How do you guys avoid jacking off when youre horny?

How do you guys avoid jacking off when youre horny?

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I jack off. Why shouldn't I?

If for some good reason I was trying not to, I would go outside and away from anything I would fap to, for example, the computer.

Lay back and think of the negative impacts my sex drive has had on other facets of my life, i.e. making enemies because of sleeping with someone’s girlfriend.

avoid looking at porn

By not doing it. How is this even a question?

I'm trying to cut down my masturbation tendencies. Currently I do it abt 4-5 times a day bc of summer break, and I feel like I might be addicted

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good fucking lord


That's excessive
That shit is going to cause problems for your dopamine system later on if you dont moderate yourself

I feel like its already consumed me
I always get headaches whenever I try to stay off and feel generally cranky
Good god, am I fucked?

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Everyday I try not to fap, but I end up fapping twice or thrice every night before sleeping. How to stop this eternal cycle of guilty pleasure.

Nah you can do nofap, anyone can
It will take a lot of will power to quit porn though

>dopamine system
you're getting memed kiddo

I go pay some sex trafficked foreigner to do it for me. It's much more satisfying.

i have the opposite problem, i'm dating this girl and i can't jack off anymore. it's like my body is saving all of my spunk for her. it's kinda annoying

Id give anything to have that desu

>bc of summer break
Get out.

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Take a piss.

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Flex your thigh muscles, takes the blood away from the dick.

Divert concentration

Thx that actually worked

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Do literally anything else until you forget you're horny. Do the laundry, clean your room, take a walk, basically anything.

Put some Bengay pain cream on balls and dick.

eat a raw potato

I dont or something more important is going on.

Get away from the pc man...

Add hot sauce to your lotion