"Due to warming temperatures...

>"Due to warming temperatures, what was once a passion-locked mating ritual that lasted hours has now been reduced to just a mere second of intimate contact. If temperatures continue to rise as they have, scientists estimate that by 2023, the male leopard may not be able to succeed in mating at all due to premature warming of the testes. The future of these majestic animals is uncertain if humans don't take drastic steps in stopping climate change"
David Attenborough spells it out for you in plain words. Why does Jow Forums continue to deny human impact on the climate? Unregulated hunting and fishing contributing to population decline is a no-brainer regardless of your stance on climate change, so why deny the fact we also contribute to the climate?

Attached: Leopards-Mating-Our_Planet.webm (1002x822, 2.88M)

Other urls found in this thread:


If leopards are so shitty that they can't handle a degree or two without their balls overheating I really can't be bothered to care. I declare them to be lousy animals if this is the case, which I highly doubt.

We can't change anything before 2023
Identifying a statistic as a problem only helps if there's a viable way to stop it

Humans are the same, frequent hot-tub bathing destroys viable sperm significantly.

Nigga is a big ass cat thats fucking another cat out of sheer instinct. Fuck off with this "passion" shit

Our Planet (which the webm is from) is rated G for "general audience" and has to normalize language to be accessible for younger audiences. Regardless, animals other than human do exhibit behavior beyond that of "sheer instinct", so you fuck off by pretending you're better than an animal. You're not, you're an animal.

Conveniently I don't care if you reproduce either.

I just want to watch a nature program without having propaganda shoved down my throat.

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Defeatism can only make things worse, not better.

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Such bullshit, lmao. Nice try there Shlomo.

>so why deny the fact we also contribute to the climate?
Because CO2 has a limit to what it can do in terms of warming and we hit that limit 20 years ago.

Attached: co2-2.png (640x645, 54K)

If I don't get to bust a nut in a female of my species, then neither do those leopards.

Global warming is part of nature you retard

did he dieded?

Why the fuck was it up there anyway?

Melting sea ice from man-made climate change forces them to swim to land. Since they're not land-dwelling animals, they cannot navigate the terrain and end up killing themselves accidentally. They have poor eyesight and cannot see the long fall down. They're simply not adapted to scaling rocky cliffs, but when there's no ice to rest, that's what you've got.

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Oh noes....

you're only an animal if you choose to be one, user.

the other choice is ubermensch

I'm starting to believe that climate change is less about human impact on climate and more about slowly introducing the prospect of a human solution to nature. It seems like these jews are just going to repeat this garbage until everyone believes humans are responsible so that when they roll out pepsi ads in the sky and artificial chemicals to block sunlight the will to resist will be practically non-existent.

>the earth hath existed waste and void, and darkness is on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God fluttering on the face of the waters,

You need to step up your trolling game son. 5/10 effort here, you can do better.



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you just made that up lol cmon warming of the testes

How can he ensure global warming is the reason the big cats won't sex?


Just googling "leopard evolution" I'm being told modern leopards have been around for 11 million years. Am I really expected to believe that there was never a period with a series of abnormally warm years during those 11 million years? What a bunch of shit


>In recent years, climate change has spelled disaster for chinstrap penguins. Filmed for the very first time by our team is unquestionable proof of the effect humans have on the climate. Normally, these penguins have only one natural predator, the leopard seal. On land they rarely have to defend themselves and their chicks against predation. But with the melting of large swaths of sea ice, the natural range of the giant petrel has artificially grown to overlap that of the penguin, thanks to man-made climate change. The penguins have no defense against the petrels.

>Devastatingly, its mate can only watch as the penguin is pulled apart mercilessly. It's unable to comprehend the petrels as predators because it has only evolved to view leopard seals as major predators. Not shown here but captured off camera, the penguin's mate at one point took part in feeding alongside the petrels. This unusual cannibalistic behavior is thought to be caused by starvation in part to its ever-dwindling prey, krill. Climate change has reduced the once abundant krill to small isolated pockets which barely sustain penguin populations. Penguins bond and mate for life.

>The chinstrap penguin is primarily threatened by climate change.

At what point do you admit you're wrong?

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The only solution is depopulation. Im not a denier. Your solutions are a band aid.
>give me money
>eat bugs
>capture cow farts.

documentaries are based on science

if you don't want to hear what scientists have concluded from the evidence you shouldn't be watching documentaries

It's literally paraphrased verbatim from the Attenborough-narrated nature doc "Our Planet".

Or you know, they will migrate to colder weather... Jesus people

How does anyone know what the proper temperature of the planet should be. Seems to me that the Earth is warming up to its "usual" temperature after the end of the last ice age. I love science, it's fantastic, but when groups control or skew the results of studies and findings I get very skeptical of their validity.

>only the leopards who mate during cool periods will survive and reproduce
>this eventually creates a dominant breed of cold-testicled super-leopards
and this is a bad thing why op?

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I agree OP
Lets start by glassing China, India, the 2nd and the 3rd world
There, problem solved, cats balls saved.

>But with the melting of large swaths of sea ice
>At what point do you admit you're wrong?
When you say something that's true.

This is your fault user. Why didn't you make an effort to reduce your greenhouse gas emissions? The blood of this noble walrus is on your hands.

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link to vid?

So basically because walruses are pretty dumb. I'm willing to bet this shit has been happening since the walrus came into existence, animals die in weird ways all the time.

This. Fucking Degenerates

Who the fuck cares?

No, really. It doesn’t even matter. A single species going extinct is like Mother Earth clipping her fingernails.

>It's literally paraphrased verbatim from the Attenborough-narrated nature doc "Our Planet".
You implied that Sea Lions don't sit on rocks all over the world enjoying the sun and now only do it because something about melting ice.
While ignoring that Sea Lions have been falling off hills for as long as they have been Sea Lions.

4/10 for doubling down on your poor effort.

I agree. How can we combat this? But Canada isn't on this despite sharing the same continent as America. American is letting in hundreds of thousands legal immigrants per year, and the countries they're coming from continue to reproduce nonstop. Meanwhile Canada, with a population of just 37 million is blamed for climate changed and tasked with cleaning it up. But it's impossible.

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What the fuck is this fake news? Do these low IQ faggots even understand the global warming narrative?

This is the real solution.
But people who care about climate change and people who want to start world war 3 are two different populations entirely.
Which is why the climate is screwed and we are getting at least 3 degrees of warming no matter what.

And...the film footage has already been debunked

Those are walruses, you utter moron, not sea lions. Walruses feed in rich, cold waters and readily bask on sea ice. But when the ice melts, they're forced to swim back and forth between the nearest landmass and their feeding grounds. This land mass is literally an island in the middle of the ocean, there's nothing else around.

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Once these NPC's get infected with the climate change virus, they attribute everything to it.

>rising global temp makes cars balls hot
>therefore humans cause global warming

Fuck off you retarded faggot.

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And ice never melted before?

>confederate not communist

Sorry about the confusion there guys.

Also fuck you OP. Canadian cock sucker. Go kill third world women if you want to stop global warming.

>mother nature
Human's are nature, not at this relentless scale. Mother Nature doesn't raze jungle to plant legumes and palm trees and mine like Brazil does, pic related.

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that's why i shut the series down. After 5 Minutes they told me 4 Times about "muh global warming".
I just want to watch a Cheetah running after an Antilope and Stuff like that man...

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Getting raped by a huge cat with fur and claws for hours in the hot sun does not sound that great. This sounds like a huge win for the female cat.

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Still waiting for the day that someone actually mentions that all the actual pollution mostly comes from 2 fucking countries (China, India). Yet all the shame falls on western countries that actually invented and practice recycling and environmental protection.

You're full of shit, jew. Petrels have always been predators of chinstrap penguins.

>watches nature doc
>scientific consensus on climate change
>doc talks about the affect of this change
>whole ecosystems and species die
>Americans get triggered because "muh hoax, I don't wanna think about giving up muh giant gas guzzling truck that takes up two lanes of traffic"
this is why the rest of the world hates us

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>Species that can't adapt to the changing environment die out
Big if true.

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It is funny how they were all "Save the polar bears!" Now that polar population has exploded they are like "Stop the polar bears from eating the walrus!"

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Poos and chinks are ruining everything these days.

>I just want
You're part of the problem. Why do you think they need rangers to protect cheetahs in the wild? "I just want" doesn't last long and the next thing you know they're all gone.

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>>scientific consensus on climate change
that's where you're wrong.

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fite the powr!1!!

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You can't adapt either. Go on, go out into the wild an try to adapt. Humans change the evironment at such as scale that it's no longer the environment but humans doing it. And we're aware of it, unlike animals like beavers.

You can't prove it's due entirely or even in part that it is man made climate change.

Everyone loves science until it reveals something they don't like, such as climate change not being man made, blacks being inferior, Ashkenazi Jews being extremely predisposed to mental illness and schizophrenia, the sun being responsible for global catastrophes, and seismology pointing towards a hollow Earth, then they label it pseudoscience and conspiracies

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if you make a Documentary about climate change, okay. But if you cover it up as a Documentary about Pets and Plants and stuff and then aggressivle shove your climate change down my throat it's just fake. In every fucking sentence he's like "this beautiful earth will die because you have a car buddy".
it isn't even about climate change denying or something. It's not about that.

>Getting raped by a huge cat with fur and claws for hours in the hot sun does not sound that great.
9/10 chance there's a romance novel with this very theme. Women are incredibly stupid and would read that kind of shit

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>A leaf is worried about animals testicles not working

Absolutely nothing in that greentext is true except for the part about krill.

I'm going to hell.

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I fucking died laughing oh my god

>Unregulated hunting and fishing contributing to population decline is a no-brainer regardless of your stance on climate change, so why deny the fact we also contribute to the climate?
Those are two unrelated things. That question is a nonsequitor. Are you 12, retarded or just shitposting? Either way, kys faggot.


Species are going extinct at 200 times the background extinction rate. Since 1970 the world has lost 50% of its biodiversity.

Monocrops aren't very resilient user. What will we do when humans are the last species standing?

the worst thing about the climate debate is, that it's so political.
It really seems to be a new Religion since everybody is so cool and "Atheist" ... so they believe in Science instead. But they misuse it, and just blindly follow what has been said several years ago.
completely ignoring other inputs (east anglia scandal) that turn up all of a sudden and going full inquisition-mode. That's not how science works desu.

That cat definitely wants to the pounding and she was disappointed.

But how can we rule out premature ejacultion?

I blame the leftist media, feminizing our great cats. This is an outrage. They must be coerced into making male friendly media again.

David attenborough I fucking hate him, living in his huge house telling us how to save the world.
Hypocrite, live in a tent with no electricity and then you can lecture.

Impeach Trump now!

>On land, the brown skua (Stercorarius antarcticus), south polar skua (Stercorarius maccormicki), and southern giant petrel (Macronectes giganteus) are the primary predators of the penguin. These three species most often prey on eggs and young chinstrap penguins

Well, you made me look it up, so congrats

You made me happy that I am not a penguin who got raped to death by a very nonchalant seal lion.

I once saw a dead squirrel with his back half hanging out of a knothole about 30 feet up. I assume he got stuck and suffocated or dehydrated or something. That got me to thinking about all the weird shit that happens to animals that man never knows about. I wonder what the craziest way something died was. There must be some just absolutely ridiculous comedy of errors that killed something once.

Climate is always changing

Adapt or go extinct

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If you really cared about this you'd also be hugely opposed to mass immigration. Bringing millions of people with a low carbon footprint to a country where they'll develop a high carbon footprint is not the way forward for this issue. Not to mention the environmental impact of the travel industry. Do you oppose immigration?

You'd also be opposed to globalization. Producing products locally wherever possible, eliminating the need to ship millions of tonnes of goods across the planet and keeping production under western environmental laws. Do you oppose globalization?

>Oy vey goyim impose a world wide carbon tax paid directly to us or this leopards balls might get too hot

Mercury in the oceans, effecting even use (fish like tuna are literally poison now if eaten longterm) is entirely due to us. Industrial runoff into a river or waterway will kill and pollute. These two extremes (one global and one local) is observable even to the layman. And there's evidence for man-made climate change that outways that of skepticism (thermodynamics, we burn and use energy more and more as we expand and this produces CO2 + other greenhouse gases). You can prove within a reasonable doubt that we contribute negatively to climate change. Now I don't deny certain political ideologies don't have their own agenda, but that's besides the point as far as I'm concerned. Unfortunately it seems like many are concerned about the latter and attribute real, negative consequences with leftist hijacking of climate change rhetoric

Also you filthy Angloids are fucking faggots

The cat penis has barbs on it. Google that shit.

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>humans can't adapt
>humans change the environment to suit them
Do you actually have thoughts or does your mind sound like white noise 24/7?

>Earth around for billions of years
>Humans record temperature for 300 years
>We somehow have enough data to prove humans are responsible for climate change

Wildlife experts weighed in on this and said its probably false. Walruses don't do this, but are extremely skiddish, humans nearby and especially the overhead drones would have caused them to panic doing this stuff. This is Lemmings all over again

>At what point do you admit you're wrong?

Listen, you retard: it either has to go up, go down, or stay stable, at any given horizon.
You can prove that it has been warming (or cooling) over any given past period by looking at temperature records.
But you need to prove it's man-made, which climate alarmists have failed to do.

Species adapt to changing conditions. We've done that for hundreds of millions of years.

Science reveals the exact opposite. Human emissions are driving a rapid warming trend of the Earth's surface temperatures by increasing the concentration of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, which increases the amount of infrared radiation captured from solar emission and re-radiation from the surface.
It's not a religion. It's empirical evidence that is clear and convincing.

To solve climate change we must exterminate all chinks poos and niggers in Africa.

Assuming that it's true that we're warming the earth, theres nothing we can do. The IPCC says that in 12 years we will reach the "tipping point", meaning the damage is done and there's nothing we can do. In 12 years we could expect MAYBE a 10% reduction in overall CO2 output. and even 10% is a far fucking stretch. MAYBE developed countries can reach that goal, but China, india, the middle east, Africa? No chance. Any money that's spent now trying to prevent this should be redirected to moving people away from coastlines as a preventative measure.

But of course that won't happen because the entire thing is a scam to try to prop up new industries with massive subsidies which still don't cover the wasted costs.

Other cats will still exist, so I don't care about one specific variety that is maladapted.

>Humans record temperature for 300 years

we have the means to measure temperatures in the past, although there are cyclical temperature changes, it is clearly evident we are pushing it further

Fun fact: the five largest shipping vessels create more pollution than every single car on Earth combined.