How do I start actually caring about women?

How do I start actually caring about women?
I see them as an amalgamation of their media tastes and they're never funny. What do I do?
I want to respect them and treat them fair.
But they just seem like literal NPCs.
What do I do?
I like the way they look, the way they laugh
What do I have to improve on?

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see them as people not women. if a woman isn't funny, fine, she's just a person who isn't funny who happens to be a woman... this sounds like some kind of confirmation bias where in reality you've met just as many boring/annoying men as you have women, but that's just an assumption. Keep it in mind

This level of judgement reflects something else... Are you super critical with yourself as well? That would be a sign of an anxiety disorder, negativistic thinking, or some other stores behavior issue

Not particularly, although I could see why you think that
I just innately don't like what women are
I'm pretty self-comfy
They are fun
They can be bright
They could be cute
But I can't respect the most of the time because of the role they portray???


What makes men better? What makes men not NPCs? I feel the same way as you about women but I also feel the same way about men.
I've met very very few men and women who actually feel like they have a soul behind the eyes. The rest are just people who live on auto-pilot.

Not exactly to do with the question
It's got nothing to do with women and men
It's got to do with giving a shit

this. they're out there OP, it's rare
although i'm sure if a cute normie girl hit on you heavily you'd overlook her media tastes. very superficial way to look at people

I feel the same way

I just don't like the way women are, even though I'm attracted to them. I don't know if it's a cultural thing or a biological thing but if women didn't look nice we would see how lacking in substance they actually are.

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Sounds like projection
"I'M not the boring and predictable one... THEY are!"

Why do you want to respect them if you see them as "NPCs"?

But why do you need to specifically give a shit about women? I'm sure most men don't anyway, they just try to sleep with as many as they can.

ask me how i know youre a woman

Good point.
But my point is that I wanna feel like I care
Like some kind of fag

I could send you a dick pic if it would help you be less... this, whatever you want to call this
Terminally single?

Good point.
But caring sex is much more organic and sexy than robotic "daddy" "whore" sex.

How am I being boring predictable?
I'm asking a genuine question.
How do I begin to care?

I think I started caring a bit more about women when I went to a chatroom online for people with depression and noticed that the vast majority of users were women. Made me think a tiny bit less about the idea that all of them live life on easy mode.
Also those threads on /tv/ about actresses that "hit the wall" at a certain age.

The thing is you've told yourself you don't care when you've come to a Jow Forums thread to wage this battle; evidently you care, the problem is you've disguised your care as this disaffection or even this dislike of what you think women are.

The trick is they're just humans though. For all the incel redpilling, they're just also people who just wanna do people things. Eat food they want, sleep when they want, wake up on their own schedule.

What you need to do is realize you're the one doing this and it really is as simple as starting or stopping it. I'd say you already care a great deal, but you somehow either don't want to admit you're feeling that deeply or you don't want to admit that women could have your attraction since that would seem like an upper hand.
Regardless, it really isn't something I have a puckish exchange for. It's something you'll have to deliberate on yourself.

These depressed women are only harvesting what they plant because they are NPCs.

Then you'd still be feminine in mind

You are probably right about that.