Getting over my "unicorn" gf

Hey Jow Forums,

I dated this girl for a couple weeks, then she broke it off, we remained friends for a couple years, then we dated again for 8 months and were in love and practically lived together, then she dumped me. A few months of no contact later, we hooked up again for a couple weeks then she ghosted me again.

What really screwed me over was when we were hooking up those two weeks long after the break up she said during heavy sex
>I knew you were the one
>we're gonna get married one day
It's like she knew what I wanted to hear

Anyway, it's been a year since she ghosted me and I can't get over here. I've slept with one chick since, but have been single. I'm thinking of sleeping with 15 thots to get over this oneitis. Any other advice??

>tldr; girl I knew and loved for 3-4 years ghosted me and played mind games with my head; now she's living in it rent-free.

Attached: iamfine.jpg (601x508, 94K)

I'm confused what makes her a unicorn, are you very hard to love and have no friends?

and believe me, I tried drugs and alcohol, and neither worked. Going to the gym has helped as well as focusing on my hobbies. I've been trying to use the idea of the lost love as a muse to propel my art.

Oh, she was a virgin when I met her, Christian, extremely bubbly personality, honor roll science student, and stunning makeup-free beauty. She did have flaws like anxiety and I'm guessing mild borderline personality disorder (Don't they all lol). But in my mind she's a unicorn, probably because I have yet to meet someone else like her. I need to dethrone her off the pedestal I've put her on

stop being such a beta and go date someone else

>agreed to premarital sex
yikes, that's a big red flag. you didn't pressure her into it did you OP? the fact that you're considering sleeping with a ton of women to get over her doesn't speak well for you.

During the relationship I realized she was not as firm in her faith as I thought. I didn't pressure her. She wanted to experience all those sexual firsts with me.

The standard block her on all social media, delete everything you have on your phone about her, accept the fact nothing will happen between you ever again and wait for your feelings for her to slowly fade away. Falling for someone else will speed up the process but there's not much you can do there besides putting yourself out there.

Haven't even looked at a photo of her or her fb in over a year, i don't have her on any social media. My friend saw her at the mall last week and she asked her how i was doing. This made me fall into a depression. Thanks user, I really do need to let the feelings fade away and find someone new

>dated this girl for a couple weeks, then she broke it off, we remained friends for a couple years, then we dated again for 8 months and were in love and practically lived together, then she dumped me. A few months of no contact later, we hooked up again for a couple weeks then she ghosted me again.
And after all of that you still kept coming back to her. Tell me, if she offered to get together for the third time, would you still accept? Have you learned nothing from your experience with her?

well the first time around she said she wasn't ready, and it made sense, she didn't date much and didn't wanna go into a relationship. She confessed her love for me just before college graduation and we decided to give it another go. I thought she was the one, as blue pilled as that sounds. Now I know she was just a skag. Lord help me move on

Roosh the PUA says a couple more new vaginas will solve this problem and help me move on.

>tfw catholic and already full of sexual guilt

she was lying to you, or got bored with you

Does it bother anybody else that younger people jump on the personality disorder bandwagon at any possible opportunity? Maybe it’s just Jow Forums but it seems like everybody and their mother thinks they have a personality disorder.

sounds like a fucking heap of baggage. "the one" doesn't ghost you like that, lmao

its cool for teen girls to have some sort of depressive disorder, gives them social currency
>oh janie i'm sorry feel better
>dont kill yourself!
>get well soon xoxo

I know chicks who go to the ER for panic attacks. PANIC ATTACKS.

Yeah OP is just a retard if he seriously thinks his ex had BPD. I feel that term gets used a lot here because it’s easier to just call the other person crazy, instead of doing some introspection and admitting that perhaps you did something wrong

This. My sister is actually borderline and she's a fucking insane manipulative piece of shit.

op here, okay she's not bpd, but why would she say these things to me and then block me again. Fucking stop playing with my heart bitch. lmao

>I'm guessing mild borderline personality disorder (Don't they all lol).

They.. Uh . Actually don't...
Forget her, she's damaged goods now bro

how old was she? despite what people say women take a looooong time to mature. most can not grasp empathy for other people until either after children or way later in life and even then it might only be for specific people.

its good that you recognize you over value her and need to get out of that delusion. once you meet an actual decent person you'll look back and laugh at what you thought was a good relationship.

That's not a "unicorn", it's just another whore. Granted, it's no more than a manwhore deserves.

we dated from when she was 22-23; i was her first boyfriend, first kiss, first everything
Working on it, thanks for the support user

>we dated from when she was 22-23; i was her first boyfriend, first kiss, first everything

sounds about right. let that one go and get someone way better.

thanks user!

For the other user, that called me a manwhore, my intention with girls until her was to date for marriage. Now I just pursue meaningless sex trying to be like the NPCs

no prob. the problem with that age is that everyone thinks "im still young and have so much more to see" so they throw commitment out the door. they like the idea of a bg/gf but not the possibility of being able to meet/fuck other people down the road.

yeah that's what I figured, she'd been on many first dates with a few dozen guys but eventually settled for a relationship with me, perhaps she thought relationships are like the disney princess stories she's seen and had too high expectations. That makes sense user

I dated girls for marriage exclusively, got disappointed many times, but learned from each relationship. Am married, and it wouldn't be as good as it is if I didn't have all those failed attempts before. Don't give up on women, buddy, just on this particular one. Regardless of what Jow Forums says there are good ones out there.

Should I seek out more long term relationships then? Or just do the “bang 10 hos” advice I’ve gotten on other forums?