Is it receding?

Do I start taking something? I'm only 20 and my mother's father still has hair at 90.

Will post 2 more pictures but it shows the most in this angle.

Attached: 3.jpg (1920x1488, 434K)

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doesn't look like it. don't een trip. practice iron will and resist insecurities

Every male's hairline recedes between 18-25. It's called losing baby hairs. It usually stops somewhere up the hairline.
If you're 30ish then you're fucked though.

First picture looks too far back to me so I thought it has started, I won't do anything if you say so my man.

So what you're saying is this is okay to happen at 20 and not at 30?
I'm 20 and I noticed it only now

My hairline has been like that since I was 19 and started there into my 30s. You can't really be sure without monitoring it. Look for specific hairs and freckles. Photograph, check again in a year or two. I ended up taking finasteride for a year then quit because of the side effects. I think it was my paranoia because years later I still haven't lost any

Well I hope my stays like that, can I know somehow?

Mine started doing this around 24-25. Shaved my head recently to see it’s kind of receded at the temples and the very front is a little uneven. That being said, I have no “thinning” or bald spots anywhere else on my head. If it is balding, you probably still have some years. I’ve said this numerous times on here before: bald men have always told me unless there’s an actual spot or the front of your hairline has moved past your forehead then don’t worry yet. I shaved my head as a precaution but now think I can probably get away with rocking a tight fade until my 40’s, but bald me is not as bad as I thought. I just wish my chin protruded more.

You can only monitor it..I have been in your shoes and obsessed with it. The only way to find out is to wait and monitor with really good pictures of your hairline. It will take practice

Be advised that we are all losing our hair. The question is how fast... I will have a significantly recessed hairline by age 60 I'm sure, but now that I'm in my 30s, married, and only slightly recessed, I don't give a shit. Most men will find themselves in the same position

If you are losing it faster, there is nothing you can do. The drugs aren't worth it for most people, your dick won't work right. There is no solution, it just falls out. The answer is to downgrade your expectations for a woman's looks. That's all. You get a less hot gf and move on. Personality matters most in the end

I had a free Hims trial from a promotion. Is it really that hard on your emotional state and sex drive? Asking because I’m bipolar and on a mood stabilizer currently. Not OP btw.

mine's looked exactly like yours for a decade without any receding at all. It's a normal hairline man.

/this. If you get insecure about shit you can't change naturally it's over. I receeded with 16 and am 22 soon and still have no coinfidence but it's not just because of the hair but other circumstances. Also it seems like maturing in the 2 last pictures. That's normal. Only 5% of all men and women keep exactly the same hair they had as children.

People get scared too much on the internet about it.

No that's your hair line.

Just shave it, pussy.

Yes, although you're hairline is a little better than mine. You may be lucky and have a 'mature' hairline which is what is referring to. Don't count on it though.

My number one advice is that don't focus on it. Unfortunately (or fortunately depending on your outlook) you will need to improve yourself in a lot of other ways to make up for it. Do not dwell on balding and let it ruin your life.

My second piece of advice is to ignore people that say balding isn't bad, because they are either lying to you or themselves.

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It's not a definitive yeas. Otherwise good answer.

Rather be off dead than lower my standards, my standards are at my looksmatch and with my hair im about 7-8/10 without it I will be like 4-5/10, it will be horrendous. So might aswell not have a dick that works but keep my self image intact

>the total state of looksmaxxing faggots.

Attached: B5LIAFSCMAAxTzj.jpg (793x640, 39K)

whats your genetics like?Is receding hair run in the family?

Dude, same!

Vitamin D, you uneducated crackers

Lmao you're fucking delusional, with that shitty ass haircut and fucking teachers pet shaped head you were already a 5 or 6. Why do the most average looking people think they're fuckin poppin pussy.

I'm not OP you retard

Getting old is going to be difficult for you.

I hope I get a girl before then, If not I will just live a stupid lifestyle and die because of it. Rather die in my prime than live to see myself slowly decay into my death

Dude like 80-90% of white males experience MPB

Only 4% don't

>Is it really that hard on your emotional state and sex drive? Asking because I’m bipolar

I did okay for a while but after the first year I was sick of it. Your erections are slightly weaker, your mood is slightly depressed, and your libido isn't so good.. It's a weird vague bad feeling if having almost no DHT. Your regular T goes up so it's just... An altered state..I feel generally better without it, not just mood but energy too

>with my hair im about 7-8/10 without it I will be like 4-5/10, it will be horrendous.

Yeah but if you're going bald, you're going bald. That's it. You are temporarily hotter but you are a balding guy. That's just how it is. 4/10s fuck eachother all the time.. If I was a 4/10 I would fuck 4/10s and be happy with it. Honestly by the time youre a little older every 4/10 looks fuckable... Being picky is for posturing teens and Bros who are scared of being made fun of.... Go bald, get laid, who gives a shit