What is Operation Swoop? Operation Swoop is when the Chads on this board hook up with women in relationships and marriages then right after fucking them they'll whip out a camera and expose them.
What is the purpose of Operation Swoop? It's time to put an end to the whole "Men Are Trash" stigma leftists have. We need to show them woman are complete dogs. Forget niggers, faggots and Jews for a second and focus on this.
How do I contribute? Find a girl in a relationship or marriage Fuck her Expose her
If you can't even do it yourself, you can fuck off incel
Alexander Baker
>find a girl >cheat with her in a culture that assumes male guilt from the get go >revenge porn her in a nation that outlaws revenge porn >turn a populace that is seemingly finally waking up because of the almighty clown pill back against us
>post pics of women without their consent >convince people men aren't trash
you've clearly not thought this through
Henry Parker
Spoken like a true Virgin.
Oliver Hall
Shit if you had done this 6 months ago, maybe I could’ve shown off my roommates spic girlfriend I was pumping and dumping. I’m not a Chad though
Grayson Young
this will just make you the bad guy taking advantage of a woman. RAY PIST
Jaxson Nguyen
THOT Audit had some flawed assumptions but it was light years ahead of this plan.
Here's something, at least for us burgers. Push for the legalization of sex work. Then, once that's done, slam these bitches with civil rights bullshit.
Oh... you don't want "AA" well... you gotta fuck nigs now or else you're getting sued.
Something like this would create bucket loads of personal drama and I'm too old for such nonsense. Also, fucking married women is a shitty thing to do.
based as fuck Cucks should get cucked. Period. You commit to marriage or relationships in a feminist society, with high age of consent, with gender laws and social benifitis for women, with marriage laws changed in favor of women, with no fault divorce where women rip everything out of you - you should get used to getting cucked and cheaten on. You should understand that there are NO "good women out there", there is no "safe harbour", no virgins to marry, noone that would stay with you 'till death. Feminism ruined it all and there is NOWHERE to run. Your relationships, your marriage, its all destined to fail in a feminist society. Monogamy is dead, women killed it. Thus there can be no compromise with women. Treat them like dirt. And humiliate beta cucks that believe in the good nature of women, by fuckin "their" women and dumping them and exposing the truth about women, to either redpill the white knights or to make them admit that they are cucks and are fine with other men fucking "their" women. Very based and very redpilled.
I’ve actually tried this. Cucks will just stay with their woman, and raise someone else’s son. My old roommate got cheated on like 100 times, and only after like 3 years of it is he now “ok” with them being an open relationship. It’s the saddest , most pathetic thing I’ve ever seen
Jayden Garcia
Dumbest thread I've seen in a long time
Luis Cook
kek im about to bang a roastie who's going through divorce proceedings..do i film it and submit to the courts as evidence of her roastism?
Jayden Gutierrez
You should expose men like him. Reveal them to the public, post their faces on the net and tell their stories.
That part I agree with. However, the claim that it's a shitty thing to do, I do not agree with for stated reasons. We need some heroes to do it as much as possible.
Elijah Nelson
This thread is full of SEETHING cucks who are afraid that their precious girlfriends and wives are gonna get fucked by someone else. Remember, this WILL happen. No running away from it. You can't change it. You are only delaying the inevitable. You will get cucked eventually, one way or another. The best case scenario is for you beta boys to get cheaten on by your precious "princesses" as soon as possible. It will open your eyes and will make you hate feminism. Or it will make you into a total miserable cuck who just takes it and accepts that he is a cuck, choosing to stay with a whore. Both cases work, as we only need redpilled men, and don't need LARPing cucks in our ranks, cucks should get completely segregated and despised by all.
All women are sluts, it's ingrained into their genetic code. No matter how alpha you are, you will get cucked. The only thing you can do to make sure you pass on your DNA is to fuck around as much as possible. Then you're cucking her as well.
Michael Sanchez
>have sex no
William Butler
Henry Roberts
This is why you'll always be a retarded piece of shit, and unknowingly raise a bunch of bastards.
Jack Clark
Sounds like a good way to get charged with rape
Carter Russell
Did they get consent from their husbands to be whores?
Jason Harris
have sex, but only with women in relationship/marriage also deflower all the virgins you can find, even if they are ugly as fuck all that while never getting attached and never engaging into relationships yourself, just pump'n'dump
do it just to spite and enrage the betas
make sure that every man out there understands that every girl is a whore. This will redpill the most, and a small minority of cucks who are fine with "their" thots fucking hundreds of Chads will make themselves more noticeable (basically leading to "if he is in a relationship/marriage -> he is a cuck").
>calls people betas >is a literal beta cuck white knight
Jacob Nguyen
Interesting entrapment question. When the police leave a car with the door open and engine running and a nigger hops in to steal it and it turns out its a bait car and he gets locked into it like the retarded ape he is, many retards still feel bad for him.
The same thing would definitely happen to these women. People would lose focus on "but she is the one who cheated on her spouse" and just talk about ebil man entrap roastie.
Dominic Torres
>beta cuck white knight Add "roastie" "normie" "disc tranny" or "feminazi" so I get BINGO
Jason Wright
>Jow Forums
Kevin Hall
assassination of traitors is inevitable and guaranteed
Liam Gomez
I stand corrected, you could also be a roastie.
In that case, you are a piece of shit with no self-control (not your fault you were born that way, but still), so your opinion is irrelevant.
Asher Mitchell
Yes it does. I didn’t sign up for diseases and cum swapping with some nigger. Women who cheat deserve to get exposed, and probably worse. Dumb fuck.
Anthony Bell
I didn’t need to. He’s my boss at work and takes his personal life to work. All of my coworkers know I fucked his gf and kicked them out after he cucked out to her, and nobody respects him. I was just one of like 20 dudes she’s cheated on him with
Kevin Morales
>I didn’t sign up for diseases and cum swapping with some nigger. You unknowingly did if you got married in today's society... Unless you move to a country that actually enforces it.
Brandon Ross
You are entitled to no one's body, even on the unlikely probability you got married. >unironically using the roastie meme You'll never make it, son
Jacob Young
We do need stories like these on the net. With actual proofs to point at actual people. White knights love white knighting and saying that "not all women are like that", but the more information there is on the matter, the more evidence of women being total sluts (and the more evidence of actual cucks existing irl) - the more angry the men will become. We need to make men angry, really angry, by exposing the truth about women.
kek I am a man who has seen vaginas, but I don't say shit like HURRRR U DONT OWN UR WIFE'S BODY SHE CAN FUCK NIGGERS IF SHE WANTS
so cuck or a roastie?
Andrew Morales
God you're such a triggered cunt. Fuck off, incel
Samuel Torres
Better an incel (which I'm not) than a cuck. Cuck or a roastie?
Samuel Cooper
For real. But heres the thing: having sex with a woman AT ALL is literally cucking yourself to infinity. Think about it. That slut you're putting your dick in, came from a pussy, and was created from literal cum from her dad. When you fuck that girl, you're essentially putting your dick in the shat out pussy cum from her mom and dad. Isn't that gay and cuck behavior? Her dad cums in her mom, and she shits the girl out, and you're fucking that pile of pussy. Sex is literally cuck behavior because you're taking the shat out table scraps of her dad. It also makes you gay >tl;dr Sex makes you gay and a cuck. This is why you must abstain from sex
a lot of escort ads in the USA also say the same thing, despite that it's never legal really in the first place. no blacks is very common. I can't say I blame them when looking at violent crime statistics and thinking about it from a risk management perspective
Mason Johnson
This is the only wife you need, they got her in a Waifu body pillow ready for your service. They even got Sailor Moon characters too bro. Try stealing one of those pillows from another man faggot.
what? ill just make a joke out of it >haha so do you consent to me fucking your brain out then when she says yes like a slut i literally cant be wrapped up in a rape charge and ill post it here after a few days i wont tell her my real name or anything, she wont even be able to find me, itll be fine then im going to post it here so you guys can admire my chad skills
You're a fucking moron. As an attractive man I can tell you that like 90% of women are down to fuck at like any moment. "Chads" don't fuck them because it's not worth the fucking drama and the girl will "fall in love" with you and think you sticking your dick in her means your going to be together.
They'll cheat, but it's because they are trying to upgrade. This is the stupidest shit I've ever heard and has no purpose aside from fucking everyone's lives up to show soiboys the truth that everyone else already knows.
Daniel Garcia
>as an attractive man This is how I know you're talking shit. Facts don't need ego.
So, we know the jews enacted "revenge porn" laws to protect whores from slut shaming. But what if you used a burner phone, then uploaded the video to a porn site and sent that link to her husband/BF/employer etc. Could they ever definitively prove it was you?
Chase Scott
Based and redpilled
Daniel Carter
My ego is facts though faggot. Stay mad.
Adrian Bailey
I'll be fucking some girl with a boyfriend later this evening what do i even do with the pics once i have taken them?
David Smith
Beta uprising is going to happen one way or another
Hey, wait, i got it! Find a twink, a trap, a real sleazy faggot, do a bunch of gay shit with him, and then post it all over the internet showing what a degenerate piece of shit faggot he is! Hahaha! Got em!
Christopher Williams
You, the cuck and the slut should all be killed desu.
Isaac Flores
Send them to her BF, friends, family and colleagues.