G'day Lads
Following The Leaders
> abc.net.au
Dingo Ate Me Baby
> dailymail.co.uk
Leftists On Suicide Watch
> abc.net.au
Happy Easter Friday Ya Cunts
G'day Lads
Following The Leaders
> abc.net.au
Dingo Ate Me Baby
> dailymail.co.uk
Leftists On Suicide Watch
> abc.net.au
Happy Easter Friday Ya Cunts
Other urls found in this thread:
>Following The Leaders
They shopped bitch tits bill's tits out in their photo KEK
I am moving to Perth in a few days. I can't wait to taste those sweet sweet sweet aussie chicks. Man oh man its gonna be sweet. Any fellow Perth bros here? Hehe
>inb4 fuck off we're full bot
Vote Anning Lads
Bro Perth is a shit hole. What are you going there for?
Daily reminder Conservative Nationals are the official auspol endorsed party and a vote for anyone else means you’re a poof.
He's an Israel supporter. Typical right wingers, all controlled by jews.
anning is a nobody that won on 12 votes or some shit leeemayo, his only claim to fame is he got egged lmao and now you brainlets worship him rafflylemayooo
He’s a boomer whose being slowly red pilled. He will get there. But right now he’s our only politician talking about demographics.
Hi GetUp, stay mad.
Fucking retard. Spewing the 12 votes meme is how I know you’re a fucking idiot, literally every senator third is below in their parties ticket gets fuck all votes because 99% of people vote above the line. Secondly a huge amount of ya have been with him since day one when he dropped his final solution meme.
^huge amount of us
I'm going to throw in a bonus Reminder that Boomers are scum and everything wrong with Australia.
Make haste our country is at capacity.
>Dingo Ate Me Baby
Perth is groovy. What are you talking about. I got a job with an oil company there. It's a beautiful city with beautiful women :)
I have to say, that I'm really not a fan of the aussie accent. It's bizarre. English, canadian, southern us, and welsh accent much much better
Came here to post Australian Limes.
> I got a job with an oil company there
Fuck off, we're full
Cunt we invented English for fucks sake. Ain’t no better accent. Youse can fuck off and all.
Intelligence agencies monitoring for ‘cyber security’ issues in federal election
Intelligence agencies will be monitoring “particularly cyber security (given) some issues that have alleged to have occurred overseas”.
>The Russians didn't interfere in the election but we have to say they did because we actually did interfere in the election, in fact to a level that justifies kicking us out of FVEY and potentially even declaring war on us
>Oh and we need to gulag Australians because the Russians interfered in some election somewhere
>Btw the Chinese are actively trying to destroy our country as we've been saying for at least 7 years but we can't do anything about it because all politicians are bought and paid for
>What's an Assange? Is that near Aleppo?
>fuck off we're fu--
Glad you could final join us.
hope my piss last me
Based as fuck!
>Mattys Modern Life ("Please take away matty's modern life, that shit is embarassing" - Anonymous)
>Morally Gray
>Ruination Media
>Lovely Porridge (New Channel after being shoah'd)
>Friendlyjordies ("Fuck off faggot. He's a literal labor paid shill." - Anonymous)
>Dave Lee
>Independent Man
>Gary Orsum
>Sentator Slayer (Neil Erikson)
>Australian Meditations
>Prep Aussie
>Krocs On
>Sydney Watson
>Georgia Free
>Bettina Arndt (Female Jordan Peterson, except without the Jews)
>Mele Host
>United Nationalists of Australia
>Nick Folkes
>Monkey King
Who Shire?
your mum
(but true, I guess)
this is what I will do to her
hit her with sticks?
yeah it's called domination
Based af
What suburb?
5091 reppin
Hobbitsville you fucking dag
whos the full accelerationist party? greens? socialist alliance?
Cool, you're probably a 10 minute drive from my house.
I only ask because there was once a guy from aus/pol/ who (I discovered) lived only a few houses down from me.
I might vote for them to destroy the country as quickly as possible. But I'll probably go Anning, just because I'm not completely blackpilled yet.
did he come over and give you a reach around?
Yeah there's been a few shire posters. Where abouts are you then?
Alas no. When we found out how close we were, I told him to lean out his window and yell as loudly as he could, and to see if I could hear him.
He told me that he was doing it but alas, I could hear no sound.
Probably 200 meters away so just out of yelling range.
It was a fun time.
didn't they make some TV show about your faggots?
I live in Jannali.
yep. Pinnacle, not just of tv, but of all forms of art, it was.
i'm waiting for the vegan tranny Melbourne reality show
Q&A? or is that a Sydney thing?
Who here "Best State"?
>tfw no qt gf to hump like a jackrabbit on easter
Sutherland is shit. Hills Shire is real Shire
>tfw no qt gf to hump like a jackrabbit on easter
You probs dodged a bullet.
She would make do the family thing for easter.
That's when you discover that her rellos are boring farts or braindead druggies.
You didn't need to post that pic.
We all know that Queensland is the best state.
I know your state is full but would I (as a NSW user) be allowed to migrate north to your state next year please?
>queensland best state
more like queenstownland
>I know your state is full but would I (as a NSW user) be allowed to migrate north to your state next year please?
As long as you send a pajeet or other import back across the border.
We can handle southerners as long as it is import "replacement Immigration".
Oh, and you must vote Anning.
>more like queenstownland
You're thinking of the Gold Coast.
At the rate that place is going we might have to move the border up to the Coomera river.
>oh and you must vote Anning
will do my friend, will do
You're in then.
Only pajeet and co would not vote Anning.
> abc.net.au
>forgetting about the west coast, typical corporatists.
that old faggot has shit positions, wants to start a non for profit bank instead of growing some nuts and nationalising the big 4, conservative corporatist cuck anning is
uhhh based on what statistics m80, fuck off with that faggot shit, whites are still in control here and always will be
so because he isnt perfect in every respect i wont bother at all
if he had actual policies instead of
>muh conservative values
he'd actually gain support, that old faggot is no different from the status quo lib and lab, dont pretend that bald cunt cares about you, like the rest he cares about money
queensland more like gayland amiright??
>sweet sweet perth girls
Are you serious? Lib / Lab pollies are nowhere near considering banning African and Muslim migration.
He also wants 100% free speech.
>aussie chicks
joke's on you seppo, only boongs, bongs and saffers live there
Vote Anning Lads
Or Burn In Hell
I'm low key thinking about being dommed by a tight asian domme,
I know I am a degenerate, but I feel like I need to try it.
Nomatter what happens to us, for good or ill, we will deserve it
I'm sure it's pretty gay where you are.
If Anning lowers immigration I won't give a fuck about how much money he milks out of politics.
Your talk of "nationalizing" the big four banks can only come from the ideals of commies.
Can we nationalize the bakeries too?
Queuing for bread sounds like lots of fun comrade.
Good friday is fucking awesome lads.
Bought 5 slabs of booze and hired surprise stippers for the boys at work this arvo.
Needless to say everyone had a good time and i am pretty sure everyone thinks i am the best boss now.
Absolutely degenerate.
Good Friday is a holy day, user. You should ask God for forgiveness.
>states controlling the currency supply is communist
how exactly?
>boys at work this arvo.
Thats the most unaustralian thing ive ever heard cunt. Fucking neck yourself
Hills shire best shire.
>states controlling the currency supply is communist
It's not.
The part about having to commandeer private property for government use is.
Or were you going to buy their shares of them?
At a price they would accept?
The only way to nationalize banking is to start a nationalized bank and use it to strangle the other players out of the game.
Interest set at 0.5% above RBA lending rate would do that and produce enough cash to operate.
>commandeer private property for government use
how is government asset seizure communist?
Sadly Anning has a 0% chance of getting re-elected.
Just felt like I should remind everyone.
Just because I don't think these have been posted
hang yourself like the wet blanket you are
You must be realistic user.
The Liberal's are going to maintain power. The flow of immigrant's is going to continue as it always has, Australia is going to be flooded with even more different people and become an even bigger unrecognizable shit hole.
Remember that banks are private property but also the shares are owned by many people and investors.
You would be stealing peoples retirement money that was tied up in super companies that invested in the banks.
>how is government asset seizure communist?
It would be outright stealing money from the ordinary citizens (ones that work anyway) and that sounds pretty commie or outright dictatorial.
The bank issue is more complicated than you seen to think.
>The Pilliga Princess.....
How do I get a job there? Will do "anything".
Daily reminder if you live in Sydney or Melbourne you're required by law to chink yourself.
nah my willy will not fit
>owned by investors
>using collective ownership to defend private property
hmm, okay then
>government stealing money from ordinary citizens
call it a tax then, problem solved
just calling things you don't like communist doesn't make them communist
stop watering down the definition of communism
you may as well say "satan", "literally hitler" or invoke some other boogeyman instead
aye, he needs to pay penalty rate.