Another man caught trying to burn a church, this time St. Patrick church

Another man caught trying to burn a church, this time St. Patrick church.

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Yeah, a fat jew 37 year old student working on a PhD in Philosophy. Fucking tripped over his own low testosterone and spilled the gasoline, alerting the guards to what he was doing. Also, he didn't even wait until like 1 AM, he did this in a busy neighborhood of NYC at like 7 PM. Fucking fat failure retard.

>A page on describes Lamparello’s 2016 book, “Reason and Counterpoint,” as offering “ambitious and highly creative answers to some of the most vexing philosophical questions.” The same page says Lamparello has been working on another book project described as “a witty dialogue on arguments for and against the existence of God.”

Seems like a Zizek type fellow

Fpbp checked as fuck.

Good. not only is it christian bullshit, but its the church of saint fucking patrick, the one those irish cunts love. shame its not a pile of ash already

Go to bed Abdul.

no I have to stay up late for ramadan, can only eat when the sun is down

i hope your throat is cut, and you die slowly and painfully. your whole lineage should burn

Damn you Brit don’t mock the Irish we pushed yer armed military troops back with regular Irish men with a pistol hows that feel to know you your military lost to civilians. Also I’m just visting family in England as of right now

Patrick was Welsh though.

never said he wasn't, just said irish cunts love him

These fuckers aint gonna know what hit em

St paddy was Irish he was stuck on wales for a while looking after sheep is all

The church is in America though.

If you call yourself a White National Socialist Christian and you've yet to sub Rosette Delacroix do it fucking now bitch or I hope you fucking die by niggers! Tired of this shit! How many fucking White Nat/Soc Christian Educated Females do you know of anyway? Sub or kys race traitor faggot cracker!

He was abducted from Wales as a young man by pirates and enslaved in Ireland.

Irish have Viking genes. This is why British Jews fear the Irish. We have the spirit of the white race and all of its anger and rage in our blood.

my wife is one...
go shill elsewhere.

Vikings ruled a rather large part of England.


but they only settled in NE ireland and Dublin.

Jews burned Notre dame:

remember this next time they tell you the Notre Dame burning was an 'accident'.

The gene thief is in town, beware

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Czech digital digits.

isnt this the third, i thought there was one yesterday, anyone see that?

>Another man
who was the other one?