The boomer was not bullied off the internet or doxxed as people are speculating, the dude just received so many flags that youtube automatically shut down his channel with the three strike garbage.
Eternal Boomer Mass Flagged and Channel Removed
Musta been the butthurt niggers about his niggerslave video .
why would you guys do that to the poor guy
oy vey shut it down, cant have people knowing the Truth about the slave trade.
The truth about rival nigger tribes selling other niggers to white people kills the " white devil " illusion.
piece of shit retard boomer has no idea how inflation works and thinks 2 storey homes in suburban areas are still 5 grand each
youtube is literal trash lmao
His videos were amusing you cunts just had to ruin it
You niggers keep spamming this shit.
Yep. even if you hate boomers it was at least fun to troll the guy in his comments and watch his reaction.
Everyone who says "uuh its bad that hes gone now because I liked to watch his idiocracy"
pic related
that already happened here a long, long time ago
Watching an idiot =/= acting like an idiot. You don't understand that quote.
Jews burned Notre dame:
We live in clown world user, in the current epoch is saturated by the great honkening.
Antifa are the only ones that are triggered over this guy since he is basically Jow Forums. They were saying they would mass report his business for racism.
These threads are basically nothing but leftypol larping as Jow Forums to attack a redpilled boomer for daring to tell them to get a job. kek
Quick rundown of his videos:
>Exposed most mass shooters as being either Jews or niggers
>Defended white nationalism from slander, saying whites always get blamed even when its not a white guy
>Talked about the hypocrisy of the media that would have made a huge deal out of the kid getting thrown off a third story level if the races were reversed and it was a white man trying to kill a black child
>stated that millenials and zoomers are lazy and take so many sick days that they are losing out to non white immigrants that came from extreme poverty and actually show up to work
All of this and more is why leftypol has been attacking him since they found him. It triggered the YANGANG that are shilling for free money. Commies.
womp womp
He wasn't all that redpilled, Hes just a conservative boomer. But you are right commies are trying to doxx him I can see them on these threads and in his videos comments.
>You have to earn it like I did in my day slacker
>Pays $13 an hour for heavy manual labor
>$3.50 given inflation would be $22 an hour today
Nah I can’t put my finger on it
Pretty much
>neocon boomer
>hating neocon retards mean yang gang
Jesus Christ this board flooded with brain donors.
boomers need to be shot in the streets if they don't willingly fight in a war to end private banking in the US government, or at least let private businesses compete with the Fed.
its a whole shitshow
he ruined the planet
No attacking some guy because he told you to get a job while posting waifus that are used in yangspam and supporting leftypol that is triggered over the guy for "racism" makes you leftist yang gang commie trash
>buzzwords buzzwords buzzwords
>strawman strawman strawman
Stay mad boomer.
hahaha total loser