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Something really needs to be done about tweetposters

Who/what is boat shoes?

I dun get it

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Women are stupid.

Why are women so bad at humor?

i dont even understand this

>the absolute dilapidated hamlet of women's humor
When women try to be funny it just makes me sad. Its like watching a legless animal try to run. You root for it, but you know it's never gonna happen.

>he wears sneakers on his dads yacht

Now I realize why women comics always joke about their nasty pussy and being a whore, they don't understand how to formulate a joke

ya know, i am 100% for freedom of speech when it comes to hate speech and even death threats but this bitch should be banned from twitter cause she broke the cringe-o-meter

>look at this tweet guys

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The majority of their humor comes at the expense of other women in their social circles. It's why she thought that comparing Tucker to shoes (something women obsess over) was a scathing insult.


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WTF does that even mean

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So I had no idea what boat shoes so I googled it. And the look like the the kind of shoes urban yuppies and hipsters wear.

I'm going to need a /fa/ggot to explain to me why this cunt takes umbrage with hipster shoes.

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Women like her are what happens when you let women vote and leave the house.

His mom abandoned him when he was 6 and moved to France. Listen to him on Adam Carolla next week.

Women are so funny I forgot to laugh!

She’s a dumb cunt and doesn’t realize that it’s a compliment

Most those I meet who wear boat shoes are yuppie/boomer/hipster retards who are liberal douches.

They started with rich chads before hipsters, and they still embody the "my dad got me into the Yacht Club" style. I think that's what she's implying.

Attached: yacht_club.png (721x642, 1.26M)

All the liberals were Sperry Topsiders.

>casting caltrops in glass slippers
The honker on this one.

The general idea is that journos are also urban yuppies, but instead of status seeking by owning things like boat shoes, they status seek by ranting on twitter about how cool they are and how shit other people are.

But women still suck the dick of guys like these
Same as I still go to work to fund the migger babies
Guess we aren’t so different after all
Misery loves company

Women are dumb.
Women WISH those guys would give them more than a second glance.

Boat shoes are comfy as fuck though

Once again woman completely misunderstands something and then proceeds to sound retarded when they open their mouth about it.

while living in overpriced million to multi-million $ condos.

Oh look a lefty resorting to insults instead of facts, shocker

>On the right

Wtf does that even mean?

why is this a thread
why are people replying
why did a thread have to die for this

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Why is this funny? Is it because Tucker is a prep WASP? Still not laughing.

Sebagos at night. Sperrys during the day.

>two toned

NE pls leave

Jow Forumss infatuation with that bow tie wearing dork should be a clear sign that they'll always be out of touch with reality.

marie connor is what happens when a coach bag becomes a real cunt

Tucker is one of the three good people to ever get on Fox.

Because usually those shoes are overused by rich frat house dudes with khaki shorts and polo shirts.
Not clever and not funny, like usual.
>twitter nobody made post
Threads like this should be instant ban

Agreed, dudes a constipated cuck.

Who would win? Tucker Carlson, or all of CNN combined?

>Demonizing people for having class and decorum
>Demonizing people for having financially successful families
>Demonizing people for being able to afford luxuries like boats and clubs
>Demonizing people for sharing those joyful luxuries with their kids

This girl was disowned by her well-off parents who were too embarrassed to take her to the country club, boat, or cottage because she became an intolerant social justice harpy after being sent to a private liberals art college of her choosing.

So now she has to attack Tucker for having the love and approval of his blue blood parents.

Someone please post a full body photo of Maria Connor

>a woman trying to be funny

i think tucker has a bigger salary than all of cnn, so he is just a plain genuine guy, a humble shit poster like one of us, i guess.

>Muh boatshoes
They're not even something exclusively Upper Class people wear. I would suggest spats or a monocle if you want to stereotype old fashioned archaic rich people's clothes, but I assume this bitch is too stupid to know what they are.

>>Demonizing people for having class and decorum
>>Demonizing people for having financially successful families
>>Demonizing people for being able to afford luxuries like boats and clubs
>>Demonizing people for sharing those joyful luxuries with their kids
Were you living under a rock all this time? This is a typical lefty way to win an argument. And this is exactly why everyone hates them and want bad things to happen to them.

She's actually really funny. Stop being such incels and learn to laugh for once.


>Who/what is boat shoes?
came here to ask the same
ah so it's literally and not a pop culture ref. that actually made sense/was funny. sad.

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>I summer in Nantucket/Montauk
>Do you know who I am? We have a family office
She's basically saying this is Cucker Tarlson.

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boat shoes?

does she mean boat shows?

It is reference to how he is a upper middle class WASP. Boat shoes are worn by them or so I’ve heard. Google boat shoes and you will get an idea.

How negrish do you have to be to not know what Sperry Top-Siders are?



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>Marie Connor is what happens when you ride the cock carousel until your ovaries shrivel into raisins

What? I don't get it at all.

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Ask any commercial fisherman what they wear.

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every day they spam the board with nobodies with dumb opinions
the real question is how long these people comb twitter until they find someone and say

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I really like this style.

Hi shill how’s it going?

Shoes us new englanders wear when sneakers are inappropriate and dress shoes are uncomfortable.

They're just slightly fancier loafers.

I unironically think this is funny. You have to atleast give it to her it's a joke when was the last time you saw them do that properly

I forgot what she men t by this bone. Good bait I bet.

With golden retrievers too

Is this suppose to be humor???

>Haha shoes!
Why are women so shallow and materialistic?

You can get them for 35 dollars at Ross dress for less.

You see Tucker Carlson is white and does white things like come from a strong WASP family with WASP values instead of the magic of a multi-ethnic urban hellscape ruled by Democrats.

she's an unfunny 7 ft tall dyke

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These are what boat shoes are user. They're actually made so you can have much more friction with the deck of the boat.

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You're not wrong. I don't look down on those who weren't born into that life but definitely dislike those who attack it because of envy/daddy issues.

>Go to the protestant-only golf club with my family
>Father and his coworker try to set me up with his cute daughter
>Play 18 holes in a fun father-son rivalry game while the girls chat back at the club
>Go out on the lake with my family on our boat
>Head back to shore for a black tie dinner and sit with the aforementioned cute girl

Some of the comfiest days of my teenage and college years. Why do they have to try to take this away from me?

what a waste

imagine how strong the sons she could produce would be

not bad shill what's it like sucking mr. goldstein's cock?

Boat shoes? Really? Of Course its something that only rich Coastal Limousine liberals would understand. HONK HONK

>this few prep/trad men on Jow Forums

You all disgust me

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>this tall awk girl

posting some more inspo

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And this is yet another example as to why the left will always lose a cuture war. Unfunny jokes and horrible personalities.

you realize the majority of people here are literal shills who exist only to attempt to influence lurkers who dont post

a good portion of the rest are unironic incels

and the rest of us dont need inspiration.

create a trad instagram or similar and work on the normies

It means she low key is attracted to him so hit him with a frat boy meme instead of something unflattering

It relies too much on seething resentment for white men to be funny, instead of an actual punchline.

Nah it's much worse than that, the people on reddit do the combing of twitter, these faggots just repost reddit.

What the fuck kinda weather do you need to wear a sweater, button up, and fucking shorts? Am I really too poor to understand upper class utilitarian fashion?

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>he doesnt believe that everyone on Jow Forums is LARPing ironically

Never gonna make it.

Oh there’s plenty of real boys that are liberal

who the fuck is this bitch and more importantly, why would anyone care what she thinks???

How many of these jewesses attacking Tucker are actually attracted to him and want him to fill them with his wasp seed?

What? I don’t get it.

Poor and rich people alike put on a sweater when it gets too cold to just be in a t-shirt/button up, but not cold enough to warrant switching pants. You can put on a sweater in public but you're not going to swap pants in public.

Button up vs. t-shirt is more about class.

I used to think boat shoes were douchey. But I got a pair for a fishing trip and I take back everything I said. Very comfy and match with almost anything casual.


Tucker was born into a multimillionaire lifestyle but somehow raised with values and ethics.

Imagine being a lefty and seeing somebody so morally superior to you

Please clap.


Yeah, I wish we had Twitter Trash Generals

They fear the Tuck because while he may be a millionaire he acknowledges it. These "people" live in their ivory castles and tell the average Joe why they're the problem. Tucker instead blames what he calls the "elites" which scares (((who))) we all know the elites to be. I have never seen any other anchor acknowledge their wealth when talking to their viewers and to me that shows that while he knows he is fiscally secure he knows that there are people out there being lied to who are not. When a group of rabid liberals show up to your house and a smear campaign is brought against you which is nothing more than the pot calling the kettle nigger you know you're doing something right. Personally I would love to see what his actual opinions are and not his Murdoch approved talking points allow him to say.

>dilapidated hamlet