Orangutan fights bulldozer

The NPC rage machine is literally calling for violent revolution over this. Why are normies so infatuated with animals?

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chad monkey

Fuck off. Rage against the modern world

God these people are stupid as fuck. They say Americans are too comfortable to revolt over some fucking monkeys, that being pure projection as these dumb ass environmentalists are almost unanimously lazy upper-middle class failures themselves.

They get angry when they see a cute animal in danger but will never think to question where the meat they eat comes from.

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Battle of Gingindlovu, Royal Zulu Impi facing the British column, 1879

What's the big deal? They hit the Orangutan with darts and it spazed out a little.

Chickens and cows are in no way shape or form endangered. Orangutans are endangered and will probably go extinct because we just have to fill the world with more shitty people and shopping malls. That’s the difference.


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>video is clearly from nonwhite shithole
>reddit concludes that America is bad


>3rd world shitskins ruin their own forests
>blame westerners
>blame capitalism


because you idiot we are creating more problems than we solve this way. you fuckin retarded nigger cocksuckin brainless mutt

Because we’re not kikes and care about nature you subhuman

Why do you think they cleanse the forest?

Because they are like niggers or most closely related to it and normies care about niggers as if they are their own(because they mostly wear the same low standarts).

you are literally retarded. it's not ONLY the animals you dumb mutt, it's the fuckin TREES. And the diversity of wildlife, but mostly because of ourselves. Noone gives a single shit about the monkey OR this stupid ducks it's about US dying, retarded murican brainlet

They're all a bunch of self righteous vegans

Its all virtue signalling. None of them give a shit, its just that some folks are more honest about it while e whores like the ones on plebbit and twitter that base their entire lives around fake internet points see this as an opportunity to gather more of the upvotes they love so that they can finally justify their worthless existence.

American corporations exploit those brown shitholes. Guess who run those corporations? Old white dude who all look constipated 24/7

This is trolling.

if only the normies realized who "they" really are

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And among those whites at the forefront are rat Jews who do the most heinous things in these areas and later blame "whites" to stoke racial animosity. Fuck you deceitful fucks. You'll all get what you deserve.

>Published on Jun 8, 2018
Also fuck you, orangutans are based and can use tools in the wild

Forgot your memeflag, moishe?

you need to go back

Why i need one? I have no reason to be ashamed of my country because we dont let pakistanis rape our schoolgirls

Very nice Jow Forums

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Those arent chickens nice try fake news!

>palm oil
>not a palm tree
Are the environmentalists covering something up? Is the palm oil thing just a statement made up to scare rich people into caring?

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na that is sad, it takes an NPC with no humanity to not see the long term effects of deforestation and overpopulation desu

Animal threads make it easy to spot the non-whites

Whenever there is an animal habitat being destroyed or an animal being needlessly killed, Just look for the posts who say "who cares", and you can GUARANTEE they are non-whites

>blame westerners
>blame capitalism
not saying the west is to blame, but we do have some fault in it by exploiting other countries for resources, not America specifically although.

I hate people who dont like nature and animals.

leddit is nothing but climate change and vaccine shilling now. its not even worth it to go laugh at anymore

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Hes unironically right, just wrong ((((they)))

Example a pictured, one rat jew

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We had a fucking civil war over some monkeys What more do they want?

>nothing will stand in the way of my asphalt paradise!

Get gassed you rat faced kike

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just another nigg fighting progress

>why are people mad about the seemingly endless destruction of the natural world and causing the extinction of countless species over the last couple hundred years? Lol they're such NPC's lol who cares


This, pol can be fucking retarded somedays

You do it yourself with your 30% off dicks

>Why are normies so infatuated with animals?
ameriniggers being ameriniggers. devastating mutts of insatiable food consumption and
eternal destruction

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>they don't care about your words
>they've bought your politicians
>the only thing that will change them is violence
Wait...are we talking about logging or (((logging)))?

Ha ha, the asshole below looks like they're about to throw a rock at the ape. Good way to get torn apart by a fucking primate, mate.

>can't get a tattoo
>can mutilate genitals and fuck up hormone production
Clown world.

Wow, never thought about it that way, TheOnlyDemocracyInTheMiddle-East!

The sanctity of life should be universal regardless of political leanings. Our treatment of nature and this planet is abhorrent and needs to be rectified. We are all, leftist, centrist or right winger it doesn't matter, destroying our future and that's just sad. The planet will recover eventually but the question remains whether we will be there to see it. Currently that isn't looking probable.

Many know but are afraid to admit it to themselves and say it out loud.

>based ape is taking on an enemy he has no chance to ever beat with tooth and claw
>all you're doing is complaining on an imageboard about how bad things are

Are we ferngully? youtube.com/watch?v=-kPhbPBMRIQ

*tips kippah*
Try a bit next time.

That's the best way to fight (((them))).
You do know that (((they))) are the ones behind this, don't you?

I remember what it was like to be 12

I wonder what would happen to their brains if you told them the forest is being bulldozed to make room for iphone factory.

that vid is actually pretty fucking sad

None of you brainlets have mentioned: that isn't a dozer.

Your post makes me doze off

I imagine few enough have worked construction here to know the difference between a dozer or excavator.

'ate dozers
'ate humans
luv bananas
simple as

Fuck these animals, they aren't being multicultural enough to us superior BVLL humans.

What was it like?


There are a lot of edge lords here who legitimately only take a position because it pisses people off, why? God only knows, glad to see not everyone is fucking retarded.

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>Why i need one?
You're right, Israel is already a meme.

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calm down reddit, you fucking racist


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Nigger fuck corporations and fuck rich people.
Why are we still expanding into nature and disrupting habitats of already endangered animals?

That chimp has more of a right to live than 90% of people on the planet. He was chilling in the fucking trees and they came and destroyed his home.

Our world is fucked until we snap and hang ALL politicians and corporate dickbags.

Jews burned Notre dame:

The only way to stop things like that is to genocide brown people. I doubt redditors would be okay with that sort of revolution though.

This. Couldn't care less about some cringelord on Jow Forums.

>hang ALL politicians and corporate dickbags.

So Jews then?

based monkey fighting the globalist capitalist jew all by himself
poor thing

>this is fine
the modern world is simply too sick to survive

We should kill all the animals we don’t eat and be done with it. We don’t need the stupid fucks anyway

You can't have a just world when all your money stems from a fraud. The scam flows into all transactions.

>Our world is fucked until we snap and hang ALL politicians and corporate dickbags.
That would just lead to even quicker deforestation. We need absolute dictatorship and eugenic population control, not anarchy.

This, all we need is Hitler back.

redditors unknowingly falling for acceleration, wow. i guess bt really started the fire now

I run a homestead farm. I have a dozen geese two turkeys and a couple guineas and chickens, used to have a bunch more, they are all open free range, no fence I live in the woods with no neighbors.
Factory farming brings the efficiency of mass production to food, at a cost of quality and morality.
To make meat without raising animals in a concentration camp, is not easy. It can definitely be done, government is shit with regulations, but look up an amazing farmer named Joel Salatin, he righteous as fuck.
Poor people are used to paying 2 or 3 dollars a pound for chicken, but raising chickens like Kobe cows is expensive, just to break even on the food.
Even vegetables are all grown with chemical fertilizers, doing it all natural is difficult, hence expensive.
Its best if landowners do it themselves, its better to work for yourself on your own land then at a job for cash to buy Auschwitz chlorinated chicken

>There's a bitch in congress who want's to genocide all cows.

This is fine.

>Things are happening outside my country

This is rage.

Welcome to neocolonialism.

I can't even tell if this is bait. Truly clown world.

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>tfw a monkey has a more rational response to invasion than the us

and what makes you in favor of destroying their habitat so a bunch of kikes can get richer?


We're one of many intelligent species on the planet.

Why do you want to reduce the biodiversity of this world?

I'm 34 and completely agree with the comment you are responding to. Why do I want more human beings in the world? Why do I want more shopping malls? I want humanity to die off. You don't like it? Too bad. I am going to get what I want and you won't get what you want. Humanity is doomed (thankfully).

I took the Vegan pill two years ago. I have my own philosophy about, so not true vegan. The only meat I permit myself to eat is that which I've killed myself, which mainly applies to fishing as I don't hunt.

I know a few folks who moved out of the SF Bay Area and started a farm in in Yosemite. They are loving it and would never move back. Their kids are growing up riding horses and learning how to take care of livestock.

There is no real context to the video and it seems obviously not in the US. If liberal conservationists wanted to make a difference they would buy land outside of the country to preserve.

I can’t wait until the world sees Jews for what they are again and we had you motherfuckers and finish what Adolf started

Someone had to replenish the atmospheric CO2 stores though. Now that we've served our purpose..... lol

Get nuked by Iran, kike.

Based Monkey

envirotards are the worst scum of this earth

These animals are more peaceful than certain groups of humans

People eat seagulls?

Parasitic scum like you control these filthy capitalist cooperations, Iran will nuke you, Palestine will annex Israel and completely drive kike scum off the map and before that happens the Arab World is going to bumfuck you until your anus bleeds, tick tock kike, The Sons of Amalek are coming