I believe Jow Forums is the proper place to ask this question. I have been researching WW2 and have learned that there are two sides of history on this. Help me anons, I am confused. What is fact and what is fiction in regard to Hitler and the Nazis. Any lists of books related to this topic, or links to articles is appreciated.
What is Fact and what is Fiction in regards to what we are told about Hitler and the Nazis
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Pretty much all fiction. Hiitler was the good guy, there were no gas chambers and no where near 6 million died. Of those who did perish was mostly from typhus not from "nazi's"
Look at these meme flaggots. Fuck off JIDF
Try looking up Holohaux in the archives
Oh yeah, almost forgot
>dead jews
Who cares
Look how quickly the thread dies out once you call out these retard kikes
listen to mein kampf
it will shock you how it mirrors today.
it will lay the motive groundwork for you
Hitler’s War by David Irving.
their hands should be turned 90 degrees
Nazi is short for Nazirite, White National Socialist Christian Nazirite to be more specific. I learned this and much more from Rosette Delacroix, White Nat/Soc Christian Nazirite minds should sub Rosette now! Do it or I'll fucking pound your little faggot face in!
There were no good guys, both allies and axis were funded by the same hand. Nazi Germany was financed by Rockefeller, Bush dynasty, Ford, Wallatreet etc People who idealize them have a pedestrian understanding of the past and certainly don’t understand the present since they’re mentally stuck in a constructed paradigm. Dismissing the impressionable zoomed who lurk here and regurgitate rhetoric, grown man embracing Nazis are pathetic and certainly lack structure and meaning in their life
Jesus was a Nazarene, as in Jesus of Nazareth. Sub to Rosette Delacroix and you could know this too you poor dumb cracker! Get a fucking clue already! I can only lead you to the door...