What caused the downfall of western society?

hard mode: no jews

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>what caused this?
>but you're not allowed to say the correct answer



Demoralization of the white christian people. They were convinced to commit suicide.

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Western traitors selling out to Jews.

Acient jews

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Pictures like that more?

womens rights

The allure of brat ass


This. The momen they became more power every started falling apart

Democracy & ever increasing Government centralism


>What caused the downfall of western society?
honestly the same thing that causes the downfall of all things in existence.
You're asking such a fundamental question my answer isn't even trivial.

I have a nontrivial answer though and it has to do with women.

Europeans and European genetics.


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But most importantly...

America, or white people being too nice. Obviously the jews have an essential role in our downfall, but America is their golem, and being too nice was the way the got power here and in Europe.


Based and redpilled fellow dacian

>what is 2+2?
>hard mode: no 4


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Hollywood degeneracy, fashion industry, and our education system

kys faggots

You might not like it but the answer is Philosophy. We did better when relied on the feedback of nature. Philosophy by it's very nature is Man assuming God. Hope you like the irony.

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It all boils down to this though. Without the women’s vote I doubt the jew could have subverted the West with such success

Anime is a very valid answer why u mad faggot

kys faggot

womens suffrage, and jews

Pic related

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No having kids

Prioritizing corporations, materialism over community and humans

It's just a nap, bro.

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Do you think Women's Rights were a spontaneous event like the the scientists tell us the big bang was? Is it just a coincidence like the jews tell us every thing? Or did Women's Rights happen on the back of a few hundred years of hardcore Philosophy and cultural experimentation? Why did the jew not do this to us earlier? We did a Philosophical experiment or assuming God and it didn't work out. That is when the jews took control.

letting niggers free letting women vote

Also, niggers

We let jews and other subversive things subvert us to get easy lives with materialism, no moral obligations, etc

kys faggot

I'm sure this will get some of you up in arms, but...

It's Christianity. It's a Semitic, Abrahamic religion that teaches it's followers to get assfucked and just accept it.


The nuclear family ruled by a sensible father was replaced by the hatred, greed and jealousy doled out by the electronic Jew.

I know it hurts to hear that, but it is the answer that explains everything. Look back with that in mind at every facet of the decay and you will see, It is the root of the question.

Girls became whores, boys became hoodlums and cowards, child givers became barren slaves, the man became the object of scorn from a billion electronic Jealousy boxes.

Now back to your scheduled programming..

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Why is australia getting assfucked then? People here are atheists

Small changes over time.
Look at society today, everything wrong is directly stemming from neglecting the wisdom of the bible/christianity.

Everyone judges everyone so easily today it has become first nature.
We do not respect the reason of nature anymore (men and woman er more or less the same, in a theoretical sense, a believed public sense and so on).
We have no collective higher goal, our only collective goal is to keep our comfort.
The downfall comes from not wanting to look evil/dark into the eyes/excistence and thereby we cant know what is ultimately evil on a societal scale, which means, we have no real compass when it comes to societal issues.

From Christianity into paganism :(
It only gets worse bros.

I always wanted to have wild, hatesex with Haruhi.

That's my daughter you son of a bitch!

Like the Russians say, 2 + 2 = 5, with extra effort from the workers!

It's not Christianity but the way we express Christianity as a whole is certainly indicative. Christianity was actually pretty badass and protected Europe for a very long time. Everything came undone at once in the last couple of hundred years, it was not Christianity.

Don’t worry, i’ll make a good housewife out of her.

Parasitic societal niche which emerged with the advent of agriculture in the Fertile Crescent during the Neolithic due to evolutionary adaption of parts of humanity towards said new lifestyle. Does not matter what parasite occupies the niche currently ... humanity is flawed. It needs surgery.

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In a nutshell..
It was high comfort levels.

- Mass industrialization led to below replacement birth rates, Westerners no longer to have large families to run their business so having 2 or 4 children became an actual burden.
- Consumerism and the West's obsession with individuality led to extreme selfishness and a break down of tradition to a point where Westerners became okay with being replaced as long as they managed to retain their high comfort levels.
- The demonisation of nationalism when done by native Europeans in the post WWII era led to Westerners using ideology as a basis for their identity.
They stopped Germans and became communist, capitalist, anarchist, etc..
- The death of Christianty was awful for the West since the fedora tipping cucks who demanded it's immediate removal from society NEVER offered a replacement for it, which led to the massive spiritual void that currently exists in the West, several harmful groups sought to fill out this spiritual void with all sorts of atrocious ideologies.
Jews essentially just amplified the effects of the afro-mentioned factors, they like to rub salt in their host's wounds.

faggotry in its many forms

Femminism and the sexual revolution

>Mass industrialization

You have a point here. Industrialization is what kicked the flaw I have previously mentioned into some form of vicious hyperdrive. Before that, it was simply a suppressed rot within society.


Over-comfort is a good theory for why we decided it would be a good idea to conduct these experiments on ourselves as well as our arrogance.


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Low birth rate, miscegenation, survival of the niggest (aka welfare ronnies and catladies, who are voting even more welfare and socialism), democracy.

Sell out politicians and OCD busy bodies.

taking away the tradition of letting parents marry off their kids.
letting women vote.
giving minorities rights and trying to integrate them into society.
granted, it's the kike commies that pushed all this shit but we didn't stop them so that's also our bad.


Agree with this narrative

Falling away from God. Even if you're not a Christian, it's easy enough to understand that abandoning the embodiment of the highest ideal good can only lead to degradation for a society.

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The question wasn't how did it go wrong idiots it was what caused it.

In the future, the birth rate problem has to be solved via governmental policies.
All citizens must have access to artificial wombs so as to further lower the evolutionary costs of reproduction and rhe financial cost of having more than one child can simply be offset through tax breaks, this would affect a society's ability to compete within the global market on the long term as having positive birth rates would allow them to avoid the perils of immigration policies.

The Reformation.

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The left

the 60's.


Do you realize the jews took power BEFORE late 19th/early to mid 20th century?
Male suffrage is where the true issue started, except most fags here won't admit it because it harms their ego. Male suffrage is the fruit of Enlightenment. Which is what ended centuries old traditional order and hierarchy upon which the Western civilisation was built and lasted for centuries, even millennia.
Being ok with with male suffrage but bashing female right to vote is like asking someone who fell from the top of a 5 storey building what went wrong, and he sais everything was fine during his free fall, the free fall is great, if he could go back to the moment he was passing next to 3rd floor it would be awesome - but screw the ground for interrupting it!
This is literally how most of you sound. Because you don't wanna take the ultimate red pill - to the old aristocratic order, the vast majority of men are no better than women. They all need to know their place, and for most of us it's not on top of the hierarchy.
This is why Hitler took EVERYONE'S right to vote, not just women's right to vote.

No doubt for me it was my first glimpse of Anime tiddies. Ironic that Jow Forums is part of an Anime image board.

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I’m getting horny again.

found the degenerate boomer.

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The hubris of white people. You monkeys generally think you're invincible & superior.

Says the person who claims to have knowledge of the 60's. NICE!


No memes?
Retarded people

If you remove the welfare class of the west you basically solve every problem of liberalism and governmental overreach

0 iq mongoloids who sit and enjoy their bread and circus are a plague on any nation

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Industrialization allowed low IQ under-clasess to proliferate again and liberalism eroded standards that ensured these people were brought up with a set of decent values.

A lack of Genuine Diversity, brought on by race mixing.
We need to save European Culture! We need to save European People!! We need to save Euro Pride!!!

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amerimuts. all degeneracy comes from usa


Tolerance and the death of standards

For most of human history, the West was white. It was white collar, white people were rich, white collar. The West was white--investive, white people took care of their debts, white people worked hard, ate well, got married early, had kids early, died early, lived to 99,000, got a raise and got a good education. With the rise of the Internet and the physical reality of our times, the idea of 'the West' losing its male-dominated content has gained currency. I think it is important to put this in perspective, with regards to the second half of the 20th century. Even among white men who identify as belonging 'West' got laid off (despite obstacles). The first task is to account for the losses. The second major task is to present a plausible narrative for where the losses were. For example, the migration of white men to the East in the 1800s is not the founder of the West. The West lost its male-dominated content, but this did not stop white men from trying to claim a slice of the pre-industrial West. The first can be written as a retreat from Western culture. The second is far richer and more modern and therefore easier to justify as a Western narrative. But there is a huge difference. The first is something like the loss of 1) testosterone and 2) having a mate who is not white not related to being West is not worth it in the long run, whereas the loss of 2) is worth in the long run because it exposes the pop culture comparison to much more serious objection (i.e. whether it proves that the Culture War is really about men or only about MEN being West will be discussed at a much larger level) than making the same argument about how to justify it (i.e. male and female are going to have same wants and whatnot). The second thing is that MEN being West has a very specific meaning. Hence it is a taboo, what is not taboo is that we are discussing it for the norms, not for the men.

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The internet going mainstream.

>hard mode: no jews

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>amerimuts. all degeneracy comes from usa
Degeneracy comes from Atlantis. Hyperborea was not like that and America was not degenerate until Jews took over and neither was Europe.

The US joining the first world war.

Germany was winning, the u-boats were easily sinking Brit ships and the army was occupying northern France and a lot of westernmost Russia.

Then the US joined.

But why would they join if they liked their neutrality?

Friends of Woodrow Wilson.

The collapse of the old order of monarchism, morality, and militarism led to the spread of liberalism. Liberalism put a bullet in the western man, it took seventy more years for the wound to kill.

Germany was the last notable western bastion of these. During the Weimar years it was plagued with degeneracy, poverty, liberalism, and communism. Then the NSDAP came to power, they fixed the country, turning it from the poorest great power to the greatest power the world has ever seen. They reinvigorated the German national spirit, fixed the economy, and purged the degeneracy. Hitler was a genius statesman and politician, the greatest leader we have seen in the industrial era. Sadly, he was utterly inept at strategy and diplomacy.

Had he not attacked the USSR, he would have won the war without a doubt.

After the war, liberalism and communism spread across Europe like plagues. Monarchism, autocracy, and militarism were all shunned. Anti-nationalist and anti-colonialist sentiments spread, leading to the great powers of Europe abandoning their colonies and then their nations.

Feminism, globalism, and degeneracy were spreading and becoming accepted. The globalist organisations of the EU and the UN entrenched globalism, especially the former. Then began European countries bringing in immigrants from uncivilised parts of the world.

Now we have the modern west, nationalism is shunned, monarchism is viewed as obsolete, and immorality is widespread and open. Fortunately, the western man is waking up, by the late '20s we will be undergoing massive change for the better.

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>be me
>10 years old
>discover masturbation
>generally happy child
>all the masturbation causes my little boy body to start producing semen
>be amazed that white sticky stuff is coming out of my peepee when i feel good
>run into living room naked
>"hey mom check out what i can do!"
>jerk my little kiddie dick in front of my mother full force while staring at her
>she just sits there and stares at my kid dick
>get super excited because i'm going to show my mom my cool trick
>orgasm and cum shots out a bit (never done that before usually just dribbled out)
>"isn't that cool mom!?" as i'm catching my breath
>she wipes the cum off her shirt and sticks her finger in her mouth
>leans forward and sucks my entire dick into her mouth
>with one big slurp she cleans my dick and swallows
>"yeah user that was amazing, now go back to bed"
>18 years later looking at japanese shotacon porn that involve thicc mommies and even though i'm big and hairy i want a bigger girl to treat me like a little boy
Kill me.

>What's 2+2?
>Hard mode: not 4.