If a girl lies to you saying she has a bf when you ask her out but you know it's bullshit do you call it out or just...

If a girl lies to you saying she has a bf when you ask her out but you know it's bullshit do you call it out or just forget about it?

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forget about it, usually that means she doesnt want to go out with you. Sorry

Why would you call her out? She’s clearly rejecting you.

yeah I got the hint but why not just reject a man like a normal person instead of just casually betraying their trust like that?

Don't ever call it out. She's turning you down, and that's that.

Sometimes girls think it's 'nicer' of them to make an excuse. And well, at least now you kind of know a bit more of what she might be like.

>yeah I got the hint but why not just reject a man like a normal person instead of just casually betraying their trust like that?
Because by telling you that she has a boyfriend she's giving you the option to save face. Save face from her not liking your face. Just say "I'm not surprised, you're very beautiful, haha, take care" or something.

Girls are usually cowardly and want to avoid the confrontation. Best now that you know she’s both weak willed and a liar.

If a girl is attracted to you she will never mention bf. Many who were attracted to me had a bf, and even when I asked indirectly they said they did not have a bf.

Because women are cowards. Doesn't help their cause that stupid men flip the fuck out once they get rejected.

Let it go you sperg. You think the answer will change if you call it out?

>I'm sorry I have a boyfriend
>No you don't
>Oh right, you caught me in a lie, What time should we meet?

What on earth.

Just forget about it. I mean she's probably trying to be nice about rejecting you.

I mean I was going to be casually just like "hey how are you, how's your imaginary boyfriend?"
I would never be actually confrontational about it, it's not a big deal

You want to try to shame her for trying to spare your feelings?
What sort of response are you trying to get?
"You're right user. I didn't know you back then so I was trying to spare your feelings. I don't have a boyfriend. I don't find you attractive and I don't like your personality."

yeah, that's the kind of shit I need to hear to improve myself
I'm not a child anymore

I'd reply to her: "Me too. But he hasn't been texting back. Boo hoo~" then follow with a hearty laugh

In those situations, or similar, you can tell her:
"So he's so jealous he doesn't let you out of the house on your own to hang out?" (or something similar)

Or more cheeky:
"So do something about it, get rid of him."

There you go, now you're not a loser.

The point is that no matter what you "improve," it probably wouldn't have changed things. Normal people don't date off of a list of perceived qualities they're checking off a list. This just wasn't a match. Pretending to be something else because this girl didn't like certain things about you isn't going to find you the right one.

it's not about this specific instance, I want to do better next time

I know it's not, I'm saying that what this girl didn't like about you might not at all apply to the next. Like, if this girl had told you "I didn't like that you texted me too often" but the next girl likes someone who texts often, you'll be doing yourself a disservice.

Do the best to be be the best you can be and want to be.

>Do the best to be be the best you can be and want to be.
I can't do that if I don't learn what my mistakes are

>learn what my mistakes are
I don’t get it, do you think this will happen if you confront this girl about the lie?

yeah if I ask
people are more understanding than most give them credit for

>betray their trust
What trust, retard? What "betray", retard? She doesn't know you and you're a retard that won't shut up and fuck off you retard unless she brings another male into this real or not

she brought it up like the first time we started texting, it's not like I was bugging her
she acted interested and gave me her number so I guess I just don't really understand

Getting angry when women tell you they have a bf to tell you off instead of understanding you come off as creepy and overbearing and aggressive and the type not to shut up and fuck off when given an honest answer is your mistake, and you are not learning from it

I would never get angry, as I said in my earlier posts this isn't a big deal
I'm literally just trying to learn
why does the modern social space have to be such a fucking emotional mindfield for you people?
it's not healthy

>she acted interested
All in your head
>gave me her number
A lot of men become violent when women don't do this, not even giving a fake number is safe
>she brought it up like the first time we started texting
So she told you right away so she wouldn't waste your time and you're getting angry over literally nothing, you're getting angry that whatever delusions you had in your head are not real, but that's only your fault you feed delusions to yourself, retard
Kill yourself

That's the thing though user, you can't "learn" what you did wrong because everyone is different and will want you to do different things.

>I would never get angry
>whines about "trust" being "betrayed"
Yeah you ain't fooling anyone

>A lot of men become violent when women don't do this
lol what the fuck, when has this happened?
>let me tell you about your own mind and feelings
lol save it

>when has this happened?
Shitton of times, go on reddit and listen to women's experiences
Also you're the one that used that specific wording retard

I learned not to give a guy a reason. When I do they think its just an objection that can be overcome. Only about 2 in 10 guys that ask and I turn down understand the word no.

This is how it usually goes.
Him: Say, how about you and I go out sometime?
Me: Thanks for asking but no thank you.
Him: You bitch

Not the only thing a guy has done to me but two months ago I declined an invitation and he punched me in my left boob, hard.

stop going after immature men

>When I do they think its just an objection that can be overcome. Only about 2 in 10 guys that ask and I turn down understand the word no.

because when the guy you want to drill out your roast beef flaps comes along, he'll fulfill the required objectives to get into your vag.

May I ask you how do you not get the immature man to not ask you out?

She's not going after anyone retard, they come to her and don't fuck off when rejected
You are the immature man

act uninterested or just ignore him

To all incels here, you're not that guy so fuck off

you seem very fun to be around

What makes you think that works? Because it does not. They just keep harassing you.

and you guys wonder why we say no
You're crazy

if it's at work then go to HR, if its in public threaten to call the police
YOU are in control not the thirsty beta

Thanks, all good people do think so. Butthurt incel retards don't, but then everyone else thinks they're no fun to be around.

>yeah, that's the kind of shit I need to hear to improve myself
>I'm not a child anymore
So if someone says they don't like your style and aesthetic... You're going to change it based on a rejection?

I'm not going after any man. The guy that punched me in the boob was a guy the company I worked for hired temporarily and the last day he asked me out and punched me. I didn't even work in the same area as he did.

why are you so fucking bitter and angry?
does that not drive you to be an anxious and depressed person?
I had to let go of all that shit before I could be happy
all us humans are like family sharing this shitty rock, yes even "incels"

Wow, you are so bitter? Why are you like this?

If you bothered to listen to women you'd know escalation like that comes with the huge risk of retaliation in the form of stalking, violence and death threats. Why not just kill the incel on the spot instead? I wish but sadly legally I cannot do that.

go to the fucking police, that shit is assault, not even just sexual harassment

it sounds like your anxiety is just telling you not to take action against an aggressor because shit MIGHT go wrong
you need to fully take control of your mind and your life if you're going to make it and be happy
get a fucking conceal carry pistol and if he stalks you and tries to hurt you put him in the dirt

No they won't. They attack the woman. You never, ever, ever say anything good or bad to them. You say as little as possible, do not look them in the eye and back away.

>drives women insane with his constant harassment
>"Why are you like this?"
Why are incels such hypocrites? There'd be no need for anyone to be like anything if you just shut up and disappeared for good.

Okay but user, what do you realistically expect her to tell you? Like let’s say you ask her why she rejected you, do you seriously think she’ll tell you something useful? Chances are she just wasn’t that attracted to you, and that’s all there is. This one girl didn’t like you, and that’s okay

So kill them? But I want to do that before they get a chance to try to stalk me or hurt me. I don't want to be forced to risk my life when they deserve death already.

Im the farthest thing from an incel. I'm actually family average but you sound bitter and resentful. Like I get the vibe you don't do well with men and don't handle it well either.

>Person MAY be dangerous of a rejection or may be a cool dude and take it well.
>Just put a bullet in him anyway just to be safe
Holy shit you are a legit psychopath. Do you have bpd?

>Gee why do women always threaten to call the police on me? I am just trying to have some conversation

If she is lying and just say this to get you away, why do you want to be with her?

If she is telling the truth and have a boyfriend, why would you want to be with her?
If she is willing to cheat on him with you, she is worthless as a girlfriend and if she isn't, you are wasting your time.

I can't seem to see a way where a girl who claims she has a bf is worth pursuing at all.
Maybe she is a cool person you want to befriend, but it will never lead to anything between you and her.

I'm married, retard. My having a good relationship with my husband does not stop me from hating shitty men that bother women.

who are you quoting?

Confrontation isn't in their nature and telling guys off with "thanks but I'm not interested" leads to butthurt guys becoming aggressive

>just to be safe
Well yeah, men are statistically a danger to women incels especially, so it's only right she thinks of her safety first. Your kind never turns out "cool dudes who take it well."

I did and had a lot of people see him do it and he didn't care. I said no and he punched. The fucked up thing is his attorney keeps having the court date reset and it could be a year before this gets in front of a judge. Each time I take off work and go to court and it gets postponed for whatever reason.

All incels everywhere

Incels are literally less than 0.5%. you are literally Jow Forums tier in using your logic you psychopath.

you need to take some pills or something, you are high strung as all hell

>I'm married
I'm extremely doubtful. Unless you have a super passive guy marries to you, I can't see any guy of worth being with someone of your attitude.

I don't use the bf excuse anymore but when I did it proved to be the most effective.

No, I'm perfectly fine. You though need to shut up, fuck off and leave women alone already.

lmao come make me you neurotic fucking bitch

>I'm perfectly fine
>Now fuck off and die shitstain
Yeah, perfectly fine.

As others said, they try to "let guys off easy" by saying they have a boyfriend. They want you to think that it had nothing to do with you. Yeah it's dishonest, but you gotta realize if they were honest and said "Sorry I'm not interested in you" that 75% of guys would flip the fuck out, call her a bitch, a whore, etc.

>fuck off and die incel
Nothing wrong with that.

well adjusted people do not wish death on strangers just because they applied a buzzword label on them

But I wouldn't!! Why can't women ignore one of the biggest statistical dangers to them or be completely psychic, it's not fair that they have a uniform behaviour that they also apply to me!!

Your obsession with incels is quite disturbing. You need to take a break from the internet for awhile and actual talk to normal people.

why are you on a board about advice just to sperg out like this?
>statistical dangers
lets see a source then

They applied the label themselves when they acted like incels, not respecting her decision when they got rejected.

>They applied the label themselves
who did?
literally who or what the fuck are you even talking about?

>who did?
Incels, like OP who can't just shut up and accept a polite rejection. Are you having trouble following the conversation?

That was fine and dandy before you went off the deep end and started saying to ill innocent men because they could be a danger. The same logic could apply to woman. Why not kill all women men have sex with because they could cry #metoo and rape and ruin lives?

I am OP and I've been pretty clear that I am just trying to learn, I'm not going to ask her out again
honestly I was just going to make a joke about it when I saw her again
you have a horribly bitter distrust and hatred of your fellow human beings and you need to ask for advice on that

It hurts in real life. How would you feel if a girl outright rejected you. They can say, Im not interested sorry or thanks but no thanks. Would you accept her answer or respond with why not and have her say you're not her type. Either way if guys are persistent they'll ask why until the girl just loses her patience and tell the guy to leave them alone.

The question is why even make a joke about it? She most likely has forgotten or moved on from it so making a joke just tells her you haven't and is a bit creepy.

because people make jokes, you're overthinking this even more than I am

To be fair, you are incredibly dim witted in the fact you can't grasp the concept of women letting guys down easy.
If when says no, it's over. Drop it and move on. You don't need explanations, you don't need validations. Just drop it and move on.

You both have a hard time detecting sarcasm. That isn't even op.

honestly I'm done talking to you for the rest of this threads lifespan if you're going to be this bitter and angry
you're not even getting a (you)
this is a place of learning and you are being poisonous


Not the same person bro. But you may have legit autism if you have not got it by now.

let's look at the demographic breakdown shall we?

>you have a horribly bitter distrust and hatred of your fellow human beings
I don't think incels are entirely human to be honest, but all the distrust and hatred you get men brought in themselves when you couldn't act like a decent person and you chose to act like a distrustful subhuman asshole instead.

Attached: gnfn9vy5r4631.jpg (972x3402, 432K)

>le text message screencap justifies dehumanizing people I don't like
you need help like seriously assuming you aren't a LARPing retard

Why the hell do people keep their exes contact info? I've never understood this. Its over, why even bother maintaining contact?

You just move on.

If it is bullshit and she doesn't have a bf then you know she's not into you. At least you made a move and now you know 100% that she doesn't like you in that way (instead of being too much of a pussy asking her out and wasting time wondering if she does).

Leave this one alone and move on to the next one.

For when you're horny, duh. One simple "I miss you" text and you're practically guaranteed sex for potentially years.

That's why the dude got butthurt at being rejected and called out over his turd nature.

That sounds pathetic lol