Or it's only an online thing? If You do face this shit offline, is it subtle or obvious or screams at your face?
Westards do you experience all this anti white bullshit offline?
Other urls found in this thread:
I have CHANGS bumping up my rent and WANGing my mum
All day every day
Mostly subtle
Depends on where you are. All cities are pozzed, but to varying degrees. I'd imagine all universities and corporate places are the worst offenders so I stay far away from that. Most people are pretty normal but oblivious and goes on herd instinct.
I've been able to get random people to open up on Jow Forums related topics irl. I'm in the midwest and everywhere outside the big cities is the real America. It's 90+% white, comfy af and down to earth.
It depends on who you interact with. If I met any of these people in real life I would probably get arrested for assault. Some kike bitch tried to pull a swim move on me on the 1 train and I gave her an elbow to the sternum for violating my personal space.
She started flailing at me and accusing me of assault and calling me a pig and I looked her in the eye pointed to the sky and said “Listen bitch if you touch me again you are going face first on that track”
I try to only spend time with white men and redpilled asians and indians.
It's everywhere constantly. It's weighing me down. Send help! I repeat send help!
>muh based asians and indians.
Fuck me whites are pathetic
Ok. Submarines away. Get ready your millions to try and detect them
and I pay it no mind online either
fuck Jewish conspiracies
I don't even experience it online
off....... line....?
Yeah, sometimes blatant sometime subtle, but yes quite nearly everyday. I all too often also see the white liberal anti-white hate.
I am a minority where I live in CA. I can walk into a store and never see a white person in my neighborhood. I receive nasty looks all the time, people assume you’re wealthy because you don’t buy groceries for you 5 kids using EBT.
Potato throat your government arrests people for spreading Brenton's cam video. You have a giant mosque in Copenhagen. it might not affect you personally but online wise you're fucked
Jews burned Notre dame:
Only thing I've knowingly experienced irl is this Hispanic chick condemning a traditional/Dixieland jazz concert for having "too many white people".
She's also blatantly called me handsome and tried to hit me up multiple times, which is a funny contrast.
We have bigger mosque in Moscow
I only experience it offline in the sense that my government is run by Jews who want to replace me with an imported electorate and turn my race into a caste of tax slaves and so every day my options dwindle with regards to every facet of my normal life
I live in Mexico America pretty much and it's not that common but it's out there. I went to junior high with mostly mexicans so I got picked on a lot for being a blondie. That's just middle school though, most people don't hate white people but they hate "racist white people" whatever that means.
I am in a republican group on campus and I voiced my strong anti-Israel sediment, and even talked about Rhodesia. Nobody else is anti Israel but they don't really care. Nobody called me racist and I am one of the only white guys. Most are mexicans and they don't care, hell, there is this mexican guy and then a girl from Panama that also knew about Rhodesia. So that was pretty damn cool. Still trying to get with the Panama girl desu.
I bring up Jow Forums topics with some my friends and they don't call me racist either. There is this one guy that I don't think likes me anymore... He is a white complected mexican, sort of looks Jewish. I met him through my neighbour though, my neighbour is just as non white as he is, but my neighbour is getting red pilled as fuck. So I don't care.
Yeah all the time.
true but there's no anti white bullshit in Russia. I know Putyara likes muzzrats. He called people who said Russia is for Russians uneducated morons
He mimics lots of the west does but trying to portray he's somehow against them
When he dies I'll go and piss on his grave
Is she mostly white?
Just few times gypsies called me white mouth or white pig. If there are less than 3 gypsies i usually beat them.
Only one time i was called slavic pig (even when im not real czech) by really old german women which lived in so called Sudetenland. I punched her in face and broke her wand. She was lucky my great-grandfather is dead because in his younger years he skinned few nazis alive.
Czeshka you're not a westerner. I know you like to think that but you're not. You're still on the sane side of the fence
Implying im czech. Can you even read?
>Only one time i was called slavic pig (even when im not real czech)
Czechs are the superior slavs
This is not mimicing the west, this is old stile soviet multiculturalism. When you claim your country is "multinational" when it is 90% homogenous in reality. When you make national autonomus republics, where titular nation is minority or even Jewish autonomus oblast where not a single jew have ever been. It is not AS stupid as western self hate though.
She's whitewashed in personality in a sense, but also very lib. She does drugs, memes as a stand-in for personality at times, has a small star tattoo beside her eye, gets bad anxiety, and dresses kind of shitty.
It's actually unfortunate because she has a really pretty face. She's a bit pudgy in the figure, but if she lost a few pounds and dressed more femininely she'd look amazing. Even then, though, her personality kills it for me.
I would marry a white mexican that had a good personality and no tattoos or nose piercings. Where I live, it seems a lot easier to find a mexican that fits this than an anglo. White mexicans are sort of rare, but there are tons in Mexico
i live in upstate ny and i have never experienced anything like that.
im usually the one staring at niggers if i happen to see one, but really i only will stare at ghetto ones, not the old men or properly dressed ones.
>If there are less than 3 gypsies i usually beat them.
Holy shit, I'm dying
It's mostly an Anglo thing. Here we have globohomo, the Holohoax and pro rapefugee shit but the fucking white cis male agend mostly exists in the Anglosphere
I stopped reading after the first sentence haha Who are you then?
Not mimicking the west? Article 282, TV no swear rules, EГЭ and TCЖ and so on. Name anything I will take they copied this shit from. He's not the only one does this. Business copied all the crap from the west. Moronic interviews where they ask if you're a team player and where you have to do a fucking physiologic test for 2 hours
I live in fucking Canada what do you think Ivan?
Nuke us already and end this
Online and media. IRL, most people don't care.
Just came back from Vienna. Pro rapefugee pollicy is as anti white as fuck. Generation identity debacle. Nah kids you're anti white just from a different angle. Kurz is a cuck in Soros' pocket and Strache got really soft since 2000
Vienna has got much shitskiny since my last visit in 2014
I live in San Francisco and the most I have to deal with is a hostile stare from a young Asian man once in a blue moon (obviously they have personal issues) because I work a blue collar job and people who do physical work tend to be more rational, not to mention having avoided indoctrination in "higher" education.
I don't fucking know. :P That's why I ask. I don't live in Cuckada. It seems like you're the cuckholm syndrome tier from what I've seen and read.
> SF
how's the streetshitting going
I experience it relatively often at university.
the white neighbourhood I grew up in is now 95% indian, happened over about 10 years
they are arrogant and racist as fuck too
I try hard to stay positive but I can't read a newspaper without feeling persecuted
>hot summer day
>at a liberty gas station
>some colored bloke in front of line
>buys his shit
>turns around for the door
>looks at me
>"you forget your sunscreen today?"
and some other shit I can't remember, the Ethiopian cashier kept apologizing to me about it.
Another time at a McDonald's acouple of blocks from the national harbor.
>around 2am
>friends buying boigahs and shit
>ask for fries
>black cashier girl looks back at the fryer
>full of fries
>"nah those are for me"
Long story short, she called the police. While we waited, still trying to get our shit, 2 black officers walk in and told us to leave.
No, and I live in Commiefornia of all states. Be wary of developing a victim complex, else you'll start believing shit like "whites are the most oppressed race"
I go to the same mexican food place every day and order the same exact thing and pretty much all of the workers know me there and like me. The place gets packed and I am often the only white person, the rest are mestizo mexicans, not even any white mexicans most of the time. They all call me "guero" (blondie/white guy) and say hi when I go by. They have their part of the city and I have mine. I think the real problem is liberalism. These people are straight out of the barrio and they are way cooler than many of the mexicans at university that are my age
Why wait for someone else to kill you, coward?
All self-hating Canadians should kill themselves. Man up.
Yeah, its called a predominantly black college campus. I've made several remarks over the past three years when necessary, all of which made no one in the class happy.
It isn't a meme, someone shat right outside where I work. Another time, someone pulled out his penis and pissed right in front of my parents.
I was in LA recently, everywhere I looked there were white women with black men and packs of black men aggressively hunting for women
>blonde jokes ok
>nigger jokes not ok
Yes, indeed, russian bruh.
>recently promoted at work, much earlier than I should have been with my experience honestly
>jew marketing manager asks me if I'm a jew
>looks visibly upset
My home town used to be all white and nice. People were friendly and knew each other and trusted each other.
Now it's culturally enriched and violence has skyrocketed. You don't see white kids walking on the street anymore. Everything feels more every many for himself. There's actual communist propaganda posted up on street posts every week and it's not in English. Most of my old friends are dead to drug overdoses or suicide.
I want what was lost back again. I've embraced nihilism though, honk honk, enjoy the decline.
>jew marketing manager asks me if I'm a jew
Isn't that illegal?
pretty much this
>"whites are the most oppressed race"
They are primarily exploited at neglected at this time, not actively suppressed, but that's coming. It's starts with rhetoric and cultural memes.
you should have responded yes goy
he was about to invite you into some secret human sacrifice party
Yes it is a constant and complete immersion in the clown world here. How is it there?
No. But I moved to get away from it. Was a daily thing when I lived in a city.
>Be wary of developing a victim complex, else you'll start believing shit like "whites are the most oppressed race"
Name one other race that isn't allowed to organize to pursue its own well-being publicly and explicitly.
>aren't jewish tricks under zog illegal?
maybe i wouldve gotten a 20% raise too
I would never have found my way to Jow Forums if I weren’t personally dealing with spics and niggers who eagerly take any petty swipe they can at the only white guy in sight no matter how insane their logic is.
>Nig: “Are you gonna get that book?”
>Me: “Yeah. Looks pretty good.”
>Nig: “so you have money to buy books.”
>Me: “yeah? If I really want it then sure”
>Nig:”Rich White guy huh. Racist.”
every ad
every modern movie
every modern cartoon
every modern tv show
every magazine
>letting the worker ants of a global corporation say “no” to you without informing corporate and blowing up their social media with an @ to their competition
If this happened in the Internet age then you deserve it for being a limp-twisted goober who forgot what the nuclear codes were.
I live in Miami and spics will sometimes attempt to conspire to sabotage whites because whites easily outwork and outmaneuver them at every turn. However they usually fail due to their own stupidity and laziness.
In a city that is only 10% non-hispanic white almost all professionals are american whites or white castizo.
Minority women unironically lust for the BWC
my whole schooling experience in california was hell, nearly every day I got shit on for being white and the teachers would tell tyrone and jose to be nice and stop but they continued until the end of my schooling.
being a minority sucks, I know first hand
Yeah I've considered dating one but I'd rather look for something that's more bound for the long-term, ie try my luck with finding a decent white woman instead.
Latinas grow to fat, quickly. I saw it in a co-worker over the course of one year.
Women are gross, stupid creatures.
Only the indios
This is true, the dignity of men of all races is constantly undermined by the perfidiousness of The Eternal Woman
> memes
Like, 'white fragility' - "You can't take it, white boi?"
Pretty much the best comment in the thread.
Real life was a lot more subtle. It's not overt as it is online but once it clicked brown people were racist as shit a lot of my past interactions made a ton more sense. Feels bad man. I spent 25 years believing we could all get along :( what a mindfuck
The NYC public school system is an exercise in anti-white discrimination.
learnt we couldn't all get along when I was fucking 5
From the mouth of a 'babe', though irl it's 'just' being called racist; the rest is online:
I do see shitskin invaders outside yes. I do see pro-shit skin anti-white politicians on the telly.
I get comments on my skin being pale a lot, but honestly the only negative is from white people and spics, Asians fucking love it.
But overall, I've never encountered this online radicalism in real life, most people seem normal. My mom saw a nigger melt down in line at Walmart screaming at the cashier she was racist, so it does happen, although that's just fucking nogs being nogs really. They are much more emboldened in their niggery I've noticed, so that is a part of it.
Nope never.
>Or it's only an online thing?
It's just cognitive bias OP. The spineless "men" that browse pol are so keen to be victims and feel demonized that they literally cling to every example of what could even be remotely construed as "anti-white" sentiment. They do this to justify their persecution complex.
In reality there isn't much anti-white sentiment just virtue signaling on social media.
>Anti white bullshit irl
It's omnipresent in basically all media, even print and TV, but maybe that's not truly "offline".
In some sense it's about as pervasive irl, but less "personally aggressive". in that colleges and corporate workplaces, will typically have some mix of "diversity training", "diversity departments", etc, and colleges in particular are infested with activism essentially operating on the premise that white males are all rapists and racists. A lot of it tends to feel very "bureaucratic" though, and while "diversity enforcer" type positions tend to attract cunts with chips on their shoulders looking to start shit, the policies as a whole seem like the kind of thing that is approved by people high up and far away, who don't really care about any of it, but are just trying to get activists to stop nagging them, get the media of their back, etc.
There's also the fact that normies here mindlessly consume media and adopt the political values of celebrities, not in earnest, but like a kind of fashion statement. It really fucks up social interaction, because people who can't stand the politics stop participating in mainstream culture, and thus lose a common social context with society (these types tend to cluster around vidya, anime, etc, but it doesn't manifest irl), while those who are utterly ideological are always buttmad at people using their ideology to virtue signal, leading to conflict and a culture that is constantly changing, but not actually going anywhere. Basically every generation here feels like its own cultural island, with people sharing almost no common social context with people +- 5 years from themselves, despite the fact that nothing of substance has changed. It's just a different bunch of niggers saying "fuck yea muvvafuck biches smoke weed get money bix nood", and a different bunch of vapid actresses thinking that what they're doing is the first major breakthrough in women's rights.
mostly the fact that you cant say the n word or even nigga unless you have a "pass" with some bros yet they can call us crackers n shit
>zoomer wanting to say nigga
Yes, self deprecating 'white' comments from liberal fags, shitskins who openly insult you for your race, 'white privilege' comments. This is in a city in Texas. It's gotten so bad that otherwise decent and respectable people do it, because it's been 100% legitimized by the media and they think it's acceptable and normal behavior.
It's going too far though, white people are generous, not doormats. Even in cuck cities people are thinking, but not saying it. Problem is these cities are so loaded with fags and Jews that legitimately believe this stuff. Like my mind was blown just how many fags there were in DC when I went there. I knew about the Jews, but the fags were out of control.
Yes! Some Iranian fag did the whole white hetero men are bad spiel at work.
Iranians and those filthy Armenians are cancerous jews. It's easy getting caught up in the whole shia good, sunny bad. I dont really care about that.
>In some sense it's about as pervasive irl, but less "personally aggressive"
Seems like that's about sums it up.
Yeah I've been saying it for a long time. Most western apolitical tards parrot leftist SJW liberal crap.
>government arrests people for spreading Brenton's cam video.
Oh shit. Noone were arrested in Swedistan. God thing that the police wont find the brento vid among my 1488 Isis and narco beheaddings
Was going to say they probably were a Jew, but then I saw flag. Most the Iranians in my country are Jewish, worst of both worlds.
NH here co-workers claim they're centrist for the most part but seem to agree most of the anti white bullshit that gets pushed on campuses is going too far. One guy went to University of Maine and said it's worse than you hear online