>In 1942, a group of Australian nurses were murdered by Japanese soldiers in what came to be known as the Bangka Island massacre. Now, a historian has collated evidence indicating they were sexually assaulted beforehand - and that Australian authorities allegedly hushed it up.
Aussie nurses raped and massacred by Japs, BTFO
worthy of a bump - thanks.
Nevermind move along.
At least they didn't produce Hapa incles
the sad thing is they probably loved it what a world
Okay, why is the BBC trying to drum up conflict between Kangaroos and Nips?
KEK this, white women are the biggest whores!
>Japanese imperial soldiers raped people
this is hardly a revelation
womp womp
>the sound of the world’s tiniest violin
lol who cares
are you sure they were massacred and didn’t die from gum disease
Kill yourself cunt.
Unless it's a case of tan/brown women raped by white men, no lefty is going to even pretend he notices.
Japanese soldiers may have been desperate enough to resort to cannibalism but I don’t think they would have been desperate enough to rape this doctor who looking mockery of the female form
It's only rape when feminists lie about white men doing it. Otherwise it goes straight down the memory hole.
Why did Japs rape so much during WW2? China, Korea, Vietnam, Australia too
She's a hapa. The teeth look a little familiar don't they.
Meh. We got our revenge, and now they're neutered Western puppets
If their hymen wasn't broken is it still considered rape?
>Lynette (((Silver)))
I’m sure your source of information is beyond reproach
This. Did the nurses even notice they were being raped?
Women love to be raped, it's an objective truth. If a woman's first orgasm was from being raped then later on she would actively seeking to be raped to enjoy it again.
It’s called perserving their dignity.
This desu, if you were mutilated and killed in battle against aboriginals would you want your hometown newspaper to say “user fell in gallant battle against the negro hordes” or would you want it to say “user got shot in the throat in a firefight and then niggers ran over and gouged out his eyes and fucked his eye holes and then cut off his ballsack and stuffed it in his mouth and then fucked him in the ballsack hole and then fucked him in the ass and they liked it so much that they cored out his asshole with a post hole digger and took it away with them as a souvenir for fucking on the go, we’re not sure at what stage of this process user died but there’s a good probability the incapacitating throat wound wasn’t immediately fatal”?
The IJA strikes again?
Their dicks are so small can it even be considered rape? seems more like aggressive tickling to me.
Disgusting fucking cunts.
Japan can’t even take a shit without the US army their protecting them from China, hopefully China will just genocide nip bugs.
At least they didnt feel the rape..
I’m desperate for hiroshima v2.0
Kek i knew the dick jokes woukd be coming
>"you want my ching chong?"
>"crikey, no! you crazy, you daft cunt?"
>"but me rikey"
>"bloomin' fuck right off, mate!"
>"you have brought chong great dishonor"
>"oi what're ya gonna dundee do about it?"
two nukes later
>dicklet japanese soldiers try to rape white australian nurses
>australian nurses giggle and laugh as micro dicks tickle their pubic hair barely penetrating their pussy
>dicklet japanese soldiers feel humiliated
>australian nurses executed to regain their honour
>kike nosed nurse survived because she was off riding local indigenous cock in the jungle during the execution
they did cringe
just like you in dresden
did you know that during wars soldiers do bad things?
Comon m8, just imagine the hours long romp they had.
>Forced to fight for retarded emperor
>Likely going to die soon
>See young fresh wyite wominz giggling, playing hard to get
>Lieutenant gives the nod
>Get third on SSgt. Betty after Lieutenant and sergeant get their due.
>Cunt is still wet
>Suddenly, life isn't so bad
>Go a few more rounds before doing the lord's work
Memes aaide americans and japamese have the same average lenght, both being small useless cocks, not as small and useless as indiana tho.
It’s like whaling
Two whoppers and a diet coke
Averages only matter in Democracy
Why is this news? Our WW2 exhibits have said this shit for years. Aussie anger doesn't run very deep though, one bad turn deserved 2 others, and most people were satisfied with that.
did those aussie whores even or notice penetration by 3" jap dicks?
Sadly fren the whooper is a burger from the Ameri*an establishment of Burger King
Well every JAV is rape, Japs must all have deep rape fantasy.
Why is there a church
yep sounds about right.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were the two main centers of Christianity in Japan
Guess what religion the leaders of the Manhattan Project were...