HAHA, the Wignats Are Fighting

Little vs everyone, lol


Attached: GoyTalk.png (861x522, 367K)

Little fighting Nehlen and the rest of goytalk over niggers, lol.


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they're on good terms Goytalk and Nehlen.

Why is Little such a niggerlover? Being against nonwhite immigration doesn't mean you ignore the JQ

Amazing how much damage Paul Nehlen did to his life with his actions on Twitter.
He went from being a legitimate contender to Paul Ryan, to having no associations with anyone whatsoever.

Even the alt-right has vowed never to mention his name.

Fuck off Moarpheus, no one likes you or your sperging.

>patrick little
>honk meme

couldn't glow brighter

You're a little schitzo Moarpenis, you're fucking cancer

how does anyone listen to these retards at all anymore?

I like Little's streams where he j-walks, they are hilarious. But his background is a little strange to me, always was. Kinda glows.
>be Pat little
>be good goy in Marines (thx for service bro)
>leave marines in 4 years
>get network engineer job, supposedly making $120k salary
>get culture of critique
>read first 3 chapters
>holyfuck my mind is so fucked, I quit my job now
>now pat, 5 years later, quit job bc i finally figured out it was the jews
>run for office, lose in 12th place
>do random streams to 30-40 ppl with terrible audio, only taking on the JQ constantly
>own only a boat to my name now, and am homeless, so I announce this to all my viewers
I know theres large parts im missing, but this is pretty much the main points. Why the fuck would he quit his job after reading 3 chapters of a book.

Oh God I'm so hydrated nao

Attached: jew tears.png (307x363, 98K)

Is there literally a single pro-white figure you haven't talked shit about?
You're the epitome of "Everyone is jewish/FBI/Mossad/CIA, stay inside and do nothing". I unironically hope you kill yourself in a schizophrenic episode.

Little was sperging hard, calling everyone else on the show Jews, him and nehlen started screaming at each other. Classic.

hopefully koningstiger14 has an archive of this, i like listening to this shit while im traveling somewhere

Is there literally a single pro-white figure who isn't Jewish, Nazbol, or supportive of Israel? I unironically hope you kill yourself in a schizophrenic episode.

Its just some passionate Federal agents having a discussion.

Is Nehlen an actual Siege advocate?

>this silence the kike shill and I am now drowning in Jew tears

Attached: drowning in MOSSAD tears.gif (220x146, 139K)

bump for /ourguy/ Patrick Little!

Attached: patrick little no one cares 2.jpg (1899x631, 152K)

lol at the fucking retards watching this


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bump for naming the Jew while being a Jew!

Attached: patrick little no one cares 3.jpg (1901x571, 116K)

ITT: stormweenies >Jow Forums

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Guys I'm just gonna come out and say it:

It doesn't matter that Patrick is Jewish. He's naming the Jew and that's based. I realize white genocide and Israel conquering the world through Jewish trick is unstoppable and now I support Patrick Klein because at least I'm entertained. I even posted this under my name for verification. Just fucking entertain me while my People are destroyed. I don't care if it's lulzy!


Attached: patrick little surname.jpg (1777x406, 68K)

wtf is this cooked shit?

goy talk is such fucking trash. they foster infighting, don't produce any value. it's babby tier talking points peppered with some shit takes on ideas that are way above their grade.
edge alone can only take one so far.

Sounds like he might be a bit mentally unstable.

Everyone is a jew. Even you, kike niggerfaggot tranny.

Everyone is a Jew! Yes, fellow Pede! This is why we must listen to TRS, the DailyStormer, Patrick Klein, and other Jew who at least entertains us! Then we will be distracted from our own genocide and will die-off peaceably! Don't know about you but I am ready to be replaced.

Bump for Patrick Klein. I can't get enough of the distraction!


Attached: patrick little dailystormer.jpg (3000x2742, 1.09M)

i saved this gem from page 6

Attached: patrick little jewish 2.jpg (702x1029, 505K)

You fucking Jews. Do you know what I have planned to release? Someone do me.

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In the big picture the jews are against us all. He is so j-woke that he doesn't want to fight anyone BUT the jews. Yeah there's incompadibilities between nigs and whites, but ultimately it'd be better for blacks to turn against jews too. Whites could deal with blacks if it wasn't for jews. Jews are his only target and the man is focused, so much so that he'll destroy his own life to fight what he believes to be the good fight.

wtf is this channel still up. haven't seen it in a while. also what happened to the gas station? also why did heel turn collapse the moment it started to look like it was going to get big?

what exactly did cantwell do to get radio wehrwolf taken down?

why does nobody on Jow Forums seem to be privy to what's going on this far right eco system?

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lmao remember when a 5'1" rabbi actually had the power to be intimidating on the internet

Bro be careful. Weev will assassinate you in all his 5'1" glory.

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moarpheus is a schizo but i do find it hilarious that weev found him threatening enough to supposedly want to kill him. i get a serious kick out of that lel.

As long as you're entertained and not resisting genocide then it's A-Ok, fellow Aryan

>clipart tier "fash aesthetic"
could this be any more of a controlled opposition zionist honeypot hahahaha

Page 4? Blasphemous!

Attached: Patrick-Little-DESTROYED.jpg (3000x2685, 1.25M)

Reminder that moarpheus is a zionist

yes, fellow pede! Moarpheus who constantly shills against Zionism is a Zionist! Anyone who says otherwise is a Zionist shill. I am so entertained by this change of events that I dont care Zionists are replacing my People! Shadilay!

>As long as you're entertained and not resisting genocide
>not resisting genocide
quite a freudian slip there, Moarphkike

Yes, goy! A fruedian slip. Please just continue paying attention to Patrick Klein, Saron of Mossad, and other distractiors so we... the superior Jewish people.. may replace you!

what's up with these small circles of right wing podcasters all saying goy this and that, it's fucking gay

What is your solution to the Jewish problem moarpheus?

They are controlled opposition zionist honeypots.

Define the Jewish problem for me. Then I'll tell you the solution.

feds should learn to be less cringy

Nehlen is a doxxfag that needs to either go full Little in the streets or go away forever

The problem of Jewish people existing in our countries

The only person nehlen doxed was a republican party operative who works for a jewish astroturf company

Do you think the Jews in their own Country are safe... after they have made Israel the new world's super-power surpassing America?

Answer my question

you claimed the problem of Jews is those renated to our countries and I countered that problem showing this is an inferior way of thing. So you, my friend, answer my quetion.

No, you deflected with a nonsensical, poorly formed question that makes me question whether English is your first language. What is your proposed solution to the Jewish problem?

Tell me what is the Jewish Problem and how the Jew makes it a problem. When you can tell me these things then I will tell you the solution to them.

They are pretty much clearing out lower IQ people anyway. womp womp

More deflection. Answer the question.

>How do you mean to answer the Jewish Problem?
OMG deflection
dont fuck with me kike

I already defined the Jewish problem. Continuing to ask what it is after being given an answer is deflection, yes. Answer the question, low IQ retard.

The Jewish Problem is Psychological Manipulation. What's the solution, Mordeai? I say taking advantage and fucking his entire gameplay. What do you say.

Attached: you, my friend....jpg (645x588, 57K)

More deflection.

why in particular do you hate pat little so much moarpheus.

you appear as frequently in these threads now that pat little has lost 99% of his popularity as you did last summer when he was at the peak.

i never see you in TRS threads. you've put together no new hot investigation since. you're not even in faith goldy threads or alt-lite threads anymore. what did PL do to you big guy