NOT live on. It’s just cope when you try to ignore basic instincts about reproduction.

Don't flatter yourself honey

You will not live on anyway retard, your children are not you, look at Prince Harry you think his ancestors were thinking "Yes I'm totally going to marry a black woman one day"? Your children are not you leave them alone

but your children literally are you, half of you at least.
there's no special unique "you", you are a combination of all your ancestors before you, there's absolutely nothing original about you

> I wish that there was some kind of hero like Hitler
> I wish I had some purpose in my life

Become that Hitler user


>but your children literally are you
No they're not
Their mind is different
If you wanna bring up gene shit their genes are different too, they are expressed differently, they are activated differently, they can be practically all their mother and nothing you
That's why children of nazis reject their fathers and hate nazis, children of religious nutjobs become militant atheists, etc etc
"you'll live on" is only your delusion

your children's thoughts and actions in life is besides the point, they are the result of you and all your ancestors genes and experiences, and yes they will obviously be expressed differently.
If their genes are entirely their mothers, then yeah I guess they aren't you, but if you raise them you still have a strong influence on them.
Kids rebelling against their parents is a good thing and will always happen, no clue how you are trying to use that as a point to deny evolution and dna though.

>have an asexual friend
>isn't interested in sex or dating

Howabout believing that your friends talk to you because you're interesting/nice enough to them

To be honest its womens lack of being able to take how basic fucking biology works. I dont give a fuck what species you are, the males usually spend time trying to court females and when they dont they fuck off and live life. I'm getting sick of this "we're not animals" excuse to justify why our dating and relationship scene is beyond fucked up. I dont give a rats ass if you're the most independent, I have my shit together, woman on the planet, at some point a Male will look at you and simply be attracted by basic biology and not shit else. Oh people wanna fuck me waaaahhhh!!!! Grow the fuck up.

>your children's thoughts and actions in life is besides the point
Yeah that's why you retards get mad whenever anyone does anything you don't like
Thoughts and actions are what makes a person, retard, and you're a liar if you deny it
>if you raise them
See you're saying it yourself, your genes don't mean shit, culture is everything>your children's thoughts and actions in life is besides the point
Yeah that's why you retards get mad whenever anyone does anything you don't like
Thoughts and actions are what makes a person, retard, and you're a liar if you deny it
>if you raise them
See you're saying it yourself, your genes don't mean shit. Culture is everything

user women don't give a fuck what you are attracted to as children are nothing but a stress a cost and a burden for women so if you're not the kind of person that eases that burden for them they want nothing to do with you and your shitty spawn too. Your shitty spawn deserves nothing but neglect and abuse.

And yet how many women have had shitty spawns with shitty partners. Yet they choose the partner with the lowest burden? Yeah I'm sure why that's how domestic violence is so high. You can please shut the fuck up now

>how many women have had shitty spawns with shitty partners
Not so many since women can survive without shitty partners and the numbers is going down everyday, thank god

>Yet they choose
No user, they clearly don't choose shitty partners like that or you wouldn't be here bitching now

>I'm sure why that's how domestic violence is so high
You have no idea what you're talking about because it's on a steady decline since women got rights, the less women need men to live the lower it will get

>Yeah that's why you retards get mad whenever anyone does anything you don't like
who are you talking about?
>Thoughts and actions are what makes a person, retard, and you're a liar if you deny it
a persons thoughts and actions don't matter in this conversation, what matters is whether your offspring is an extension of yourself or not, which they absolutely are, to deny that would be denying science and evolution
>See you're saying it yourself, your genes don't mean shit, culture is everything
this is also just denying science, your genes certainly do play a role in shaping who you are, even the environment you grow up in is not random, its heavily influenced by your parents genes.

its funny seeing you devolve into using ad hominids and barely addressing my points

>who are you talking about?
Incels like you that get mad at homosexuals, women who racemix, men who racemix, childfree women, anyone who makes a choice for themselves you don't like like they other people living their lives as they want them is an offense to you
>a persons thoughts and actions don't matter in this conversation
Pffffffffft yeah you would totally be ok with your kid racemixing with black people wouldn't you?
>your offspring is an extension of yourself
That's why white slaveowner fathers never recognized their mixed race kids uh huh
>your genes certainly do play a role in shaping who you are
That's why kids of muslims become liberal atheists and abandon (with reason) their shitty abusive parents right

oh, so I was getting baited the whole time?

You also have it easy retard, just pay a fucking whore to fuck and that's that even if that is quite degenerate but fucking hell,you morons act like it's the end of the world not having sex.

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