Game of Thrones

Which character/house is the most based and did nothing wrong? and which is the most cucked?

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Whoever decided not to cast a bunch of niggers.

Game of Thrones is garbage and GRRM wrote himself into a corner.
It's the poor man's LotR

The books are shit compared to Tolkien I agree.

The media too.
LotR films are much better than Game of Thrones.

Wannabe boomers are so grumpy and like shit tier movies. Yea, Rudy made a great star in LoTR HAHAHAHAHA!! Go Rudy!

Ill bet you thought Zoolander was cool too...fucking nigger faggots.

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They had to cast at least one though. Even though her character in the books is a tiny flat-faced jungle gook.

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Go mail a letter if you know how Zoomer.

I got into this show back in my cuck days, I admit, but I'm still invested. Once this season is over, I'm done with television forever. Anyone calling it a "great" show is delusional though. It has nothing on The Sopranos.

It's certainly not the masterpiece of LotR books.

But it is a complex, well crafted story, and a successful blend of political intrigue, fantasy, and (IMO) horror.

>>nothing wrong
Podrick? Banged some prostitutes but that's about the worst thing he's done.

Sam Tarly. Literally raising his wife's son.

Nah, GoT is terrible and the fact that RR can't finish the last book is proof he doesn't now how.

1- Sopranos; 2- the wire/breaking bad; nothing else worth watching, really. GoT is just a naughty mishmash of LotR and ren faire and history. Garbage. Stupid fucking bitch riding dragons. So dumb.

You have the big gay.

nice trips

>>done with TV

pretty much same here. Walking dead was good for a while but got stupid. No TV means time to do better things.

Bronn is most based.

Sam is most cucked.

I though LotR was boring. It's long-winded and all the characters are one-dimensional. He spends more time describing the landscape than he does his characters.

>It's long-winded and all the characters are one-dimensional.
Are you sure you can read?

Davos is most based

Sam is most cucked.

No, I can't read. All I can to is write.

Tywin was most based, Arya most cringe, Tyrion became an useless advisor, sam is a cuck, jon snow is a submissive cuck

This. /thread.

>It has nothing on The Sopranos.
Its not supposed to, nigger.There are these things called genres.
Sopranos blows monkey balls compared to the Friends.

See what I did there, k9 deepthroater?

>Walking dead was good for a while but got stupid.
yea, after the 1st episode ended.

>Arya most cringe
Aww, a gay kraut that wishes he was a woman so bad that he hates the most badass one on tv. Envy is not good, tranny.

Arya is the most badass on the whole show.

Then read the Children of Húrin, faggot.

Arya most based. Stannis most cucked.

>Children of Húrin
OoOoOo....the worst of them all. Just pull your D&D pewter figurines out of your vagina and play with them some more and youll get the same story.


>GoT is just a naughty mishmash of LotR and ren faire and history.

It's not just that. It's a purposefully bleak outlook on Western culture. It's Lord Of The Rings without hope. It invokes every degenerate thing in the world including racemixing, incest and great white leaders dying unceremoniously. It's depressing bullshit. Daenerys is going to get the Iron Throne with her mutt slaves and Jon the manlet bastard will become the new Knight King. It's the most anti-white show on television starring mostly white people. What Lord Of The Rings is to true friendship, Game Of Thrones is to degeneracy and the blackpill. I can't wait for it to end so I can just forget about it. In the meantime, I'm hooked, line and sinker.

better call saul is better than brba tho

these are the objectively good characters under the following stipulations:

bronn kills the imp
jaime kills cersei
the three eyed raven remains detached from brandon
the onion knight survives and starts his house
the hound kills his brother and never interacts with arya again

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lannisters, freys, boltons, greyjoys, white walkers are based
targs, tarlys, tyrells, karstarks, mormonts are cucked
starks and neither here nor there

Books are quite nice, series are unwatchable past first couple seasons.

the mormonts might be the most cucked

why are there so many queens on that show? it's like a feminist power thing.

>OoOoOo....the worst of them all.
Actual faggot.

Overrated shit. There were whole seasons where nothing happened.
Plus that ending.

Listen, leaf. It's not. I didn't think y'all had time to watch tv, what with all the syrup and snow.

Stannis is the most based and it isn't even close.

Most cucked is probably the Tyrells.

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Fuck off back to /tv/ retard, the books are better

Yeah, i tried to get into it. Just couldn't. Everybody always tells me how great it is. Fell asleep watching the first episode on 2 different occasions. Wasn't even tired when i started watching. Seems like it promotes degeneracy more than anything, the way people describe it.


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He has two to finish

first 2 seasons of Vikings were pretty good, and I liked Hannibal minus the gay shit and a few of the stupid CSI-esque derails it took along the way, overall though the production, acting, music, camera work, atmosphere, and central plot were all really good.

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It's the only series i've watched multiple times. I still can't put my finger on why it is i like it. I can see how people wouldn't like it, i didn't think it was all that until i watched it again. It's actually a really dark comedy, more than a drama, in my opinion. Very well acted.

the hound is based

sam is literally cucked.

holy shit youre an idiot

HBOs Rome is more based than any of those.

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Actually, it's more akin to a poor man's Final Fantasy Tactics.

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Will have to remember that. Peaky blinders was pretty good, too. kinda forgot about it.

the big gladiator scene where what his face fights like 8 gladiators in a row is a bit little much.

no way
however its very interesting to watch brba characters past stories unfold in call saul. but yeah breaking bad is GOAT

The Starks are the most cucked, next in line would probably be the Freys.

Most based is probably house Targaryen

oh ya i watched first season of peaky blinders, might watch more at some point

I love Tolkien but the books ASOFI are very good, imo they are comparable; ones high fantasy the other is low

>most based is Targaryen

>Nah, GoT is terrible and the fact that RR can't finish the last book is proof he doesn't now how.
that isn't true at all but you clearly haven't read the books.

a story written in reality? fucking boring nice try wolo

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>Arya is the most badass on the whole show.
please kill yourself

How SJW is this show actually? Looking at OP's image... lots of whites. I mean it's quite degenerate with sex and shit but ok


This show is nothing but feminist propaganda now. The last episode was the first episode I ever stopped watching in the middle. That dragon flying scene was too much to bear. The show is romcom tier now.

>how SJW
Lots of gays, lots of GRILL POWER mary sue fighting, and a strange focus on turning men into eunuchs
So you tell me

hold on I'll Google it.

Positively brilliant.

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Each season gets worse.

Fuck, gay shit? Mary Sues I really hate, I don't mind a strong woman as long as she has a strong background story etc... Alright, I expected all of this

>Sam Tarly. Literally raising his wife's son.
his dad wins this thread

You mean all the blatant degenerate sexuality, torture scenes, wanton murder of children, etc didn't disgust you, but some cunt riding a dragon did?

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Basically every straight white guy who isn't from the Stark family is portrayed as either an idiot or evil.

A ton of "yaaas qweeeeen" moments but to be fair #TeamGirlPower does kinda get BTFO in Season 7

yah, at the beginning it really felt like this show would have a point. but now its just scrambling to tie up loose ends.

>watching game of cucks after season 3
All of you goys must have loved the man on man scenes

I wouldnt call them literary masterpieces but I read the books long before the show and thought the first 3 books were reasonable as with the first 3 seasons of the show desu but both went downhill massively from there, the books because they went on long jaunts about things that had zero effect on the story and were just rambling but the shows problem was more about poor acting and script writing than the source so much, that said speaking of tolkien think the two towers is one of the hardest books on the planet to get through, its utterly boring.

only idiots read fantasy. it's for children.

>first 3 books were reasonable
yea the first 3 books were really good. reminds me of wheel of time. starts off strong then it sorta runs out of gas

It's ether Arya or Tyrion...every other character has a major flaw.

Hound - Is a bitch & Killed the butchers boy
Danaerys - Sold into marriage
Bran - lazy cripple/fag
Jorah - Cuck x10000000
Theon - Murderer, eunuch, lifetime prisoner + Iron Islanders traditions are retarded.
Brienne - Full time servant wondering around declaring lifetime oaths to every high born she meets.
Onion Knight - Smuggler / flee bottom loser / can't palm a basketball
Jon - Oath breaker + man bun
Jamie - Incest / probably runs pornhub dot com
Tormund - Cuck + he's basically a caveman whose never been south of the wall.
Bronn - Slave to Money
Sansa - Mean older sister + stupid
Sam - Anyone who disregards their own physical appearance/health to that extent can't be based. See Jerry Nadler or Chris Christie.
Varys - gay eunuch...
Cersei - no explanation needed
Pod - permanent bitch class. After he became king of the whores he should have gone super nova alpha

In the show Sam is raising his wife's son, but in the book he's clearly raising the son of Mance Rayder.

u so full of shit. you probably love tolken and you just being a silly

I like Sandor Clegane.

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Based and Stannispilled

>burned face - ok
>multicultural whore - fuck her, got tired of her shit
>criple - dude use your superpowers already
>cucked moneypig - you are too old for that beta orbiting
>lilly allen's brother - enjoyed how the character developed from stage to stage
>TURBODYKE - fuck her, she's boring
>davos - he's alright
>smart midget - same, has good lines, voice of reason
>jon - typical hero, boring moralfag
>incestchad - enjoyed the development too
>viking brah - he's alright, less interesting than davos
>mercenary brah - he's alright, on par with the dog
>retarded thot - fuck her, she started all this shit, now they are selling me that she's some kind of mastermind
>funny fat nerd - he's ok
>dickless bald fatman - he's meh, another kike like little finger, i enjoyed him more
>cersei - she's a good villain, her son was better at it
>BWC squire - irrelevant

Sean bean, Captain Boomer at the wall and Stanis were more based than any of those

>strong woman with strong background story
she is this but she is a shit character because her entire character is "no silly bois dragon queen knows best"

book Briene is such a solid character. a real naive paladin with her squire. the show turned her into a huge asshole

>Arya or Tyrion
>every other character has a major flaw.
UGLY PUG FACE or manlet. But no major flaws, hmm.

>Captain Boomer

every character can be described with two words
>grumpy loyal sam gangee
>hungry rascal peregrine took
the books are alright when you're 13 but the films are overrated shit

>she is
lol no she's not

Pretty much only these two

That certainly narrows it down lol!

lmao do people still watch that show?

Joffrey is literally the embodiment of Jow Forums

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I hope the Night King fucks them all up, turns Cersei into a white walker and lets her rule over everybody mercilessly. But I'm not watching that shit anymore so I don't really care.

You cant compare three feature length films to eight seasons of television

pretty sure she's being built up for a fall

Yes, pretty much. They took what was, at least for a couple seasons, a creative and entertaining show and turned it into teenage girl power fanfic.

>strong woman
she is, thats literally her character
>Strong background story
7 seasons of her having screen time isn't a backstory now?

Arya is literally a failed mtf irl. dat skull. dem man shoulders. 100% boy

False - Ramsay Bolton is Jow Forums and the most based character.

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Why didn't they do that in the show. That makes him a much better character than him sniveling to his mutt wife.