I'm an American and I don't grok WhatsApp

I'm an American and I don't grok WhatsApp.

How can someone be online but not have read messages...?

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By ignoring your chat, or not having the read receipts activated.

They only read your messages if they click on your convo with them since they can just never click it or be in another convo but show as being online, even then there's an option to set messages as not read once you do click it.

So they are ignoring me and should be ignored?

>So they are ignoring me
Most likely, it could just be that they're talking to other people or have other shit to do besides responding to your texts instantly
>should be ignored?
That's up to you to decide, it's not my life after all

They can go to hell then.

people usually dont instantly read the message

Also if they get a push notification and read it through that rather than opening WhatsApp itself it won't show as read. So there is a chance they read it but don't reply right away. Some people just don't get back right away it's not a huge deal.

One was a day ago the other like 2 hours and we were supposed to be meeting somewhere

Oh if it was to arrange plans that yes that is a massive personal pet peeve of mine as well. Is this a romantic date type situation or just a friend meet up deal? If its a date thing then maybe they just are not interested and intend on ghosting your arse? If it's a friend meet up that friend could be really shit at responding. Some people just don't check their phones as often as others.