GIOYC / Get It Off Your Chest


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Other urls found in this thread: for Anonymous&Name=Anonymous&Deck=international_icon&Reading=partner&UID=14741&Sign=3&Reverse=on

I really want to experience sex before I die. I can't sympathize with humans until I do

She's mine, not yours. Please fuck off and move on. Find another woman, you are a parasite. She doesnt even want to talk to you.

At 26 years of age, I still have no idea if a woman is being nice/friendly because social manners or because they are even mildly attracted to me, and because of this I have no idea how to handle such social situations.

So much work, I cannot even properly socialize and make friends. I know I can. Easily. I'm not a social outcast NEET fuckup autismo. I have the confidence of gods, but I just don't have the time, which sucks hard. Thing is, I am young and I need money, because I won't be long forever, so I wanna ball and spend money having fun, but its taking a toll on me. I wanna party and go out and have fun with friends in my car and not worry about money, but shits rough. Im not preparing and planning this rantpost. I want to believe my happiness lays in my own hands but alas.

I fell in love with a woman older than me. I used to think she was perfect in every sense, but now I don't know what to do. She has kids. Her life and her work are way more hectic than mine and we have finally reached the point that we dreaded over for a long time: our lives are not compatible.

I love her. She's the only woman I've ever been with that I truly love. The feeling is mutual. She, too, has only ever experienced deep and understanding love with me. But love is not enough.

Today I will see and talk to her face to face for the first time in three weeks. We are supposed to solve all of our issues later this afternoon but I don't even know what to say. Sorry, for being so young? For starting life later than you? Or maybe that I'm angry. Angry that she decided to treat me coldly this last couple of weeks instead of telling me what was going on. Or angry at myself, for letting this grow from casual sex to something more.

Or maybe that I don't want her to go, despite how much her constant absence is tearing me from the inside. Or that we should continue being friends, even though the day that she finds someone else I will loose my mind.

I love you. I don't want you to go out of my life but word on the street is that you have already decided. I don't even know if I'll have the strength to listen to those words without shedding tears. A part of me has lost hope, and the other desperately clings to the past. To all the beautiful moments we had.

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I don’t want you to message me anymore. I’m tired of the way you treat me. You were right, you should never be in a relationship but you’re also a shitty friend because you don’t care what others have to say. You expect people to respond to everything you say and show but you don’t do that. You have zero compassion or care for others. It’s terrible. I never wanted to physically hurt anyone but I want to hurt you... so much. Even the person who used to beat me, I don’t hate him as much as I hate you. He at least tried. I’m so angry I can’t think straight. I won’t tell you because I’m irrational now and also you don’t allow me to tell you my feelings. It breeds contempt, did you know that? I don’t wish you well anymore either but I won’t let you ruin my heart so I don’t wish anything bad on you. Not that it matters, wishes mean nothing. All I wished for was for you to love me or at least not want to see me suffer. When you give, it’s not enough and too late. I don’t want anything from you, nothing.


I can't live with the shame...

Shut the fuck up.

Why is it that every time I even remotely come down from a peak of feeling good about myself I INSTANTLY death-spiral into a "here's everything wrong with me" thought process???

What does it mean if I enjoy negative attention? Like, getting shit for having an unpopular opinion, triggering people by saying things like "I don't drink alcohol" or "maybe the police wouldn't bother you if you didn't break the law?"

Yes, my parents paid attention to me, but I distanced myself from them a lot because I have legit diagnosed Autism.

I keep getting this strange feeling every time I try or think about doing something others might not want me doing. I want to do it, I want to try it, but what if they say no? What if they shoot me down? I just want to fly, but everytime I take off I'm grounded. Let me fly. I'd rather die flying then live my whole life grounded.

Just assume shes interested in you. This will make you feel more confident and in turn behave more attractively to her.

It likely means you are suffering from some antisocial problems. Your parents are a non-factor here, and I'm going to assume your social circle is small/you don't hang out with them a lot. Your brain is desperate to be noticed and have a connection with someone, so someone could come up to your room, yell at you for not going out, and while you on the surface might be like "fuck you, bitch" your brain is going to get a niiiice rush of dopamine from the attention - this reinforces those bad behaviors and makes it into a cycle.
The best thing you can do is get off of the internet and focus on doing things outside. Hobby stores, the gym, wherever you have to go.
t. -someone who's lived the above.

I tried this through my teenage years. Was I not doing it right?

You know it yourself, user

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I'm 28 years old and have ruined my life, I want to kill myself but I don't want to put my parents through it. I'm going to try and fix things and I don't know if I can, but there's no alternative. I just need to write everything down.

I don't have a degree and have spend 8 years trying to get one. I told myself this time last year that if I got into my 3rd year I'd focus so I could at least get a 2.1, instead I left my project till the end and completed it within 2 days and still failed. I have ALL my exams in 2 weeks and instead of revising I'm telling myself "tomorrow" is when I'll start. I'll probably be lucky to get a 3rd and even though I know I can do it I'm too lazy

I've never had sex with a woman I haven't paid for, in fact I've never even kissed a girl who wasn't being paid. The reason I got so upset that the girl I liked doesn't want to see me anymore is because she is the first girl to EVER show interest in me. I didn't make a move on her because I'm fat a sweaty and even though she may have been ok with that I know I'm not. I like going to the gym but I'm lazy and convince myself to go "tomorrow" and then order takeaway

All the people I know have a family now, a partner or are buying a house whilst I barely have £200 to my name and have to lie to my parents to get money.

I've brought this all on myself but I can't bring myself to just end it.

Not sure if I tried to impress you. What’s the point of impressing someone who knows every nasty shit about you.

I feel like I'd be popular if I didn't have such a weird ass personality.

Know what?

I just saw a car accident. A guy and a girl got into crush with another car. I basically saw a girls body flying over like a rag doll, the guy went next.

*they both were riding a motorcycle.

He knows how I feel.

I just want you to hurt like me. I was good to you. I tried so much.

Everyone I've known that rides a motorcycle either gets severely injured or dies.

He always told me, he would never intentionally hurt me. That's why I love him and not you.

I was considering getting motorcycle license this year

The shame of what? open up to us, friend

I was secretly addicted to porn for a little while and ended up getting off to truly gross and ugly shit. I realized my sex life and intimacy with my bf was lacking and he’s so amazing I would never ever want to lose him so I just went cold turkey since last week. We had sex for the first time since I quit and it was beautiful, intimate, intense, amazing, everything sex between 2 people should be. I had probably the best orgasm of my entire life, I was nearly in tears from the sensation and emotion. Wow.
You can do it anons

Why do you claim you were in a ldr for 4 years before we started dating when you know they were in an actual relationship for half of that time? isnt that scummy? And like why is being with someone who has only been in "ldr"s so much worse than being with someone who has never had any form of relationship? You never remember our anniversary, i have to force you to do anything, and youre constantly calling me nosy. I know youre not used to someone genuinely caring about you but god damn, open your eyes, im not trying to be your "mother". I love you.

He/she won’t change. Can you live with that?

What makes you say that?

I'm short, ugly and poor, plus all the childhood trauma. It's highly unlikely I won't kill myself in my 20s.

Bump from previous thread, I mistakenly posted there because I didn't see this one

Years of experience, fruitless effort and dashed hopes ;_;

I wouldn’t mind if someone contacted me. Go for it. What’s the worst that could happen?

She posts a screenshot on IG with the caption "this creepy guy just messaged me".

I want to see you.

If you think she’d do something shitty like that then she’s not worth your time.

I thought I would marry you, you said so many assuring things, even just days before. you gave me the greatest joy in my life, and then you suddenly leave me for a random e-boy you met literally a week before breaking up. why act so loving, just to turn around so fast and give me my greatest pain

In trying to help someone change? Or being the one who needs to change?

Keep in mind that we were classmates, the last thing I need is other former mates knowing that I messaged her
Despite this, I'm still considering texting her and ask how she's doing at least

So I lost my girl virginity. That is, I slept with another girl.

For context, there was a friend of my boyfriend's who just came out as gay and got kicked out of her home, so she needed a place to stay temporarily. We told her she could stay with us for a while. The second night the homeless girl was staying with us, we started drinking and playing board games together, the three of us. The whole day she'd been flirting with me, and I didn't know if she was serious so I just kind of let that go on until eventually there was just too much awkward gay tension between us to continue playing. So we quit and all agreed to a quick kiss to blow off steam. It ended up not being such a quick kiss though. She got excited and wanted to take things further, so I asked my boyfriend if I could fool around with her. He said yes.

It was really nice and I feel better having had that experience, but I still feel guilty about it. She was the one who initiated it, and I did make sure to get ongoing consent and told her that if she wanted me to stop at any point, she could just say the word. And she did come out as gay, but apparently she wasn't 100% guilt free about it because she had grown up in an oppressive Christian household.

Afterward she ended up feeling really upset with herself for it because she hadn't entirely let go of her god. I don't feel like I raped her, but was it wrong to satisfy her urges?

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I really screwed myself this time. My heart belongs to someone completely unavailable.

I think I'm done slummin it with you guys now.

You sound young, so it isn’t the biggest deal. Don’t be too comfortable in situations like these in the future, it will cause turbulence and heartache. I find it strange that your boyfriend agreed to it - to me it comes across as you being a toy or play thing, and she is just another one. Beneath him, like a pet. At the same time, this girl doesn’t seem to respect your relationship. You need to take a hard look at your position in this social dynamic. Taking in strays when you’re in a relationship hardly ever ends well, and usually causes a bit of drama - this one is sexually charged at day 1. Be careful.

Man I had a good reality check last night. I ran into my old buddy who spent the last year riding trains across the country. It was good to see him and talking to him made me realize how much I've had my head up my ass lately. I really needed that reminder of the world outside my own little bubble and it was good to know how comfortable my little bubble is cause there is no fucking way I am riding underneath a moving train to live in caves and shit.

I guess it’s a lesson that everyone has to learn for themselves. If someone is actively working on changing that’s different.

I'll write down all my concerns

I love righteous trolls but for the sake of decency can we get the pornography out of here? It looks like how people make pulled pork :C

also why is it that i want to see slavers set free, or at least shot to death with a variety of effective measures >:C

Did you ever like me? Are you seeing someone? Were you just making fun of me? Were you taking advantage of my love but never cared at all?

I want to join the feminist people but I read their manifesto and it seems like it was hijacked by immigrants who are angry Americans don't like them rather than women who are mad about their societal role in life.

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Epic fail. You could've done something on people with disabilities or overweight people, in a non-comical way....instead you chose issues that are already covered everywhere and are fashionable. You suck.

idk if you guys care, but both guys from seem like survive, severly injured tho.

I'm right, always been and always will be.

What would make it easier for you? Call? Meeting? I guess I'm just not sure how to get you comfortable.

18 years old in Denmark.
Had to leave school a few years back since family couldn't afford it anymore, joined a new school where I had to go down a year since they didn't offer my subjects. Made a lot of friends but also did a lot of drugs.
Got expelled for not turning in assignments and truancy
Tried applying to another school which meant I would be even one more year behind. Went for an interview this morning everything went decently fine.
Got an email saying ''we regret you to inform you and bla bla bla''
Family lives in a different continent. Only sister and brother live in Denmark currently with brother as my sister despises me.
Passed the military exam last month but was told my danish was just barely good enough.
Currently neet, all I do is put off gym and reading, things that used to come naturally to me, and browse Jow Forums all day.
Planning on going to a job center tomorrow morning and signing up for Danish lessons.
Don't know why I'm writing this, just don't really have anyone I can share it with right now and need to get it out there.

Get the fuck off of Jow Forums and work out, loser. "Don't have anyone to share it with right now".

I've gone to the gym today actually.
All my friends are either in uni or taking their highschool finals. Plus Im broke so its not like I can go out and meet my friends. Theyre all going to a bar tonight and Im honestly not feeling it.

Why didn't you say anything earlier. We literally saw each other the same morning and you seemed so happy. You told me how nice and lucky you were to have met me. Then just dropping a fucking bomb on me a couple of hours later in a text like it's nothing and gets suprised that I feel sad.

I hate using feminitives since feminists own them ugh

Hey D, are you sure you don't browse here? I could've sworn I saw a picture of you in he re. You were right. From time to time, I come back to the advice you gave me.

ps if that pic is really you, holy shit thank you.

>She's mine, not yours. Please fuck off and move on. Find another woman, you are a parasite. She doesnt even want to talk to you.

That's cool with me. I no longer want her. She's lazy, crazy, stupid, ugly, moody, strange, paranoid, manipulative, and dangerous. You can keep her.

Plastic people with plastic parts and plastic hearts.

You don't even know her. Stay away from her and stop obsessing. Sour grapes.

I need you to know something.

I don't know them but they follow me. I have nothing to do with them, to the best of my knowledge. No one has really revealed much except one person and he left it very vague.

I think I fit in with normal people well enough

>I’m tired of the way you treat me.

And here you continue to play the victim while ignoring how you've treated me these past two years.

>You were right, you should never be in a relationship but you’re also a shitty friend because you don’t care what others have to say.

I actually do care what others have to say. I have asked you for your opinion on several occasions but you have only responded in short bursts with these weird, vague, two-sentence-long messages.

>You expect people to respond to everything you say and show but you don’t do that.

I have responded to everything people say to and show me. That's why I expect people to do the same for me. But hardly anyone does. The one person that I cared the most to have respond to me (you) hardly ever responded to anything that I had to say.

>You have zero compassion or care for others.

I do have some compassion for others, but it's hard for me to prove my compassion when hardly anyone returns the favor. I don't expect to get my dick sucked for showing compassion. I may be selfish, but a simple "thank you" every once in awhile would suffice. I hardly ever get any thank yous whatsoever.

>I never wanted to physically hurt anyone but I want to hurt you... so much.

That's funny. I want to hurt you neither physically nor emotionally.

>Even the person who used to beat me, I don’t hate him as much as I hate you. He at least tried.

I've been trying to get through to you for over a year, but you have ignored every one of my attempts.

>I’m so angry I can’t think straight. I won’t tell you because I’m irrational now and also you don’t allow me to tell you my feelings.

I have asked you on several occasions to tell me your feelings.

>All I wished for was for you to love me or at least not want to see me suffer.

I tried to love you, but you used my love to mock and manipulate me.

I don't want to see you suffer. I now only want you to fuck off for good.

I try to support and hold you up and in return you only put me down. when I point it out you laugh. Its damaging me but I can't seem to let you go, I seem to love you. Its a lose lose. How did I end up here.

Japan/China are trying to get people to have more babies because birth rates are dropping. That's actually hilarious.

>I just want you to hurt like me.

I want to see you hurt neither physically nor emotionally, but it seems as if I have somehow managed to hurt you emotionally by forcing you to see yourself for what you really are. Rest assured that the emotional pain that I caused you was not intentional. I was hoping that you would be able to understand that what I've been trying to tell you has been my
constructive criticism of you. I was also hoping that you would be able to recognize your flaws and change yourself for the better. But you interpret any and all criticism from me as being unjust.

>I was good to you. I tried so much.

You weren't as good to me as you thought. You didn't really try all that hard. What you did when we were first meeting face-to-face was: interrupting me, assuming what I was about to say and being completely wrong a lot of the time, laughing at me, insulting me, raising your voice at me, talking over me, ignoring me, getting annoyed and sighing at almost any little thing that I had to say, rolling your eyes at me, manipulating me, shaming me over minor slights like forgetting to tell you to have a great day...

And ever since we last saw each other face-to-face, you have: stalked me, cyberstalked me, gangstalked me, trolled me, repeatedly called me a "retard" (among other things), told me to kill myself, gaslighted me, ignored me, mocked me, ridiculed me, insulted me, used private and personal information that you've managed to gather about me to publicly humiliate me, manipulated others into telling me that I'm wrong, made me doubt myself, made me question my sanity and intelligence, refused to apologize for any of this, refused to admit that you've done anything wrong, continued to claim that you've only had good intentions, continued to play the victim...

And why are you guys still pretending to be me around here?

This is all just a funny joke isn't it.

What is her initial?

I hope these Larps might possibly give good empathetic data for Musk's Telecommunication Technology. There certainly would be a problem of turning people into schizophrenics from thinking everything the wind says is for them.

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I just woke up for Anonymous&Name=Anonymous&Deck=international_icon&Reading=partner&UID=14741&Sign=3&Reverse=on

what do you think?

>He always told me, he would never intentionally hurt me. That's why I love him and not you.

I would never intentionally hurt you, either. That you've been hurt by some of the things I've told you is only your inappropriate response to any valid criticism about you.

Also: isn't he treating you like a goddamn Nazi now? Isn't sex with him full of hate? Isn't he going around looking for black prostitutes? Seems to me as if he is indeed trying to intentionally hurt you, but he won't admit it to you out loud because it would make him seem like the villain.

And I no longer want your love anyway.

Who are you?

>I'm right, always been and always will be.

Hahaha. You really are quite the narcissistic sociopath, aren't you?

RF or RB

What's it to you?

Mickey Mouse

Ur mum

SpongeBob SlimTaperedPants (Formerly Square)

The Office is a tragedy. I'm actually terrified of ending up like one of those people. Maybe that's the point?

Where did we go wrong? I don't know what to do. if someone tells me to do what I want I only want to do what makes them happy and this applies to almost everyone.

Last year was amazing. This year has been bad so far. It will get better though, I can feel it.

For example:
Where do you want us to go?
You decide but then they got the clue, thankfully they don't mind it at all.
It still sucks that they can't rely on me towards academics. That's what friends are for anyway.

I still don't know what people truly percieve me as, im changing rapidly.

>Men only want one thing! All men are animals.
Sorry for craving physical intimacy.
Not like I'm a 25 year-old virgin who's too autistic to get past the first date. God, I hate hearing that. You don't realize what I've gone through to get to this point, lady, and it only threatens to get worse.

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Ok, if you really feel that way about her then fuck off for good. You literally don't even know her, neither of you care about each other, so get a move on already. You're so damn annoying.

I never had a real relationship with my sister. She got away from that man and got clean - she stayed clean for years. I started to think that maybe we could have a relationship, but now she's using again. I didn't let myself get attached, I'm just disappointed.

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i hope the lumps in my armpits are cancer symptoms and this will all end soon

living with anhedonia is pure fucking torture
I just want to want something

I've been trying to be more social lately by going to the bar with coworkers after work. I isolated myself for years and I feel like my social skills suffered because of that. I took a female coworker home last night, but I was denied when I tried to kiss her. My memory is a little fuzzy, but I think I handled the rejection well and she left shortly after. I really like her, but I don't know how to act around her at work today. People always say I'm "cool" and a "great guy" but it seems like everytime I make a move on a woman I like I get rejected.

I can hear them talking, theyre going to take over my area just like they took over the center of the city. God has cursed me. A couple is sitting on their (newky rented) balcony. They're speaking about how they put up a Tinder account together and how "great" it is that the guy got over his "insecurity" so that they can now have an open relationship while smoking weed. The girl is covered in tattoos and piercings and her basedboy boyfriend is wearing a Star Trek tshirt.
I like this city but theyre taking over even the most conservative areas now (because its cheaper, and cheaper only because its conservative)
I dont want to move but i swear to god, a second vegan only restaurant opened two streets behind me.
I cant take this much longer

U got lota shit backed up u arnt addressing

>And why are you guys still pretending to be me around here?

Maybe you shouldn't have called gangstalkers against me. Maybe you shouldn't have posted private and personal information about me on here. Maybe you shouldn't have posted my chat logs on here for everyone to see and use to pretend to be you.

>This is all just a funny joke isn't it.

Maybe now you can understand how annoying it was when you expected me to know which posts were actually yours.

So jilted
Seethe and cope some more, cuck