Why is sitting on Jow Forums so addictive?

why is sitting on Jow Forums so addictive?

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Crabs in a bucket.

Because i can connect with people without having to deal with them.

I really don't know why I keep coming back, I've hated it here for years now.


its not

It stimulates your social needs without you having to do it in person. Kinda like masterbation is a band-aid for sex

Being on Jow Forums makes me sick, racism constantly. Ultimately, it's my fault for being a "pussy" I guess

it's the only website on which I can use words fag and retard without being swarmed by the high-class-morality fags and the uses-recyclable-paper-straws retards

Attached: showmethemonies.jpg (201x251, 5K)

Memes aren't funny anymore, each new meme that comes out is more irritating than the last.

because you have autism
redditor detected

Stop looking at porn

I wish I knew, user.

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Social interaction with 0 social obligation


>Memes aren't funny anymore

I worry for you user

You're right part of it has to do with me not being the same.

Because most of the time, you get completely unfiltered opinions about anything that isn't shitposting. I have a hard time trusting people but over the years, I found that I trust Jow Forums way more than anyone I know except for 1 person.
Between the vast majority of backgrounds that people come from and the knowledge that comes with it, you can bet that if you need help with a very specific thing, SOMEONE will know and I don't mean just Jow Forums, this goes for all boards. Obviously you have to know who is trolling you and who isn't, but I think it makes it more interesting too. Sometimes it's obvious and sometimes it's not.

Idk user but I guess it’s fun

Do you really think so? I'm a newfag who's been here since 2014, I've gone from browsing a dozen of boards to just using 3-4 regularly, Jow Forums humour has gotten stale and repetitive for me.

I think it depends on what you find funny, what those boards are, and what kind of events are happening that are related to those boards.
I love /v/ during E3 because it's the most autistic shit that happens. So much shitposting leading up to it and everything goes into full overdrive during. But it's quite more tame otherwise and just go there to talk about games I know about.
I'll check /ck/ because occasionally they have really amazing/terrible stories that are entertaining and sometimes super autistic posts, but if I don't see any, I don't hang around.
And I usually browse Jow Forums because sometimes I find some of the stories here hilarious, but then I try to help those people in ways that I can.
I could also mention that fun may not mean humorous. I have fun posting and getting other people's opinions. I've had some of the best arguments on this website and that's fun for me too. I also have fun reading other people's creative shitposts.


The entertaining and fun posts you describe are few and far between, it becomes a slog to search for those kinds of posts in between the shitposts.

Well that's why I only browse during two periods (would be 3 but I hate phones)
1 - when I'm at work
2 - downtime between video games
(3) - downtime between out-and-about solo activities (waiting for anything).

I have other things to do besides Jow Forums so if everything I see is boring today, I just fall back onto other activities. Even video games, which I was just beginning to get bored of got a breath of fresh air when I spaced it with other activities. Not normalfag activities, but just something different.

Same reason why Twitter/Facebook/Instagram is so addictive. The only difference is here we can call each other niggers

I wanna know too. I have a bunch o friends, I'm in a happy relationship, and browsing this site makes me feel pessimistic and just worse. Yet I still browse it and post here.

This this and more this. Everywhere you go, its filled with "you shouldn't say that" morality faggots and I'm sick of it to the point I actually like coming here cause you can drop a faggot and nobody cares. Sad how pussy this world is becoming, even my dipshit friend gets a hair up the ass whenever I use faggot or retard around him.

Exactly. Jow Forums feels like honest real life, the gritty "you're gonna meet and see alot of idiotcy, but by god you'll get the answers you seek" kind of real life

Same, but idk man. I'm a fucked human being and Jow Forums is the only place where I can drop the mask.

Personally I like watching a bunch of people failing at life try to shit on people who aren't.
It's like being an audience to the crab pot.

Not many places on the internet that you can talk about whatever and be that inner jackass you wish you could be more often.

Helps me not commit sudoku