/BNG/ Black Nationalism General

This thread is for discussion relating to BLACK Nationalism and other BLACK topics.

>wh*Tes STAY OUT

This is a political thread, not for trolls. We ask mods to keep trolls out. This thread complies with all Jow Forums rules and we ask mods to respect it as like other general.

What have you done today to further the BLACK cause?

The Story of Yakub and Yashmal

African Heritage


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Other urls found in this thread:


when i say slavery you say sorry

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Even the Zulu used weapons. They would have conquered all the bantu scum in a century or two.

Waddup niggers

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can you say that word in front of my face?

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>Guaranteed replies

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That fearsome African technology!



To all Cumskins

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Sorry you're a nigger.

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Stop abborting yourselves, killing each other, and going to jail, and you might build up enough population to fill a small state. We'll gladly quarantine you then.

I was waiting for a good YLYL thread

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I support your nigger nationalism, can you come and take your expat niggers home?

Jews are buying up the hood replacing you as you shit post Mexicans are fire bombing you as you shit post

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> be a nignog
> establish glorious black nationalism
> proceed to machete each other before dying of Ebola and AIDS

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>Black nationalisme

It will never happen though, africa is getting riced now. Blacks are the eternal slave race

>Faster cognitive development
>Speedy cognitive development when you get none

what ever happens to niggers like these?
you never see them as elderly aged. Obviously they're all juiced up but even then it doesn't explain why you don't see them as elders; flabby and fat, deflating like a sad balloon and moldy pumpkin.
Either they all die from heart attacks or get shot in the hood like a "real nigger" shieeeet

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We would all love if you started a black nationalist movement. Please take your fellow monkey compadres and get the fuck out so we can end globalism once and for all


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Our nations are in Africa.
We need to go back.

Hahaha yeah sure.. Any time if you want another spanking!

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A nigger movement in Jow Forums.i wonder how it will end?

bring it on, bitch

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All fake but nice try

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This post reminds me of this!
Watch out for the baboons Sipho!

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It has to be a troll, he's only made three posts this whole time

>*loses the war*

lel wytte pee poo

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I want that cotton picked by the end of the day, you hear me little man?

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wh*toids are too weak and their own women hate them
we will conquer them demographically
then exterminate them south africa style

Sickle cell disease... And you're a stinky dumb kaffer!

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sorry whiteboi
we won the war

>Jow Forums
Yeah right

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You have a higher chance of getting shot by your fellow black brothas than any wypipo

Fucking roided monkeys, couldn't even discover the wheel LOL.

Good one.now go back and print more of them worthless currencies

im from africa it's not a troll thread

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Cute larp. The Bleachkrieg is set to begin soon. We will kill every single male nigger, from a toddler to an elderly negro. And then we will fuck EACH AND EVERY NIGGRESS and not a single tear will be shed.

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Ha not because of nig nogs, because of leftarded cuck traitors in England.
They won't be around to save you next time Sipho!

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Faggot, i saw that picture in another thread yesterday

Friendly reminder to call niggers "nigus" in social media. It sounds like niggaz but it's an actual word

Elderly negros that aren't in my fucking Congress are usually based.


>proceeds to show pictures of black people using anabolic hormones synthetized by white men

>ignore that those muscle are actually a burden in real conflicts

ALL male niggers will die, I dont give a fuck how based they might be. And then we will fuck EVERY female nigger thats old enough to ovulate.

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>a 3 years old with a gun will kill all of them

Black people here seem more chill than americans, i always get laugh when an expat starts to rant about slavery and notices nobody gives a shit here, they get salty as fuck

>the engine roars to life.

Holy fucking kek

post storming new and original

>why yes I think every wh*Toid should be murdered, gow did you know?

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Whites don't owe us shit, we're self-sufficient.

European niggers don't give a shit about slavery, they just want to sell their shit usually. They are still pretty annoying but sometimes you find a cool dude among them.

You killed off the dodo you niggerfaggot

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Mauritius should not be Africa, it's literally 70% Pajeet. Are you a pajeet or black?

More niggers are obese per capita. Also only a fraction of you are very tall. The hyper masculine negotiate is a jew myth. What are you sliding now rabbi?

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>>ignore that those muscle are actually a burden in real conflicts
t.never deployed in your life faggot

>*makes excuses*

>More niggers are obese per capita. Also only a fraction of you are very tall. The hyper masculine negotiate is a jew myth. What are you sliding now rabbi?

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Rofl, that just makes it more funny!

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It’s true though, fuck off somalian

white guy here, make me leave

This is a troll post. I know this because even the dumbest niggers realize that they can only continue to have the standard of living of a 1st world country if they live in a country already built and maintained by whites. As the black population grows, this will become evident. That's why blacks pushed for integration in the first place. Their communities are poor and destitute not because they are discarded dregs of society but because niggers simply are not capable of higher order thinking needed to engineer a fruitful environment for themselves. Face it, the only reason companies hire niggers is because they have to. Other wise they would never hire people that don't do shit because they can't think like that. Niggers can't think beyond their immediate surroundings or gesticulate complex and organized ideas. The number one littering culprit in cities is niggers. Now look at the environmental issues in Africa, the sea of trash. It's ingrained in their way of life as they are spear chuckers who don't understand hygeine or etiquette. I feel bad for niggers now after typing this. They are out of their element in the 1st world and will seek to bring our civilization down to their level. THIS IS WHY RACISM EXISTS. BLACKS ARE ACTUALLY INFERIOR. NIGGERS ARE NOT THOUGHT OF AS SUBHUMAN THROUGHOUT HISTORY FOR NO REASON. We need to bring racism against niggers back to the mainstream for society's future.

Isn't GigaChad white tho?

Pic related

Catching, not pitching?

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Lol please tell me nigger, if your race was unable to build even the most simplistic of nations, how the fuck are you going to fight a race war against whites who conquered and colonized the globe? your average IQ in the US is 15 points below ours.

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Holy shit this is so fucking true

Another shitty larp thread? Can you just kill yourself you're weak af.

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You don't own America go back to your tundra pigskin

Shut up and die, nigger

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How many blacks do you even have in Denmark? I'd guess 5 blacks in your main city.

that is the worst graph I've ever seen 0-1240 is the same size as 1240-1260?

Daily remainder that the Iron Age in Africa ended in 1960s with the arrival of the first Chinese ship carrying scrap steel.

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just think, there’s a 50-50 chance we lose complex systems in the next couple decades. that mean there’s a really good chance you’ll be enslaved again. you’ll get to feel what your ancestors felt.

nigger monkey

Only blacks can look like pic related is with roids and cheating. In reality the average black man is ugly and weak. They arent intimidating in any way, and I feel bad for them for being so pathetic


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Honestly I think this is cute.

>muh muscular monkeys
Its funny when niggers think they had any chance in a race war.

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>wh*Tes STAY OUT
Most of pol isn't white

>not sucking the circumsized dick of jewsus


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Most of niggers who try push this narrative of "ooga booga stron' nigga" are just gangsters-wannabe who go to the gym for 6 months and inject themselves with testosterone to gain more muscles. Anyone can do that

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What about this narrative?


White pypo much more affected by slavery, than negroids.

>to each other

yes. because a bunch of hicks who have shot guns their entire lives and knows how to live in the forest can absolutely destroy these niggers.
even muh dick can't handle a 308 to the chest

as long as you niggers stay in africa and stop taking our money, i dont give a shit what you do

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The military is looking for hard willed people with an incredible pain resistance and stamina not dumb body sculptors that cant affird to run 100 meters with their porcelain bodies.
A bodybuilder would starve to death in the military, while also being less usefull despite a bigger muscle mass because homeboy is only used to working out one muscle a day for 30 minutes.

Here they even stated they didnt want any gymfaggots because theyre a waste of time