My mom has been severely thinking about sending me to a "rehab camp" for my anxiety...

My mom has been severely thinking about sending me to a "rehab camp" for my anxiety, telling me how video games and "cartoons" (she just saw me watching a streamer)
Basically saying how "games have hidden messages", and she wants them to retrain my brain

She judges that from small shit she sees me doing every day.

Is she right ? Should i believe her ? I don't want to tell her she's wrong because else she'll get louder if i ignore her, and i'm kinda forced to listen anyone because i still live in her home (i'm 22, in us)

Would it help me ? what do i do, anons ?

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Same type of mentally I'll mom. I ignore her as much as I can and if she asks me to do something like take out the trash, I just shut up and do it to keep her happy

sorry, telling me how vidya and cartoons are extremely harmful to me and why i have an anxiety disorder (diagnosed by several psychiatrists.)
She's been wanting me to stop taking pills and stop seeing doctors in favor of life coaches and stuff like that to teach me to feel "normal".
I don't know what to do, really. I can't even leave her home because i cant work so i'm forced to listen either way.
I don't know what to do, anons.
Yeah, but i can't even not listen because she's my mom and i'm living in her house. She's constantly behind me, too, so i'm forced to listen

>She's been wanting me to stop taking pills and stop seeing doctors in favor of life coaches and stuff like that to teach me to feel "normal".

while she may be crazy, there is something to this part.

meds shouldn't be treated as a permanent solution for behavioral disorders. They're a tool to help you develop, and to build additional non-chemical tools.

many people will just take the pill, and not put any of the hard work into self development to go with it.

is your life actually out of balance with consumption? Is criticism deserved here?

lol ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
dude your mom is an idiot
good luck

perhaps you could compromise and suggest going to a different camp where you can learn cool things and have cool experiences. This automatically cuts out video games and cartoons but doesn't focus on 'how they are the devil'

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Does this camp have anything to do with church/Christianity stuff?

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Sounds like a pretty typical mom who is out to place blame over bad shit in her child's life that she doesn't understand or can't control.

Go get real treatment.

sounds like both you and your mom have problems.

Your mom is right, minus the "hidden messages" part. Remind her of the satanic panic during the Bush presidency when Star Wars and Harry Potter were called satanic propaganda.

Looking at a screen, however, does make anxiety worse. You can keep playing games and shit, but you have to do other things at the same time. Then you will improve, and your mom will stop bothering you, because you're improving.

If you want to calm your mom down further, ask her what specific games she's worried about. If she brings up world of warcraft, tell her you'd never play such a dangerous addicting game, and that you know the difference. If she brings up something else, help her understand that the hidden messages are in the tabloids she reads, not in the games they talk about

>"rehab camp" for my anxiety

That sounds like you don't have a job. Get a job. Got a job? Good. Now stop being a pussy and watching LP bullshit like a kid watches cartoons full of pretend and thrust yourself in into the most anxiety inducing things until you learn the coping mechanisms to manage the techniques to get through them despite the anxious adversity. You can be anxious and still do things at the same time even if that's what makes you anxious. Learn to cope so you can get through those things easier and faster so you can bear to cope more of life's responsibilities you have to do.
Your mother is desperate to make you functional in the real world. You have to change. If you don't the real madness is going to begin after you come back from camp the same failure you were before.
Do you need help to do this? Doesn't matter now because someday there won't be anyone willing to help.

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>implying it's easy to get a job when someone has extremely severe anxiety
How autistic are you?

Oh my, it's not easy? Guess not being easy means that's it's utterly impossible to do. Oh dear no. Guess OP will stay a failure forever then. My, my, I completely forgot that anxiety is incurable and unmanageable. It's a fate worse than elephantiasis, cancer, and schizophrenia all combined into one. My, my, my, we're gonna have to do to OP what we did Ol' Yeller because that's more munificent than not. Poor creature don't have the capacity to change. Sad.

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Your mom is right though. Video games and all media give influence to its audiences.

Oh my god, dude.
This is a thing people get professional help for
Yelling at someone to learn how to cope else they're useless when they have extremely severe anxiety or depression is like yelling at a cancer patient to remove their tumors through sheer fucking will because otherwise they're lazy asses who can't be bothered to help themselves.

This is the kind of stuff you suggest psychiatrists and therapists for. the kind of stuff that requires a fucking camp and why so much of those exists.

A better metaphor because I know your autistic ass is gonna go "B-BUT CANCER IS PHYSICAL", it's like yelling to an alcoholic or any other kind of addict to stop drinking/indulging in their addictions otherwise they're just lazy and they'll always be a failure because they can't do it.

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If you can't even leave your own home without having a fucking panic attack, not just being anxious, a fucking panic attack, if even trying to confront someone makes you die inside and cry your heart out, you can't just learn how to "cope". This is like the kind of advice people who've never heard of anxiety disorders give and they're s o fucking harmful because those people don't understand what it's like.

a good metaphor is : Light anxiety is like having your leg hurt. You can learn how to walk with it and learn how to cope with it until one day it stops hurting.
Extreme anxiety is like having every bone in your leg broken and some fucker just comes up and tell you "just walk lol bear with it you fucktard", and since they don't know better, they try, then obviously fail extremely quickly and never want to walk again.

Op should get treatment. Op should be followed by psychologists. Op should get help and be put in a state where he can actually do something, rather than increasingly feeling worse every single day because therapy cannot work in his current condition.

You're the kind of people who suggests to people in severe depression to "go out lol" or people with addictions to "just stop lol" or any other kind of retarded shit like that

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>Your mother is desperate to make you functional in the real world. You have to change. If you don't the real madness is going to begin after you come back from camp the same failure you were before.
>Do you need help to do this? Doesn't matter now because someday there won't be anyone willing to help.

"Hey if I push this guy further down and make him feel terrible for having a mental illness, he will DEFINITELY feel all better and nice ! I'm such a genius"
t. you

Such terrible advice, my god
>jump into the thing that makes you most anxious, don't worry about breaking down or panic attacks, those dont exist haha

This sounds exactly like the type of shit someone who has never encountered an anxious person would say

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bro just stop being such an sjw about it. nobody gives a shit abt ur fuckin ""anxiety disorder."" shit like this is just made up to give lazy ngmi NEETs like OP an excuse to do fucking nothing in life. maybe at least try the advice people are giving you before dismissing it, especially since so many people say it according to you.

Based. Someone needs to put these faggots in their place, the ridiculous shit you just pointed out constitutes 90% of the "advice" on this board. It all makes sense when you realise the people giving this "advice" are really trying to stroke their own egos and feel good about themselves, which is why they turn on you so quickly when you point out how shitty it is.

Suck my dick, boomer.

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>Would it help me ? what do i do, anons ?
I was in a similar station situation once. Similar anxiety, but I was using alcohol to cope. So, my family put me in an extremely strict and rigorous rehab home instead of a home for people with anxiety. They simply dropped me off there with a bag of clothes and said I didn't have to stay there, but I was never coming home again. It really sucked at first and I tried to run away and come back home, but my family shut the door in my face. Living there forced me to cope with being around other people literally all the time, and learn how to engage with them and others (daily AA meetings lmao). There was zero privacy. None at all. You could not be in a room by yourself, and you were punished for isolating . You were also punished for not talking to everybody. There was no internet, and only one TV that 20 guys had to agree on one thing to watch, so it was always MTV or sports. Since I tried to isolate so much, they banned me from reading books, unless it was the AA book and it was with another person out loud. I had one or two big panic attacks in the beginning, one of which I fainted, then anxiety steadily declined. Got a job and earned enough to move out eventually.

In the end it was very beneficial, made me realize that I was stronger than I thought, and I was capable of handling social living. I may never be a social butterfly, but I can at least shut up and stand in a room with others without freaking out. Even got laid a couple times. 5 years later and I'm still doing alright.

You're right user, I have anxiety myself though not as bad as other guys I've seen. I know a couple of guys that have it worse than me one of them can't even bring himself to leave his house. Another guy is overwhelmed when he's in the city because of all the different people he sees from every corner of the world. The severity of anxiety can vary, it just depends how bad you have it.

My advice is to take it in steps, find coping mechanisms to help you depending where your problem originates from. Some people don't feel comfortable with the way they look others don't want to attract attention from the opposite gender. Find ways to gradually loosen yourself up.

If you really tried and you find yourself incapable of dealing with your anxiety, get some therapy that's what it's for.

Your mom is legit stupid
Sorry to hear you've been born to such a useless woman
I hope you break through

>send your children to privately run "rehab camps" because you failed as a parent and your country's healthcare system failed you