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Also atheists have this retarded world view that if we would eradicate religion compleatly it would somehow lead to more prosperous and scientificly developed world, which is a view i had when i was in my early teens, but then i realised that it idiology is less relevent than genetics of the peoples, say you had country of atheists vs a country with fanatic theists, but theist country would have an averge IQ of 160, while atheist country would be 110IQ on average, how do you think which of these 2 would be more prosperous and thecnologically developed?Lack of religion in comunity dosen't seem to have any, ANY positive effects on on well being of set comunity, even more so it has negative effects, Iceland which is mostly atheistic uses far more anti-depressants per person than religious Poland.
Religious people can celebrate their holidays but they shouldn't be national holidays. Only 55% of the population are christian and of those most likely less than 15 million are actually practicing their religion.
7 out of 9 national holidays are related to Christianity in Germany. If you count the ones that are only in certain states 14 out of 19 are religious.
These holidays hurt our economy significantly, back in 2017 when the Reformationstag was celebrated on a national level it costed us between 30-50 billion € and that was just one day, do the math.
Also with an increasing muslim population is just a matter of time till they demand national holidays for their religion too. Therefore we should get rid of all religious holidays in the first place. Also the labor day should be abolished too.
Most people don't care about the orgins of cenrtain celebrations, they just want to get fucked up and have a day off, your way too set upon the orgins of celebrations, your real concern is not the money itself, as you then would also argue that we should abolish all holidays, that cost anourmous amounts of money, as for muslims, they will still demands their own holidays and '''''right'''''' regardeles of examples and actions from representatives of other religions.
Jason Howard
>What is this even?! That's the right attitude!
Barely anyone practice the holidays anyway and they cost too much money.
Matthew Morris
That post is you arguing against strawman which completely ignores that atheism is a completely new thing in human history meanwhile religion exists since humans were cave dwellers.
West is most likely going to die, but giving up is not an option.
Landon Myers
If people want a free day they should take one of their vacation days and as I stated in my post I'm also against certain none religious holidays. I can live with the New Years Day and the German Unity Day, everything else should be abolished.
Josiah Cox
>germany will wake up soon! The greens will get 30% soon?
Exactly. Only attitude that gets you anywhere. Don't say I do not have my lazy days ... but only if I feel like I can afford them. Things are going very much my way right now. And why? Because I am a fucking stubborn bastard! The world will know my cock up its every orifice ... and it will bloody well learn to like it and beg for more! Darunter mach ich es nicht.
That picture is dumb. Vatican II killed supersessionism and the bulk of Christianity believes Jews are the "Chosen people", including Catholics. The official doctrine is Jews go to heaven now because they're Jews. Believing in Jesus isn't required.
>If people want a free day they should take one of their vacation days Some peoples bosses are assholes and don't let them go on a vocation or they don't have enough money for it. >as I stated in my post I'm also against certain none religious holidays. >everything else should be abolished. Should of clarified that as you stated that only 1 non-religious holiday should be abolished.
Regardeles i don't have a strong opinion on the subject i wouldn't be strongly against it if you where a dictator and would implement your ideas into reality as its not very important in my perspective.
Comparing two countries (Poland and Iceland) on just one level and then trying to declare this single level (religiousness) to be the main factor of all differences between the countries doesn't work out.
Jeremiah Hughes
Yeah but im still not very happy about that she called by drawing ''shitty'' which dosen't make me very confident in success of your proposal.
Joseph Martinez
>Some peoples bosses are assholes and don't let them go on a vocation or they don't have enough money for it. This is Germany and not some third world country. Employees get a minimum of 4 weeks vacation every year.
Hunter White
said the meme flaggot
Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth
Chase Brown
whine on or do, I care neither way.
Ian Harris
It was just 1 example of course other factors may be in tact.
>jewish soulless lesbian merchant-"gurrrl" with gunshot hampussy creates Kraut/pol/ for the sole purpose of going against tradition despite these traditions have created stable societies and only once we've abandoned these traditions and ways of thinking, our country goes to shit because we look down on the auld because we think we are better than our past selves.
got fucking damn it, when will the onions latte drinking retards learn?
It's not hard: people will want to contribute to a society and improve it if the head of society does not want to make it worse for the pillars that make it up to be as grand as it is. no one wants to serve in a military that will die for a flagless identityless superstate that subjugates all its participants, you damn fools.
yeah, right... the omnipotent omniscient being who created the universe and probably infinityverse will torment you for all eternity because you didn't believe a book some goatfuckers plagiarized from egyptians, sumerians and babylonians 3000 years earlier but he loves you
Luke Nelson
I think that little karaoke number might be an idea actually ... you sure will elicit a ... reaction with that.
>without a char sheet excuses excuses :D reminds me of the time when one game session went into >smoked hams start raining from the sky with heavy thuds >what do you do? *heavy sigh