Why do I feel weird when I get hungry? I don't think most people experience this but...

Why do I feel weird when I get hungry? I don't think most people experience this but. When I get hungry I feel a weakness, dizziness, lightness and I sometimes even slightly shake?
These symptoms always disappear a few minutes after I eat. I only eat 2 times a day but I eat a lot and I'm skinny fat. I used to be really skinny and I still had this problem.
I'm 20yo. I've had this as long as I can remember. But what could it be? Hypoglycemia?

>inb4 see a doctor

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Probably going too long between meals and getting low blood sugar, consider adding some light snacks throughout the day.

See a doctor nigger

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My fat friend always gets this when he's hungry and I fucking hate it.

It somehow even changes his persona.

Not seeing a doctor for something I've had since birth and after 20 years hasn't killed me yet. I'm just curious about the cause.

>I'm just curious about the cause
Then ask a doctor, it's literally that easy.
Oh wait, you are probably an Americlap and need to sell your kidney to even look in the general direction of a medical facility through a telescope.

What type of doctor should I ask then?

I'm a diabetic, those are all symptoms of low blood sugar. Thats weird because the body usually self regulates insulin to the point symptoms like that are rare to experience unless you have an extra medical condition behind it or your body *needs* food

Eat more. Try the diet of some random fat fuck if the symptoms don't go away after that you should consider a doctor. Also annon be carefull I've heard multiple stories of diabetics losing the ability to feel low blood sugar after awhile, so they dont notice how bad their low blood sugar is until they faint. If these little shakes stop and you didn't change your diet you really need to mention it to a doctor.

Does hypoglycemia equal diabetes?

Would a simple blood test diagnose me for diabetes and hypoglycemia or is it more complicated?