Westards do you experience all this anti white bullshit offline?

Or it's only an online thing? If You do face this shit offline, is it subtle or obvious or screams at your face?

Attached: 1555280609274.jpg (501x504, 111K)

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I have CHANGS bumping up my rent and WANGing my mum


All day every day
Mostly subtle

Depends on where you are. All cities are pozzed, but to varying degrees. I'd imagine all universities and corporate places are the worst offenders so I stay far away from that. Most people are pretty normal but oblivious and goes on herd instinct.
I've been able to get random people to open up on Jow Forums related topics irl. I'm in the midwest and everywhere outside the big cities is the real America. It's 90+% white, comfy af and down to earth.

It depends on who you interact with. If I met any of these people in real life I would probably get arrested for assault. Some kike bitch tried to pull a swim move on me on the 1 train and I gave her an elbow to the sternum for violating my personal space.

She started flailing at me and accusing me of assault and calling me a pig and I looked her in the eye pointed to the sky and said “Listen bitch if you touch me again you are going face first on that track”

I try to only spend time with white men and redpilled asians and indians.

It's everywhere constantly. It's weighing me down. Send help! I repeat send help!

>muh based asians and indians.
Fuck me whites are pathetic


Ok. Submarines away. Get ready your millions to try and detect them