Well pol you lost

And no they won't be a chink genocide

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Imagine when the food aid stops.
Africa gonna become IRL Fortnite.

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Should be easy to find a black qt gf to colonize

For real. Can't wait. Please stop helping them Christcucks. It's clear reality differs from your fantasies.

RIP Planet Earth.

No, they'll just cry, go to Europe, beg for gibs, and promptly be given them.

The world wont let that happen and they will just flee to europe at a higher number

Amazing when negroes will be 50% of the worlds population and 10% of the worlds intellectual ability

Funny that. All that needs to be done is stop throwing money at them.

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The (((world)))

...If Current Trends Continue

There's a billion niggers there right now and all they can do is make life shit for each other and come here to beg. Doubling their size is going to be their own problem more than ours

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For that they need help from the merchants.
They are too stupid to get there on their own

lothrop stoddard predicted all of this.

read "The Rising Tide of Color Against White World-Supremacy" (1920)

Attached: Lothrop_Stoddard.jpg (248x386, 27K)

>And no they won't be a chink genocide
What makes you think this?

>linear projections
remember when the Malthusian Population Bomb happened?
me neither...

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It's pretty interesting how we're literally sponsoring this birth rate boom.

Just fucking think of how many hundreds of billions were dumped in Africa since the emancipation/neocolonialism era. And the situation is actually worse than it was at that time! Just goes to show that foreign aid is literally a scam.

The west will stop funding the feed lot.

the malthusian population bomb is happening as we speak you're just lucky enough to have not personally felt it

The population bomb did happen, food production just managed to keep up for now

Once the west has rotted away nothing in particular would stop them from wholesale extermination.

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Africa is just a grab and go mission after they are done they won't make the foolish decision to stay in africa. Remember Chinese work on efficiency similar to ants, not pride or some kind of ego trip of wanting to be masters or something in some foreign that was tried before and failed horribly "boer genocide"

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Chinks are smart enough to connect the dots, are next in line on the progressive chopping block, and don't give a fuck.

America and Europe already are

>are next in line on the progressive chopping block
They're pretty much already considered white by modern leftists

What ?I don't get it because birth rates are highly dropping in akl north African countries.

>Africans grow too numerous for wypipo to feed
>africans set themselves up for mass starvation
>pol lost
Are you retarded? The videos will keep us entertained for years


one bio bomb solves.

They're not next in line in the "progressive chopping block" because they didn't put themselves in a position to be, like whites.

A country like China is orderly, has strong social cohesion, strong economy, big military, is highly nationalistic. They're doing the basics right. As long as they stick to it, they're good for generations.

>replacement isn't a real thing, goyim

Can anyone honestly say the world will be better off for it?

Theyre going to be sacrificed to prevent the 6th turning.

It's not 2050 yet, Shlomo.

China works on efficiency like a ant not ego boosts you super sperg. we get it you want niggers to be genocided but it won't happen China is just trying to get the last remaining resources as quickly as possible until there's no minreals left afterwards they will move to some other contient like Brazil latin America and do the same thing.

You aren't African just some black (moor),Arab rape baby.

>Niggers are an extinction level event
>this has all probably happened before
>a people that conquered the stars
>no match for gibsmedat feefees.jpg

>beg for gibs
Yeah, except he means when the West is bankrupt and can't afford to feed a billion niggers anymore. What do you think will happen when the food and medical aid that keeps hundreds of millions of Africans alive stops flowing? The 21st century is going to be a hell of a ride.

Cheap Labour to extract minerals and make chinkshit as China transitions to a more service based economy.

If you think that food aid is forever
I have bad news for you.

dumb niggers don't know how to farm
don't let me spell it out

>implying the USA will be maintaining the global system for African growth to continue


The only reason Africa can currently do this is America sending them money (and euros to a lesser extent) and the US making sure its easy to ship goods to and from Africa

That is ending. Within 5 years starvation will be back in Africa.

they can make a mean mosquito burger though! mmmmm

This is why the white of the world have to find a way to genocide blacks and browns before it is too late.

Imagine having to teach basic ballistics to a bunch of 60 IQ bantus

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>Teachers imperial subjects how to use guns
Did they learn absolutely nothing from the British?

>implying super ebola won't evolve to counter this level of ... growth

Strong social cohesion? Strong military? Christ how dumb are you. Paper tiger army and only a decade at most from total societal rebellion.

Bruh that's 30 years were gonna be dead

That's where you are wrong there will be a genocide. It will be the whites who go, invaded by foreigner and their white women giving birth to niggers.

Yep. We lost. Came so close to winning too.

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once white people go extinct there will be no "repercussions" if the chinese decide to genocide africa.

what you think its gonna happen when the world becomes africanized (assuming no genocide scenario)?
the anwer is everything will be mismanaged and money will stop flowing within the countries that were donating, then no more checks to those receiving donations, then planet of the apes ensues

>Imagine when the food aid stops.
>Africa gonna become IRL Fortnite.
food aid is a slow poison that is killing africans.
Giving just enough to keep them wanting but not enough to actually get them out of the pit, that's without getting into the fact that so many african governments are pretty fucking corrupt and will be damned if they let a small speck of that food aid drip reach those that are actually in need (unless it's election week, then suddenly there's no more power outs and people in the slums are actually being helped).

>Doubling their size is going to be their own problem more than ours
This used to be said about the chinese.

>war in africa
I remember there was a story that I think was from the Rhodesian war about captured black African guns with the sites dialed up to the max range and when questioned the blacks said they thought the bigger number mean the guns hit harder or some shit.

chinese are already killing blacks here in big numbers


"Oh look mom I wrote my cringe pol fantasy again"

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Oh look another sourceless linkless claim let me guess a shopped imgaine is evidence


End White People Now



When the whites are gone the vast majority of Africans will die from starvation and the rest will be enslaved by chinks.

You haven't even begun to know what suffering is until you've lived as slaves under asian rule.

>Cheap Labour to extract minerals and make chinkshit as China transitions to a more service based economy.
china used to be the place for cheap labour, extracting minerals and making cheap shit, just as america used to be, just as the UK used to be.
the pattern is quite obvious.

Where are the large numbers being killed? Do you know what a large number is?

And it's still true

>dumb niggers don't know how to farm
I guess my ghanaian grandma's farm is completely fake then...
The arrogance of you europeans will be your downfall.

north africa, but they are moving down south to here because we are taking massive loans now.

>Please come back whites, I can't buy bread with six trillion nigger dollars

More like African't

Attached: african't.jpg (2093x608, 297K)

once the threshold of white life support is exceeded by african birthrates they will die off in mass. nature is incapable of being a quarter african.

That's not killing you dutch negro mutt sperg kys and come back with facts instead of fantasies

>And it's still true
haven't you noticed how the pendelum of power has been swinging towards the east?
do you think china's booming population has done nothing to help that?

Imagine the smell

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>what you think its gonna happen when the world becomes africanized
massive depopulation programs with a few jews on top managing their black slaves in their new found utopia.

Blacks do mostly subsistence farming in a few acres.

Food aid?
Just stop giving them malaria medicine and 500 million will be dead within 5 years

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>And no they won't be a chink genocide

Don't count on that, Achmad. The Chinks wouldn't hesitate to kill every single African if the cost/benefit analysis worked out in their favor.

Why'd you suck off a nigger fag

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Once whites go blacks are done

So all that money dumped in Africa medicine by Microsoft et al... fucked over the rest of humanity, thanks

dont bother asking. Youre likely talking to a xhosa idiot. I have to deal with this sub-60 iq shit daily

>tell cleaner to rake leaves in parking
>the kaffir does, then leaves the rake and a pile of leaves
>goes home
>next day i ask him what the fuck is wrong with him
>'hawu boss, you didnt tell me to throw away the leaves or put away the rake when im done'

dont try to reason wih a nigger, they are incapable of it

clean your keyboard

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No, they lost. All those future nigger children born into a world where there are no white men to feed them. Billions will die of starvation. So I ask again, how did we lose?

This data is just proof women prefer black men. If it weren't for slavery, the numbers would be high. I mean, look at the increase since the civil rights, now that the stigma is virtually gone, women are choosing black men

Climate change will kill most of the people in the world. Africa will probably be the hardest hit. Only way to reduce population would be feminism and educating women. Had a big affect in Asia.

They're already trying to kill all the Africans that flee to South Africa

The data proves women prefer black men. If they preferred whites then half the population wouldn't be black in 80 years. Look at the increase over the last 50 years. Get over it

Can't blame women for just blacks. It's their freedom. Sounds like you're jealous they are breeding with them, not you lol

>The data proves women prefer black men
what data?


>Falling for the bait.

The study OP posted, moron

The chinese already have cheap labor and it's arguably the most subservient cheap labor.
Sure they could grab the non renewable resources and go. They've also spent a fuckload of money developing crops that will thrive in Africa. The chinese don't have a whole lot of farm-able land in their country and with how badly they treat the environment that amount of land is shrinking. Make no mistake they do plan on farming.

>Blacks do mostly subsistence farming in a few acres.
don't move that user's goalposts, he stated that "dumb niggers don't know how to farm" not "dumb niggers only know how to do mostly subsistence farming in a few acres".

It's not bait. If half of the population will be African by 2100, that means women are choosing African men. It's preference. Look at the population growth of blacks since the 1960s. It's obvious that it would be higher if there wasn't stigma attached to date black males before the civil rights act.

stfu spaghetti
>a literally fucking screenshot
>it's true goyim you have to trust me

that s not a study you dumb nigger. niggers will be more cause niggers in africa make 6 children each. you dumb low iq idiot .

How is 25% of the world be nog?
It takes at least one white man to feed one.
As the white % goes down, so will the African-African-American number.

At about 15% they'll start eating each other.

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