I turn 23 on July 26th and I'm still a virgin. I desperately need to have sex before then otherwise I'll be known for my entire life as the creeper who didn't have sex until he was 23.

What do I do to have sex? How can I make this happen in the next month?

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Go and look at Eros for some escorts.

Beyond 30 it is legit to get an escort

Yeah, better to be known as the creeper who didn’t have sex until he was 22

HAHAAHAHAHAHA I'm almost 24 and still a virgin. Welcome to the club my friend. You probably won't escape :)

Come, sit next to me and have some fruit

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I lost it at 28. You'll both make it... and then you'll slowly realize women were not worth the effort to start with

Honestly, I don't care much anymore. I have a few dating apps and occasionally shoot a message to a woman if she's really qt or a busty milf, but they never respond. oh well, I just move on. what I'm actually very worried about is if I become a man in his 30s and 40s without a wife and kids. what does a man at that age even do without a family

Not hard really, just chat up the most woman you know and get out there, party with different people and meet women.
I was a 28 virgin and I did this and found a girl in 2 or 3 weeks. Two weeks later I had another one.
It's pretty easy actually. I'm going for my third now

Dude women don't really care if you don't make an issue about it. Hell, I'll tell you being a virgin isn't a bad thing. Once you get some good pussy you could become obsessed with it. Always looking to fuck and get in. Still, just find a woman you find kind of cute and you get along with. Not just someone to get laid by.

Buy a tripod, take 3-4 good pics with your phone, download tinder, swipe all day, ???, profit

Go to town with a blender, hedonist scum

My recommendation to ANY virgin in your scenario is DO NOT SETTLE.. what I mean is don't get a fatty just cause she has a pussy.. meet a girl you like and experience what it's like to build a sexual relationship, the buildup, the tension and the release. You shouldn't worry about going straight dick to pussy either. Massage her tits, kiss her neck, finger blast her, get real intimate. Once you've got a girl at that point, unless you're an uncoordinated tard who actually does retarded motions while trying to bang, most chicks won't know or care.. unless she's a mega slut which goes back to my first point. At least for myself, once I got in there, I experimented and did what felt good to me and my partner and everything else works itself out. You probably give this issue a lot of weight because you feel societal or personal pressures towards your status as a man, but unless you're a hideous disgusting person, being a virgin into your 20s is not a bad thing and I can appreciate the restraint. For the record too, even with partners after losing my virginity, the first time we had sex I had trouble cumming so don't be alarmed if that's you too. The anxiety of it would get to me but past that I've had gratifying relationships for both parties.

Bend over, OP, I'll fix your virginity problem.

>I'll be known for my entire life as the creeper who didn't have sex until he was 23.
Yes and being the creeper who didn't have sex until he was 22 is so much better. What you need to do is literally stop caring about sex altogether.

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Ah yes, every Thursday when the full names, pictures, and addresses of all 21+ virgins are put up on the times square jumbotron

I'd rather have Doritos and Mountain Dew.

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>what does a man at that age even do without a family
Work all the time, make ass loads of money and spend the rest of your time on hobbies and interests. It's not that bad to be honest, as long as you enjoy your job and hobbies, but it'd be nice to have a family.
t. 32 year old virgin

Still embarrassing to admit to people you were a social failure and undesirable as a human for the first 22 years of your life.

Do you talk to girls op?

How do you mean?

Stop being a retard. I lost my virginity at 21 and I'm handsome and charming.

Just don't people and go at your own pace, that's it.

>what does a man at that age even do without a family
It's only going to be more common. You could always marry a single mom. They are in overabundance.

>What do I do to have sex?
Have basic social skills, talk to a woman, get her interested in you, seduce her, have sex with her
>How can I make this happen in the next month?
Buy a hooker.

No one if that desperate. I think most men want their own family.

If you get an escort what's the chance you get caught? I'm considering it but not sure

It's legal where I live (UK) but I dont want AIDS.

Also what will my future qt gf think if I tell her I fucked a prostitute?

you don't but since you're in the uk just join a rape gang

Escorts are clean. Bar slags are far more likely to carry STDs. Stop making excuses.

ahahah I'm 26 soon and still a virgin

Tell me how to get a bar slag.

I want to fuck a MILF while her husband is asleep upstairs.

Just get an escort. Way easier.

Expensive and carrys a stigma.

Not super expensive unless you are a poorfag. And has a stigma only if you are a spergy beta.

i lost my virginity and kissed a girl for the first time last year when i was 23. I've never been called a creep or felt that people perceive me as a creep. most people are surprised about it when they learn that about me but i really don't think there's an issue with being a virgin. biggest problem is that you're not going to be very good at sex, so when you do meet that person they are going to need some patience.

regardless of that you should definitely look to explore a bit and experience romance. i wouldn't aim straight for sex, as you are probably a bit clueless when it comes to flirting. look for someone that is interested in you and that you like too. it doesn't have to be a perfect match, you are most likely not going to marry them and that's probably a good thing as you won't have a clue what you really want/need in a partner (trust me you don't until you've been in a relationship). try to take it beyond a friendship (integrate touching into your relationship) and the sex part will come naturally at some point if both sides are interested. but most importantly you will learn a lot of things and gain confidence along the way. also you'll possibly discover a whole new facet to life and you'll find out why you actually might want to have contact with women, it turns out to be different from what one imagines before having experienced it.

just try yourself out and try to have fun along the way, that's what it's all about really. good luck user

>Have basic social skills, talk to a woman

26 now and still a virgin.
Key is to not give up hope, OP, but also to DO something about it.
I'm decent at the former, but terrible at the latter.

I'd suggest just waiting till you get into a relationship and losing it to someone with some meaning. If it's that important to you just get tinder and fuck some 5/10 thot. I lost my virginity when I was 15 though I haven't had sex since then or been in another relationship. So it doesn't really feel like any kind of accomplishment. I think the fixation on losing virginity Is a strange one of my friends whose much more handsome and charismatic than I still hasn't lost his when he easily could. I don't know if I could relate better if I never had lost my virginity but it's been so long since then I feel like it never mattered.