My girlfriend is really perverted sometimes and she likes to sext when horny

My girlfriend is really perverted sometimes and she likes to sext when horny.
She knows I don't like it and I'm not all that comfortable with it. I still play along with it when she's really horny.

So yesterday she was and I was pretending and playing along and she told me to put my hands on my dick and do it and me, pretending, said yes to it and then when she asked me if I cummed I said yes ( still pretending )

So then after I said I was pretending and that she knows I'd never do it and that I'm not like that she got mad and kept saying how I "played" her.

Who's in the wrong and what do I do, she's my first girlfriend and we're both virgins.

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Ok, you need to either give in or set up a boundary. Choose which one first. Advice will follow after.

You made her feel stupid you retard

you sound completely unaware lad, how have you kept a gf this long

So am I the retard?
set up boundaries, I'm not comfortable with it

Jesus christ dude is there anything you ARE comfortable with?? Setting up boundaries is crucial to a relationship, if you can't handle that, then you can't handle a relationship. Get out of your comfort zone

Why would you tell her you were pretending? Just play along until she stops asking

No I'm not comfortable with that talk, I'm okay with setting boundaries that's why I said that
Cuz I don't wanna lie

Did she ask if you were telling the truth?

Yeah she asked if I was just pretending