No one talking about this?

Only happened 30min ago

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this is somalia tier news, aka no one cares when niggers get into a tragedy

it's a false flag by the Internet Research Agency, read the mueller report

New IRA probably. Interesting to see what affect this will have on Brexit talks

They're firing bombs at people now?

She probably died from the car bomb.

i don't speak spanish

The Irish are the niggers of Europe, change my mind.

BBC reckons she got shot.

did someone steal their potatos?

is the NIRA an actual thing? i read that all of the old PIRA members are old now and that the NIRA is more millennial fascist/communist than irish republican



fookin' huguenots!

>i read that all of the old PIRA members are old now and that the NIRA is more millennial fascist/communist than irish republican
Pretty much. I don't like NIRA. I feel they're larpers trying to follow in their fathers footsteps even though today is nothing like The Troubles.

Oh damn. I don't understand how riots have broken out at 1:30 either.

Provincial IRA
Continuity IRA
Real IRA

Factions that formed after the original terror group signed a cease fire with The Crown.

Come out ye black n tans, come out and fight me like a man!

Anyone got that tasty sauce?

No one gives a shit/remembers your country anymore.
Mexico is the new Ireland.

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because no one cares about potato niggers.

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We can't let JackSepticEye get away with this!

I actually really like that show. The episode where the Polar Bear is loose in Belfast was really funny.

probably false flag bullshit

just ask yourself what the establishment gets out of this. if you cant come up with anything, then its legit.

Something I don't get - what is the point of "the IRA" in the era of mass-immigration? What's the point of "autonomy" if it doesn't stop you from being swamped by third-worlders?

No one cares when niggers kill each other. Try to keep up.

T. American Potato Nigger

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Video of the shooter

2 for 1 on drinks in Wetherpoons.
>thinks he can judge other countries

Your government paid and funded this with your tax Payer money

I could understand this tribal shit 50 years ago but now half of Dublin is crawling with niggers and Muslims. Get your priorities straight Republiniggers

I wonder if someone isn't feeling like spirit of the GFA needs some refreshing. Or maybe someone was just selling cigarettes on the wrong corner and pissed off the local Omar.

Patrick speaks the truth

Holy fuck.

Also we probably won't know any more until the morning. Just have to wait and see


>shot and killed
> She has written for many publications, including The Atlantic, Mosaic Science, and BuzzFeed News
>pic related

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>Nobody talking about it less than an hour after it started
>Is surprised
Lay off the potatoes for a bit senpai

Imagine the size of that bush and armpit hair.

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Of the Orange persuasion, apparently.

oh no not ireland

what are you pats upset about now.

Wasn't Nancy Pelosi there just today?

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I remember reading somewhere how the IRA who fought against foreign tyranny for generations welcomed Muslim refugees in with open arms, ive been to Ireland, you guys have a lot of great things to preserve, get your shit straight

Is the IRA pro EU? Seems pretty cucked if they were

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Free Derry... home...

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It's an outrage!

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EU is probably covertly funding them.

their accents are cool and their attractive women are god-tier. not so with niggers

No they just see Brexit as a time to cause shit and stoke Irish nationalism


2 for 2. That STTNG clip is brilliant. "Dirty Laundry" reminds me of watching Dr. Gene Scott on Sunday afternoons in California. He was a TV Preacher who used it as background music while he waited for the cash to come rolling in.

Seems same old, same old in Londonderry

This is the state of the national conversation though. Fuck our media.


Catholic rebels taking revenge for the burning?
We all know who did it. French media cannot fool us. The muslims did it as revenge for the bugs Tarrant squashed.
That cathedral was worth more than their very existence. Make them pay.

Apparently she was a journalist and was hit by a "stray bullet" while walking next to a police van.
Crowd shooter aiming for police?

There's actually video footage of someone on the roof just minutes before it went up and what looks like light blinking as if someone was lighting something.

There was zero power on the upper floors and there was no welding or work being done that day confirmed by the actual people in charge of the renovations.
So the "short circuit" narrative and the now destroyed "maintenance accident" is bullshit.

Nearly 1000 churches in France in 2018 were desecrated. Another 140 were robbed. There's definitely a lot more to the official story.
>'The violence reportedly flared after police raided houses..'
Drugs, under the cover of some nationalist BS, same as it ever was. Shouldn't be shooting journalists tho, esp. not young female outsider journos

>resurgent Northern Irish sectarian violence
This drags the UK into the North at a time when the border is basically the only thing preventing Brexit. That drags the EU in in turn.
Fucking leafs, man.
Still, though:
>The Express
Literalyy the lowest of the low of British tabloids, which is saying something.
I wouldn't trust The Express to tell me the sun will rise.

>When the mechanic starts singing in Irish
>When the Boston harbor starts blasting America Fuck Yeah

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I've been looking at local alternative media and also from agentina, peru and one buys the "just an accident" narrative...


So when are they going to fight against immigration?

Ireland can go suck my ass

Based paddies

t. alex sheckleberg


Sandniggers or the IRA?

>be British
>maintain an increasingly oppressive police force that harasses everyone constantly over stupid shit
>oi these wankers in Northern Ireland ave been 'oarding supplies of unloicensed spoons and 'aven't been paying their spoon taxes
>time to crack a few melons
>inadvertently starts The Troubles 2: Rumbled Potatoes
Nice, very nice.

I thought James Fields was arrested?

hopefully the IRA kills all sandpeople in minecraft

Any streams of this?

Never relax around Potato Niggers

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hopefully the IRA kills the muzzies the british and the (((bankers))) irl

>terror group
You mean freedom fighters?

Over 2,800 churches in France have been earmarked for demolition and this project has been underway for several years now.

Every journalist should be shot, except for the cute russkies that work for RT

>he isn't siding with the loyalist
ok larpers

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Party like it's 1979.

Niggers are the niggers of Europe. Let's not complicate things.


continuity ira split from the provos in the 80s when sinn fein took their seats in the dail, a old IRA man who who fought in the war of independence and was anti treaty in the civil war said the continuity are the righteous heirs going back to the beginning

>terror group


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Financial Times reports : Purchasing of shares in fertilizer manufacturer's explode as tensions rise.

>papists chimping out in a papist majority city.

And people wonder why the Irish are considered lower than blacks

because they follow the proclamation of 1916, there goal is to drive Britain out and then deal with everything else. in peacetime they alway go down the radical socialist path and try to be like james connolly, its only when real trouble breaks out does the true nationalist take it over . and the north of ireland where this is happening is like 96% white. so immigration isn't a massive issue like other places, yet anyway. its unionism and republicanism that dominates the political landscape

link pls

Up the Ra!

could be retaliation from loyalists if she was from that side, thats what they used to do, tit for tat

IRA killed their own all the time.

The IRA should annex Britain and sell the queen as a sex slave to Saudi

Meh, even if shit starts up again, the most people that ever died in one year in the NI conflict was 476 in 1972. Most years fewer than 100 people got killed. Detroit or St. Louis are far more dangerous

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I know that I'm saying if she was a protestant they might go out and try to kill a catholic thats what they done for years

Londonderry is like 80% papist. It was probably one of their own

Fucking hell, I love the Irish.

Yeah people being killed maybe its not as bad as some american cities but The RA literally blow cities up, you just don't hear about the ones where people died, they hit financial targets like fuck to try and bring down the economy to get Britain to leave. then the town and anywhere of value is off limits to people and your confined to the area you live in because bombs are going off all the time

Yeah, I see what you mean,

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