Why are Americans against young love and age gaps?

Why are Americans against young love and age gaps?

There is nothing wrong with a 16 year old girl and 24 year old guy in a relationship

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I agree, woman peak at 16-18 and men peak at fucking 50, so it would make the most sense in my head for the two peaks to meet.
This would solve a lot of problems we currently have in our current fucked up dating system.

In most places that's illegal, we have laws for a reason. "Young love" is when two young people are together, not a teen and an adult with an 8 year age gap, that's not it.

Age gaps are perfectly fine when both parties are legal, though I think most of the time the big age gaps are for money.

An age gap is different when you're a kid, 8 years is a lot older than 16 mentally, it puts the older person in a position of power over the younger person, and some sometimes teenagers are groomed by older people with bad intentions. You never know, and I think it's better if we don't take that chance

This post is so obviously a woman, no man would think like this

>people with bad intentions. You never know, and I think it's better if we don't take that chance

Some women are abused in relationships without an age gap, best we don't take a chance and ban all relationships

Even if some relationships with an age gap have a problem, those without shouldn't be prohibited

You don't get outside much, huh.
Could you reply to the rest of what I said instead of the sentence I added as an afterthought? Yes, that's my opinion, I'm not changing it.

It's only illegal in America, Europe and most of the world have more reasonable age of consent laws.

Men generally prefer younger, and women prefer older, it's the natural state of affairs

>Land of the free
>Consensual relationships are forbidden by law

>Men generally prefer younger, and women prefer older, it's the natural state of affairs
This isn't true. I prefer younger men, I just don't like children. The only women I know that prefer older men are damaged women and women with daddy issues. This is sad that you want to take advantage of them, though I doubt you're attractive so what do your fantasies matter.

They do this because different people develop at different rates in terms of emotional maturity. Most should be set by early 20s but the minimum is set to 18. I dont see a problem with that. Younger people driven by hormones and dont think clearly, you should at least be aware enough by the time you get out of high school. A sexual relationship can be fulfilling or damage you psychologically.

Untrue my man. I’m a 25 year old guy and I regularly deny 16-18 year olds. I’ve noticed just from working with them a huge difference in maturity levels. It feels like i’m talking to a child most of the time. Not to say there isn’t exceptions but let’s be real....

I knew it was a woman, anyway it's not taking advantage, they are not children they are young women.

Women are almost universally hardwires to want an older, maturer man who can support them. Men prefer younger women with less baggage. A deviation from this is an unusual personal preference

I'm 24 myself living in the UK with a 16 year old girlfriend and it's perfectly legal, in the US I could spend a year in jail for it, it's bizarre

Not Jow Forumsice, GTFO with your Jow Forums cancer

>its this LARPing asshole again

So you're that op being butthurt? It's weird, get over yourself.

It's not weird, what's weird is American obsessions against age gaps. Some teenagers are immature, but so are women in their twenties. If we are both happy, what's the problem.

I'm not ruining her life, quite the opposite, she's very happy

>Most should be set by early 20s but the minimum is set to 18.
This is based on what? What are you using to measure emotional maturity?

You seem creepy, you mentioned in your last post she spends most of her time at your house, you know it's considered abusive to try and separate your partner from their family/friends?

I'm not going to take anything you say about her as a fact, you're not getting validation from me.

>she spends most of her time at your house
Not him, why would you assume it's without her consent?

Thats some pedo shit boiiii

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It's not pedo unless they are pre-pubescent

Most places don't care.

Attached: United-States-Age-of-Consent-Map-1024x683.jpg (1024x683, 56K)

The age of consent in most American states is 16.

Because op is acting so sketchy about this, if he really thought what he was doing was okay he wouldn't be arguing with anons on the internet about it. Though it's mostly the fact that he got a 16 yo pregnant and mentioned that she stays mostly at his house and her parents aren't happy with the situation, all together these are red flags about him.

Also, I didn't say without consent, I just said that it's abusive to try and separate your significant other from their support group, which is what he's doing. Most abuse victims do everything the abuser says willingly, so she probably verbally consented.

Adding to that, op doesn't know how to take no for an answer, every post he continues rambling. At this point I think he's a troll but idc I'm bored.
It takes 3-4 years for a child to go through puberty, and children can hit puberty at 16.

24 states have romeo and juliet laws in place, that means the aoc isn't really 16 for most people

Alabama passed a law for chemically castrating pedophiles. Let's make it world wide.