You whites can’t compete haha
Brown is the future pollards
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Hb1 cultural enrichment
San Francisco been lost for years, just worried about the other states near it
this will surely make more poo in loo indians migrate to the USA
>Muslims deported to France
>not gassed
The meme became real
Only on the streets of Saaaaaaaaan Frrrraaaancisco.
that's what happens when you let south asians in
btw san francisco is literally less than 50% white, it's a shithole
That's not what I mean when I say I'm going to browntown.
Looks like the pajeets brought their designated shitting streets ideas with them and are now teaching the local niggers. Great.
As much as I hate using the word, literally.
I didn't think that through. I'm half drunk.
Liberalism is a moral syphilis.
>implying obese Amerimutts are any better than niggers
I remember taking a conference trip to SF a few years ago and being absolutely floored by the homeless population. This coming from a NYC native who's seen his fair share of homeless/crazies, SF is on a whole other level.
How do you even begin to fix something like that? They're too mental and/or drugged up to do regular work, and it's not like you can kill/imprison/relocate them all.
It really sucks because it is a really nice city otherwise.
And that's a good thing.
Scatting is a homosexual cultural heritage that has tight bounds with San Francisco, if you are a bigot nazi homophobe then move from our city.
Hope you guys know, people travel from all over the country to be homeless in San Francisco because of the weather. Same is happening in LA with Venice Beach. Maybe blame the local government for letting it happen?
>import indians and hispanics
>"golden city" turns to literal shit and STI infected needles everywhere
You can't even make this up
That's also a good analogy for the city's population too.
It could easily be fixed if the local population weren’t so cucked. Liberals made insane asylums illegal. Liberals give them money. Liberals don’t want fascist cops deporting them from the city. Their solution is to build homeless shelters, which are only used during the rainy season, December to April. But mostly they just pretend to ignore it.
t. local
Fuck. I'm visiting there on holiday this summer - What can I expect, burgerbros?
>Shade browner
Is that from all the shit in the streets?
>Free Smells
Yup. That's what they meant.
>What can I expect,
Shitty shoes.
Go see some redwoods desu. Muir Woods is not far. Cable car museum is nice too, and in a nice part of town. Don’t be an idiot tourist like 95% of them.
Just like being gay, pooping anywhere you want is a naturally born behavior. Only capitalists want you to work 9 to 5, pay your rent, penetrate a vagina, and poop in a designated hole inside your home.
>Capitalism means indoor plumbling.
Rock on, Porky.