I'd like to be taught the ways of Jow Forums. I've been a reddit pleb for all my life and I want to make the switch

I'd like to be taught the ways of Jow Forums. I've been a reddit pleb for all my life and I want to make the switch.

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You're better off not using Jow Forums and reddit. There's nothing in this website that you can't find elsewhere.

There are no ways, just post or lurk as you feel.

>read the Rules and FAQ
>visit every board and see which ones you like
>if you have any questions about posting or slang, it’s quicker to just google it
>lurk as long as possible before posting in order to acclimate to the board culture

Assuming this is real, the only rule is to lurk moar. No one else here seems to fucking understand it anymore, because they're all election tourists, but just read and don't post until you understand what shit is supposed to mean.

Truth is, you should get the fuck out of here. I've been here since 2004 and it's as bad as it can possibly get.

Just communicate. It's why we're here.

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Stay away from reddit. Do not post there for at least three months. Stick only to boards here.

Start in blue boards as they are friendlier. If you want a red board, /trash/ is a beginner friendly board.

We have no fucks to give who you are or where you're from. SJW bullshit is out the window. We judge you on post quality and if you actually read others' posts or not.

It really is terrible now. The Nazi stuff was hilarious in 2013 but now we've ruined the site with the lowest caliber stormfags and retarded /mu/ transexual zoomers

Jow Forums has always sucked. It's basically why everyone loves it. We're the unbiased hot garbage fire of the internet. Full of futas, furries, honesty, and learning. Take the good with the bad and post quality if you want quality.

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yeah op should go to 8ch

>i'm new but
then shut up and lurk moar faggot. fucking newfags always wanting to be spoon fed... explore the different boards- each one has their own culture and flavor of vitriol that over time you can identify in other boards. use the catalog to see more threads at once. trip/namefags are degenerate cancer although a couple of them rarely have something worth reading. in your time here you will be triggered, you will see the dregs of humanity in action and have your faith in it tested, you will see things that make you laugh harder than you ever have before, and you will learn and expand your mind from connections made with anonymous users from around the world. this site is one hell of a place and once you're a regular there's really no escape- you'll always come back. the ride never ends. pic related.

I wish An Hiro would pin this to every board but he doesn't give a fuck

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>we ruined
No, it's just that Jow Forums became part of the mainstream internet along with social media, and now it's basically just Facebook for edgy people who want to sling racial slurs without immediate repercussions.

It's just that Jow Forums was always bad, but now there's so much more of it, it's so much more numerous and it fucking sucks.

/b/ was never good, but that doesn't mean the rest of this site always sucked. It used to be shit in a way that was tongue in cheek.

People who couldn't understand the joke, and thought it was their safe space.


Lurk moar
You can have any opinion you want and you won't be downvoted an/or banned

fuck the joos

Get fucked leftoids. Just because your precious shitty cuck opinions are not mainstream here (but are on reddit) doesn't mean that's the reason this site is shit.

It's shit because there's nothing more to suck, no more originality, the last good memes were baneposting and kekposting and their ramifications.

what an epic troll my fellow kekistani i am cia too

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Dunno man, I didn't even mention left or right, you just got butthurt and made it political because Jow Forums doesn't hold anything for you anymore.

A lot of people blame Jow Forums and I believe it, the obvious political affectation people bring to literally every board is painfully obvious.

>Truth is, you should get the fuck out of here. I've been here since 2004 and it's as bad as it can possibly get.
Prove it

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I don't know who the fuck Dale Beran is, but this is the truth. Goons started this shit, and moot was one of them.

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moot was working for google during the 2016 election. So you are wrong.
Jackie Chan was running Jow Forums.

If you're too stupid to understand that this site was built on one thing and became another, well... you're what this site has become. Faggot.

>dates of post are july of 2003
Jow Forums didnt exist at that point. What did they mean by this

we are not talking about what Jow Forums became. I am stating that you are wrong that moot was involved.

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you know nothing

I said moot was a goon, you readlet. It has nothing to do with the elections. moot made his own 2ch and it turned into this garbage.