Ok....I'm attracted to her now

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Other urls found in this thread:


So it bitch. Let's see how you get wrecked. Will be fun.

I'd cheer for cutting aid to Israel no matter who does it at this point. It could be Pelosi and I'd bow down and lick her wrinkly fungus feet.

hey trannys

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i wish that too though, and im as jew as they come

Go jerk off.

You'll quickly get over it.

She’s so fucking grotesque. These shills are fucking insufferable and the furthest thing from organic.

There will be never a non-Israel supportive US prez

She got herself cancelled when she used the term “occupation”

>three chambers of Congress

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Your attracted to the green new deal?

I honestly hope she or somebody like her gets into real power, would be the accelerationism the west needs.

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>he doesn't know about the secret cabal of immortal vampires that rule Congress from the shadows

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Should we let the libs have the government for a few years just to BTFO of Israel?

It'll happen not longer after the boomers are gone. Millennials hate Israel, there aren't that many Xers and Zoomers make Millennials look like Schlomo Sheckelstein himself.

Based mutt of indistinguishable amalgamation

>believing anything a DemocRat says

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Democracy is pretty fucking gay and Jewish ngl

Pelosi is a kike tho old guard too so she would never do it

I want to fuck her brains out

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Attached: Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez on Twitter I hear the GOP thinks women.webm (852x480, 798K)

The most popular Democrat in Congress redpills the masses on the JQ.

What a time to be alive.

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What brains?

Did you fail civics class or something
Senate, House of Reps, House of Lords

She's got crazy eyes.

That wouldn't be that big an accomplishment.
Why not get her to make you a sandwich ?

Fucking with Israel is a blue pill buddy. Obama did it better. Alt-right wants Israel to be an ethno state so they can justify their own.

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God she is so cringe

I think she's a qt.

Low standards.

Is it just me or does Huma Abedin look a lot like AOC?

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And your face is going through the table.

>(((Alt right)))

You, Milo, Spencer, and everyone else can go kill yourselves. Jow Forums is Christian, anti-Talmud, anti-Kabbalah, and definitely anti-Israel. You want a homeland? Don't care. Madagascar.

The symmetry of her face is insane.

Any conservative Jews moved to Israel to be with BB, only ones left in the states are super liberal. It is part of the reason Trump supports Israel so much.

Hey man just showing you the mirror of what you guys support. Democrats support American Jews. Republicans support Israel.

Kill. Yourself.

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Jews burned Notre dame (Also better be true):

Democrats standing up to the Jew while Zion Don is letting Netanyahu fuck him in the ass.... what fucking timeline are we in wtf

No. Tel Aviv is the faggot capitol of the planet. Kill yourself.

So steep the heat from AOC’s feet
She stomps on huevos and cooks scrambled treats
Or so steps on beans for some dank frijoles
Stirring in the pot her feet’s girly glaze
No punt of her boot nor jolt of her heel
Could peal from my pipes any joy but the squeal
A shout of pain, sure, even scrotal agony
Blessed all flesh struck by her majesty
Tucked into soft pumps or gliding in sandals
Thefts of her Loubs ignited great scandals
Keeping her slippers and flip-flops locked tightly
AOC’s schedule keeps her feet sprightly
Send your best goons, spirit me to your lair
Bathe me in shrink beams to squish by soles bare
Now but an angstrom and AOC’s nails abyssal
Lapidary escarpments, freckles and bristle
Her pheromones rain like atmosphere
Betwixt AOC’s toes, the saltiest schmear
Baptized in her funks, I feel so alive
Drenched by scents floral, cheeses and chive
AOC’s feet share many hues with rosewood
Toes not stubby nor phallic, like toes should
Asleep on her tummy, braaper to the moon
Her ventral soles loom like a scrunchy dune
Questing and climbing her flexuous ripples
Those female fumes stir heady sniffles
Rave for Alexandria Ocasio-
Cortez’s toes, Latinx pistachios


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Liberal is a dirty work is Israel. The two candidates running for president were conservative and BB as ultra conservative. That shit is on you guys.

you sound like a closeted homo

Is that a the eco rothschild in that pic?


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>you can be trad and homosexual
Kill yourself, satan.

>capeshit and somali-skank
Lower standards

>trusting what Jews say
>thinking that the most important campaign donations are officially recorded
you've got much to learn.

>implying democrats don't support israel too

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fuck it Im breaking nofap

Rare merchant.

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this will be easy enough

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Stay strong user. Don't touch your penis.

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If true, I'd vote for her

Democrats support Israel as a strategic asset in the ME. Republicans treat them like a divine "Chosen People" who shall never be questioned. Big fucking difference.

As zionists lose power as a consequence of all their constant treason against the United States, they will begin to sell marxism to the public in an attempt to foment revolution

three bullets to the back of the head suicide

The same gameplan they executed in Egypt, Rome, Russia, etc

>actyally gave me a boner, fuck?

Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has slammed Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu for being an authoritarian, 'Trump-like figure' while suggesting that US military and economic aid to Israel should be cut.

The Representative for New York, a rising star in her party, has insisted that the idea of cutting aid to Israel should 'definitely be on the table'.

The 29-year-old has been criticised by the Jewish Democratic Council of America for the comments, with the organisation saying that US-Israel ties 'must supersede politics'.

The Representative for New York, a rising star in her party, has insisted that the idea of cutting aid to Israel should 'definitely be on the table'.

The 29-year-old has been criticised by the Jewish Democratic Council of America for the comments, with the organisation saying that US-Israel ties 'must supersede politics'.

'I think these are part of conversations we are having in our caucus. I hope to play a facilitating role in this conversation and a supportive role in this conversation.

'But I also know that there have been people leading on this for a long time, like Congresswoman [Betty] McCollum.'

Later, she took the time to lament the 'ascent of authoritarianism' around the world, while also criticising Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu as a 'Trump-like figure' for his plans to formally annex Jewish settlements on the West Bank.

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Do it Satan commands you!

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Our support for Israel is one of the few reasons we aren't a third world country yet,

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>Republicans think this is true

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>yet another Scofield bible victim?

You have been decieved, user. Study more.


To be fair you won them and get to call up baby killers. I am still Ok with this trade we have too many people anyways. Eugenics was not totally wrong.

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Let's ignore current Trump politics that are as cozy to Israel as they can get. Us gov wants them to be immune to war crimes prosecution. Trump works for kikes. Fact.

Putin want Syria to be immune to war crimes as well. Shit he caused the EU migrant crisis with the shit he pulled and that state is still to weak to hold itself together. Nigga what are you even doing their the cold war is over.

>Who caused the Syrian war?

Hmm..I ((wonder))

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People like you are some of the worst kind.

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even if she had great conservative policies, she'd still have shitbrown eyes, a wide, flat, ugly fucking nose and a man-jaw and a fucking helipad on her forehead.
stfu faggot.

you couldnt replace that nose with any other nose and make her attractive.

Yeah. I can practically see the MacBook open in a conference room of freaks plotting this thread

Muslims and commie spics will continually be shown as the enemy of Jews and whites in the media. This is done to maintain the alliance between Christian whites and Jews in order to secure the existence of Israel. It's so fucking obvious it hurts that most of Jow Forums can't see it.

What do you suggest we do

If you unironically don't think she's attractive in that picture, you are literally a faggot. What level of cope are you on?

The I hate commie spic cunts kind !

The only rebuttal to AOC is
>muh gibs

Ironically, the fucks who post that dont even know the difference between socialism and communism.

Fuck nu-pol. They are the new SJWs

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Likethe good catholic you are. Kys heretic.

Not sure that it's a good thing when it comes out of her mouth. Maybe she's just talking on the behalf of Soros, trying to make us pic sides in a Jewish civil war?

>making cutting aid to israel a leftist platform
This is how controlled opposition works, pay attention.

Schmuck Schumer is fucking nasty

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fuck off mohammed


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>tfw mutts are more american than amerimutts

Lololol good luck with that