If social life and girls are SO important to you, why didn't you put any time or energy into working on it!!!

>If social life and girls are SO important to you, why didn't you put any time or energy into working on it!!!

I want to but where the fuck do I even start

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>where the fuck do I even start
Sacrifice your morals and values. Learn how to read social cues and body language, manipulate people, fake a smile, be opportunistic, and tell convincing lies.

> Tfw there's no game manual for life

Oh wait there are actually thousands if not millions of books on this exact topic but you're too fat to read even one

>where do I start
Well sure as fuck not Jow Forums guy, Jesus Christ
How much handholding do you guys need? The joke is you can literally google this shit and spend time poring over the resources but you're so fucking hooked on instant gratification that effort that doesn't resolve in mere minutes is deemed worthless.

You can't be this helpless anymore. You have all this shit and you have got to use more of it than to just piss around on Jow Forums hoping that will make you socially adjusted.

Okay here is something.

Get a hobby or do Toastmasters. You need to read a few books. Dale Carnegie has great works on how to improve being a good communicator, that will help being social.

Also work on your image. Hit the gym if you're fat. Wear clothes that are trendy and fit your style.

It's a lot of work but I'll tell you one hint. Get the fuck off of Jow Forums.

In other words get an MBA.
Good advice but worded poorly. Read books "what every body is saying" and "no more Mr nice guy".

Consistently hit the gym 4 times a week. Buy good skincare and hair products.

Then work on social skills such as complimenting people (men included).

There is a big difference in how people will treat you when you look decent, fake a smile, and make others feel good. People don't care about who you are, just how you make them feel.

>social life
>making things beyond your control important

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>Get a hobby
He wants a hot girlfriend user

Those aren't mutually exclusive and don't even think about trying to prove me otherwise

I have questions on mid range social skills. Things after the initial introduction. How do I maintain relationships? I do the slow fade from almost everyone I meet. How do I keep things going without coming off as overly needy? How do I ask and receive emotional support without coming off as whiny? Other people maintain friend circles, I am virtually alone outside of work.

Do you think playing video games and binge watching netflix originals are hobbies?

>How do I keep things going without coming off as overly needy?
People honestly don't care that much if you're the one always initiating things. It's tiring, but it's really rare to meet people who you can take turns with starting things without having to make it explicit. Give them space to breathe instead of fading away.
>How do I ask and receive emotional support without coming off as whiny?
Unless you're really close with people, that's hard. Once you're close enough, you might be able to open up without them disliking you for it.

Maybe to a certain extent, but you should also have hobbies that aren't just consuming entertainment.

What sorts of things do I initiate?
I guess what I'm asking is, once I pass the stage where I'm introduced, which I guess comes at some kind of meetup, what do I do then? How does it work?

Just go some place often and be friends with the people you see there. Then it takes no effort to keep in touch since you are already seeing them.

Where do I go? Starting dead alone here most times. I heard it's weird to go to bars alone and I'm too old for clubs.

If you've met each other a few times and know some common interests, you can always suggest going to things outside the group. Worst case scenario they say no.

>social club
>play chess with those old guys in the park
>literally any store that you go to often
>place you work at

>too fat to read

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What is a social club?
There are no old men in parks where I am.
Is a store a genuinely viable option or do I just give off the creepy weirdo vibe?
The place I work at could work, but you have to be more sure that the other person likes you, don't you?
I'm not really part of any groups. Do you suggest meetup?

just start approaching people with the knowledge that your first 100-200 approaches will end up horribly. But this is nothing compared to the struggles of your ancestors, be they warriors or hunter gatherers two millenia ago.

I hate interacting with people and most of the happiest times of my life have been when im alone. Yet at the same time im lonely and cant handle an empty house anymore.

The gym.

I'm too scared to go to the gym.


>If social life and girls are SO important to you, why didn't you put any time or energy into working on it!!!
Because I'm lazy. Duh.

Because I'm ashamed of my body (not obese, but overweight DYEL), and I lose my motivation when I see people in better shape than me, thinking I'll never make it.

No you won't with a fucking attitude like that. People don't go to the gym because they are fit and look good, they go to become fit and become good looking. And you should be doing the same. You'll never not be ashamed of your body until you do something about it. Look at those people that look better than you and think about how you'll get to that level with enough dedication.

savage desu senpai but true

>totally misunderstanding Stoicism
>can't believe how poorly you understand Stoicism

I'm weak as fuck

As someone who did work on both during my college years its a really short lived gain. you either get a gf and that takes away all of the fruit of your labor or you hook up occasionally until your 25. then everyone is suddenly "old" so your social life dies in the blink of an eye so you have to scramble to find a relationship. you pretty much get fucked either way.
