REALISTICALLY, how would you save western civilization?

Assuming that most of you here are not super rich or well connected and probably either a wagie or NEET, how would you go on to save western way of life from the very beginning?

>What would you do to rise to the top?
>Once you reach the top, how would you improve our way of life?
>How would you solve immigration issues, cultural identity, debt, foreign powers meddling with our economy...etc

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I would pray rosays non stop everyday for thoes requirements.. But thats just me. So wojak's admitting he's worthless and meaningless?

>so wojak's admitting he's worthless

Derive your own meaning, fren. This comic is like a Rorschach test for anons

This comic be saying that bitches ain't shit but hoes and tricks

There is a considerable difference between planned action and the rampant, wild, and typically unsuccessful rushing of the unprepared fool. Plans are often turned upside down, indeed especially in the military sphere, a strategy can become irrelevant within minutes of an operation being launched, requiring an improvisation, and above all, initiative.

But, that isn’t the point. A plan sets a goal. Without a goal, it is impossible to see whether you’re succeeding or not. We use the slogan of the 14 Words as a general goal, but in application, we are nowhere near success on this front. What sane person can say the white race is approaching security? None. A population boom in Africa has that continent, the least civilized place on the planet, set to be the fount of fertility by the end of this century. Even China and India will seem small in the face of that savage mass of peoples, the swelling tide of barely human barbarians. How do we guard against this? How do we raise that sacred shield of National Socialist determination against the oncoming horde? How do we bring light against the dark?

Some would have you believe that salvation would occur in Europe. This idea is of course entirely preposterous. The demographics, just as those in America, are deceiving. Whilst countries often appear to be 90% white, or more, they are in fact going to quite rapidly decline in their homogeneity. Imagine two glasses of water. One full, and one slightly so. A trickle of water is constantly dropping into one glass, whilst every so often, a large swig is taken of the other. Gradually one fills up whilst the other, in stages, disappears. That is what is happening in Europe. Whilst the native population is declining in large chunks, as generations die, the nonwhite birthrate and influx steadily increases, in some places by the millions, in others by the hundreds of thousands per year. But always replacing those whites who are dying out and not having children.

Those that believe that salvation will occur in Europe are equally deluded in their lack of appreciation for the reality, still even at this late hour for demographics. Look at the actual content of the respective populations. White people are getting older and older and are having fewer offspring. Non-whites are young, are having enormous families, etc. This means that the middle-aged white population is supposed to spar with the young population of non-whites. How do you expect this to work out, especially when in Europe the population is unarmed, and further still has been coddled by many decades of consumerism? Our enemies are often imbued with the religion of Islam, which for all of its insipid practices, still calls upon the Islamic warrior to practice the most fanatic and brutal holy war against his enemies irrespective of the cost to himself. Islam calls upon its adherence to butcher and enslave their enemies, using the women as sex slaves and slaughtering the children.

What do you expect is going to occur when this fanatic enemy is finally thrown against the European peoples? Do you seriously believe that pensioners, middle aged men with their beer bellies, and young, degenerate children, are going to be able to stand up to this? We are not talking about the same generation as Hitler Youth boys, who fought with absolute determination and fanaticism in the collapsing ruins of Reichshauptstadt, Berlin, but rather, those generations which have been rendered weak and hopeless by consumerism. The convenience of capitalism, the 24-hour culture, the fatty foods and the dull entertainment has made our people both spineless and stupid.

No, Europe is not the answer. Lacking a sudden reawakening, and the appearance, miraculously, of arms in every white household, Britain, France, Germany, etc., these are doomed countries. Nelsons Column will not be toppled by German bombs, but by stinking Muslim animals. What does that leave us? Russia? Definitely not.Russia is Eurasia, a nation which Hitler himself recognized as a mix of Europe and Asia, completely unsuitable for our purposes. That leaves America, unless you wish to count Australia and New Zealand, which would possibly still serve a similar purpose, but are just as severely affected by immigration asanywhere else.America is in a unique situation. Unlike many western countries, it has an unalienable right to bear arms. That means if you want to fight for something, you can, whether you are going to win or not. It also means that whether or not you are going to fight, you can be prepared to do so.

The Pacific Northwest is perfect, in terms of climate, geography, natural resources, and demographics. Yes, the cities are liberal, is this not the case everywhere?Cities are to be conquered. Just as BerlinWas never a stronghold for the national socialists, Seattle is unlikely to be a stronghold for those advocating the Northwest Imperative. So be it. We will struggle anyway, because that is what is demanded of us. Conquering the cities will be part of the struggle towards final Victory. Adolf Hitler has made it expressly clear. We must make the greatest effort to convert those of our blood to our side, If he has dipped into degenerate existence, then they will not be recoverable. But if they are recoverable, then we must fight for them. They are our flesh and blood. Offer your hand to those who believe in the politics of the Jew, for they are merely unwitting servants. Do your best to teach them, even if at first they throw buckets of vitriol over you.

You will be working towards the spirit of Adolf Hitler in your efforts. you should always be working towards the spirit of Adolf Hitler.

The climate is prefect. the geography prevents the nation from being landlocked. The natural resources are abundant, and in many areas, they have been insufficiently exploited. Demographically, the state is white. Clearing out the non—whites will be a comparatively easy task. Bulldozing the cities after the liberals flee and replacing them with cities honoring of the Aryan soul, will be the labor of this century, and it will be worth it.

We will be able, through our efforts, to shape an entirely new nation, an entirely new amalgamated culture, all of the best elements of English and Germanic culture, into a single, great, Northwest Realm. The irony of it all is that Israel is a good example of why this kind of state Works. Of course, Israel has had enormous of advantages, such as an unlimited reservoir of positive foreign opinion.But that is hardly the point. The point is that a small homogeneous, with a comparatively small number of inhabitant state, has managed to bring the sidewalks of New York to the land of the Bedouin and the camel, to a completely hostile land. It has done this through bloodshed, surrounded by fanatically hostile enemies and with the assistance of the largest superpower in the world, but nonetheless it has still done it. Take away the advantages and it is still possible. It isn’t just possible, its necessary.

By listening to Jared Taylor

We must secure for ourselves a slice of territory. The Northwest will be perfect for this. We must secure a future for our peoples, with an entirely new state. Since the United States is going to Balkanize, since it is going to collapse into a morass of civil war and self-destruction, we must ensure that we are in a strong position to take what is rightfully ours. The Northwest Imperative has been in existence for quite some time. That it has not been universally embraced is evidence of the major problem within the movement. Riddled with egotists and mini—Fuhrers, we are unable to move forward Some of the best of our people, instead of being directed towards the Pacific Northwest, are told to invest themselves in entirely contrary thinking.

That there will be some continent spanning race war, or that there will be a complete takeover of the entire United States by some far right entity. In the first case, if there is a race war, then whites will inevitably lose in the South, and in the North-east, the liberal enclaves and Jewish strongholds will assume complete control. In the Northwest there is fertile land for a concentrated National Socialist vanguard to guarantee the creation of a Northwest Realm. The Northwest Imperative demands the creation of a political entity. This exists already in the form of the Northwest Front, led by its spokesperson, Harold Covington, the primary agitator for the Northwest Imperative. He is typically derided by those in the so-called alt-right for demanding too much, and for purity spiraling, and yet his demands are, in myview, insufficient, and his purity spiraling is merely an example of why the alt—right is never set to succeed. You must demand an absolute upstanding quality of your own followers if you are yourself to lead them to victory.

i wouldn’t. i want the normies to suffer. faster. we can go much faster.

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You cannot have a collectionof lackluster individuals if you expect to utterly smash Jewry. Compromises will not be made. Adolf Hitler has taught us this, that compromises of any kind destroy a political movement.You must drive forward your world View with absolutely no regard to the consequences, even if this means your total and complete annihilation. Because it is better to have lived and demanded everything and then to have been obliterated than it is to have spent your life dancing around others, abiding by their wishes, and compromising for their idiocy, for the sake of only moving an inch forwards every decade. We say no to those who wish for compromise.

Exclusive, fanatical and absolutely devoted belief in the Northwest Imperative is what we need to secure final Victory. Those that deride this plan are typically themselves of racially poor background or are mentally incapable of processing a plan which demands actual movement, action and sacrifice. What people do not grasp is that whilst in certain areas, the Northwest may be liberal, a political vanguard of say 1oo fanatical National Socialists would be sufficient alone to turn around Washington state. By constant agitation, action, by demanding everything, by never compromising, you will demonstrate to the ordinary masses that you do not simply wish to change the government, nor even to simply separate from the United States, but rather that you wish to bring about a New Awakening, an entirely new world View, the application of natural law to human life.

As Hans Schemm remarked, “National Socialism is biology applied to politics.” We demand this and more.We cannot, and we will not succeed on the basis of a front which isn’t solidly unified under a single ideal, with a single goal and a single leader. Do not expect Victory under an umbrella term such as the alt-right, or even indeed fascism, since in both cases interpretation of what the final goal really is, and what final victory really means, differ so massively as to make any ideological alliance not only pointless, but contradictory and damaging to the prospects of Victory. embracing the Northwest Imperativemeans embracing a solution to our problems, but embracing the Northwest Imperative necessarily also means that you must be a National Socialist, as only National Socialism can provide our future nation with the necessary backbone to survive this situation.

How do you seriously think that the United States could ever be retaken on a national scale? Huge portions of the country have been given up to the blacks and the Hispanics and other areas serve as strongholds and fortresses of the liberal elite. Who, for all of their effeminate politic will not eschew the use of armed force to maintain their worldview. Anyone who believes that the entirety of the United States can be reclaimed for the white race is an enormous fool. And anyone still who wants this is equally stupid. You would have to invest enormous resources into deportation so vast that it would immediately surpass the migrant influx into Europe in terms of their size and speed. This is simply not possible. Since, apart from anything else, these people are armed and possessing of a unified identity in the form of their skin color, just as we are. They would not stand idly by like their ancestors and allow themselves to be herded from one place to the other. As much as they are savages, they are clever enough to understand that the beginning of any white resurgence means the end for them.

More to the point, what other options do we have? Stay where we are and die with an apparent honor? There will be no honor because you will be forgotten. Do you think these mud skinned vermin will record your last stand for history? perhaps as a footnote but not as anything else. It is unlikely they will record the history of the white race at all, if it is wiped out. They lack both the respectfulness and the intelligence to do so. No, your last stand will not be remembered, and thus you will deny the primary requirement of existence, to embrace the flame of life. To live forever through your own people. To live in their minds, and their hearts, by winning, and thereby securing a future for our own civilization, and culture, which is under such drastic threat. Things will still progress from here. They will still get worse.

Terrifying things lie ahead of us, but we must be prepared for this. It is likely that there will be some isolated resurgence of willpower and belief in certain places in America and in Europe. These will be more than likely to be overwhelmed, on the basis of the demographic imbalances explained earlier. When the horrific atrocities committed against our race slip from the abortion of millions of white fetuses yearly, to the active destruction of our race, the obliteration of our cultural monuments, the violation of our women, and the killing of our offspring to prevent our culture from continuing, will you act then? Or will you continue to sit around at the computer screen, tapping away in vain in the desperate hope that someone else will do the job for you. No, you must do this for yourself. You must embrace the Northwest Imperative.

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Time is running out. You must embrace this New Awakening. Educating yourself. Preparing yourself.Imbuing yourself With the Hitlerite ideal. Through action and willpower, final Victory will be ours. But we must take action and have the willpower to see this action through to the finish, in order to stand Victorious, commemorating those who have fallen in this struggle, with the inscription, “and you still were victorious.” No more people can do more. You cannot do more, than to learn, to work, to fight. You must embrace the reality of
the 14 words, and raise a family in the Northwest, honoring the National Socialist commitment.

Every single person must be willingand able to fight for the survival of the nation, for the nation consists of so many millions, and all of these people are themselves bound to their families. The family makes the nation.He’s protected by the nation. And they lean on one another, they godown together, just as you will if you do not act. You may be pleased now with yourself. Perhaps you have escaped that spiral of unemployment and poverty, which has caught up so many young white people, but you will not escape the final outcome if you do not act. When they come for you, when they as in Luther's hymn, take wife, goods, child, and life, will you be prepared to stop them from doing so? Not without comrades aside you won’t. You need a nation. A homeland, as much as any other group of people.

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By standing with one another, learning and working alongside one another, the fight, when it comes, as it will, will be one we can survive. Because without this fanatical willingness to ensure final Victory, by being prepared for the decisive battle when it comes, we will invariably be annihilated, and we will deserve annihilation for our inaction. There will be those of you who accept other plans, and there will be people who tell you of them. They will even tell you that my position is wrong, and that I am over exaggerating this situation.Go with them if you wish, and you will see what happens. These are precisely the same people who promote ideological fallacies, promote disunity and who, ultimately, are in it for themselves.

The Northwest Imperative does not represent white flight. How could it? The goal is to organize a nation, a nation which can strike out when the time comes, and gradually, step by step, house by house, town by town, city by city, reclaim that which has been lost. If you think the land which you are on today has any real value, then you are wrong. None of the cities or towns live up to the European ideal. They must be rebuilt. That many of them will be demolished in the coming struggle will be a blessing, because they can be rebuilt from there in accordance with the Hitlerite ideal.

Abandon cities and create towns with churches, libraries, and schools. Do not allow smartphones. Only locally-run TV and intranet (no internet) would be allowed.

sorry i thought you were done

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The old will be swept away, crushed under the weight of the crisis, and afterword, up will rise the new, in the image of the greatest periods of European history.Instead of cities built for the purpose of the moment, we’ll have cities built for the purpose of the millennium.

Our labor Will represent the work and prestige of the coming centuries, if we win. And if we are not victorious, if too few people move to act, then all that will remain in the absence of the white race shall be a collection of antique cultures. Great swarms of human beings without the flame of life, and thus without a purpose to their existence. And eventually, some cosmic force will kick over their antique civilizations, and this planet will rotate through the ether as barren as it did before man.

The stages of preparation, of planning, before the onset of the crisis, whether we assist in bringing about that crisis or not, are the most important.

The first part is learning. The New Awakening has a reading list which you may access quite easily. The reading list is provided to you with the intention not only of imbuing you with the National Socialist worldview, but also with providing you a context for that view. All too often people with a mind for politics will read exclusively political texts. This is quite improper. As Adolf Hitler said,

“A man without knowledge of history is like a man without eyes or ears.”

Our reading list provides the political and historical text giving you the worldview and foundation. If you follow that list, you will invariably be rewarded for your efforts with an even more fanatical and devoted belief in our cause; a greater understanding of the need for a National Socialist Realm on the American continent, brought forward in the Pacific Northwest.

As you educate yourself, you will quickly realize the need for the creation of a community networks, and cells within the Northwest, to act as a unifying force for those who advocate the Northwest Imperative. This does not constitute simple raw political action, but rather constitutes careful and organized planning. All elements of life must be brought over to our cause. Business owners, farmers, workers, bakers, mechanics, etc., anyone who has useful skills, and the ability to provide those skills for our movements, and to employ our won people, must be convinced of the truth of the National Socialist world View, and of the Northwest Imperative. It is not about convincing the general masses, as the general masses are useless to us, but rather about assembling a political vanguard, which also has the backing and support to pursue its program without the risk of severe economic pressure, i.e. Enforced bankruptcy, which is the primary tool of the Jew and his helpers.

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If a community of peoples can be formed, then these folks, who constitute a vanguard, will be able to gradually spread the Northwest ideal, unhindered by the authorities, unless the authorities resort to breaking their laws, which means the gloves are off.So be it. A decisive battle to the finish, and we will win, because the truth must win out in this struggle. I am firmly convinced that Hitler’s prophecy will eventually ring through, and that the men and women of our race, irrespective of how grave the crisis is now, will see that he was right. Only then will his spirit have risen from the grave.

All this requires; your movement. Your action. Wherever you are now, whatever situation you are in, whatever constraints have been placed upon you, you must move.You must disregard the situation. You must break whatever shackles have been used to keep you in place.You must move to the Northwest to begin this grand process. This great struggle, this final effort. If we fail, whatever comes after us does not bear thinking about. So fight to prevent it. Join in this struggle. Begin your migration. Make contact with the New Awakening, with the Northwest Front. You have nothing to lose.

If you believe you can ignore to fate facing our people, so be it. You will then be deserving of what comes. You may advocate other causes such as a new Confederacy, or a resurgence in Europe, but when these inevitably fail, what then? A good general sets out a strategy and follows it, improvising when necessary, but a true leadershows the way, and demonstrates clearly that only one path will suffice. If everyone who is currently listening stropped their meaningless chattering and directed their path towards the Northwest, then we would not have such problem as we have today, and my preaching would be completely unnecessary, because the wheels towards this final Victory will be already moving.

You must realize that whatever you think of yourself, however low your opinion is of your own ability, united as one, one iron front, we are capable of making this work.The naysayers, the egotists, the defeatists; let them rant and rave. Let them continue their bleating. they pour their vitriol into the darkness and act not, so let them continue. As I have said before, and said again, they will not be around to partake in the decisive battle when it occurs, for their very nature screeches of cowardice and weakness. But you, you here listening now, you perhaps have that flame, that inner desire to strike out and begin a life filled with excitement, risk, and purpose.

1. I'd find the crown in the gutter and pick it up
2. I'd go and conquer egypt.
3. I'd make everyone speak my language and make all non-frenchies fear my wrath
pic related

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What are you going to do otherwise? Exist purely as a slave of the Jewish machine? Toiling away with a back breaking mortgage, until your wife divorces you and leaves you to rot? Or perhaps you will not have a wife and children at all, but rather will live out a meaningless miserable existence, playing games and posting memes, until the savages break down your door, and put you out of your misery anyway. If that is what you want, so be it.But if you want to avoid this, join us, join our ranks, and through struggle, hail with us what we will create. Our faith will be the deciding factor of this century, if that faith is supplemented with action. I implore once again, as I shall do until either we have won, or I am dead, you must believe.

And once you believe, you must flight, and once you have fought, you will win. But to win you must flight, and to have the strength to flight you must believe and believe with every fiber of your being. In our cause, in our race, inour culture. That which belongs to you by blood and birthright, which can never be taken away from you, so long as you secure it with absolute determination.Honor the 14 Words with steadfast and absolute fanaticism, and you will, through action and courage, win the day. Only as a united front, with one ideal, one goal, and one leader, can we ever hope or deserve to be Victorious. The laurels of victory will be given over by god only to he who has fought, fanatically without even the slightest compromise. So demand, only the Northwest Imperative, and only National Socialism.



tl;dr become an ubermensch literal nazi

also move to the northwest into a white rural community and help build an independent cell of similarly minded people

there is nothing left to save.

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As long as there are pure blooded whites on this planet, there is something to save. If you give in, you become worse than the enemy.

>What would you do to rise to the top?
Form a small community of like minded individuals out in the real world. From this community we would expand and this vanguard would lead by example.

>Once you reach the top, how would you improve our way of life?
By taking the best facets of modernity while ridding us of the worst facets and adopting the best facets of the ancient world while excluding the worst.

>How would you solve immigration issues, cultural identity, debt, foreign powers meddling with our economy...etc
I'm going to green text these one at a time because this is making an assumption of reformation rather than revolution.

>End Birthright Citizenship and retroactive application
>immigrants who're not actively improving society are deported
>BUILD A WALL (Physical and electronic)
>Anyone associated with the NGO's who got us into this situation are executed as traitors

Cultural Identity
>End the Jewish subversion of white, Western, culture and only promote values we'd uphold

Foreign Meddling
>Take a staunch anti-Imperialist and anti-globalist stance

Jews burned Notre dame:

OP, if you're reading any of this, I need you to accept RIGHT NOW that multicultural democracy is an UTTER FAILURE doomed to collapse.

The system will not and cannot save you. The only possible solution is to pull out the diseased core of it all in it's entirety, and burn it on the pyre of revolution.

All who push ideologies other than National socialism are enemies because only National Socialism can save the white race. Their actions draw people away from the movement which can actually save them. If you want me to expand more on this, I can.