Are women demons working for the jews?

> Leftists by default
> Main purpose is extract semen from men
> Hostile to men ideals
> Attached to the material world
> Would destroy a race in a heartbeat.

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No dumbass, women need order,jews pray on their fear. You let them destabilize family structure, globally.

Women like dick which means they are faggots

I don’t know where you get this idea of hostility from. That’s not hostility they are showing me.

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Soul of a woman was created below

>women with jewish behaviors

learn the difference, it could save your life.

No. Jews are demons whose father is satan and the shabbos goy work for them

"Lots of people talkin', few of them know. . . soul of a woman was created below"
thread theme

schizo thread

SJW, before it was recently demonized, used to mean "single jewish woman"

SAGE because you are an incel faggot.

>women need order,jews pray on their fear
Waaaaah women are victims

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One good woman is better than 100 good men. They're just extremely rare to find. In general the bible says they're evil and should be avoided at all costs.

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Women are succubi, that is why I avoid them. If I have sex with one, they can falsely accuse me of rape and have me thrown in jail. If I marry one, they can ruin my life and make me lose half of my property. The only thing I can think of that they would be any good for is making children, but that is not worth the risk.

women are tolerant by nature but all the women in my life agree with me on most issues


You do it any other order and you get chaos.

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>Would destroy a race in a heartbeat.
That much is true, however, if the woman has white children she wants to care for and protect she would happily gas every nigger and Jew in the world for them.
All we have ever see are single, college age women with no attachments to their race and eager to adopt whatever brown mongrel drags across the border. But as Hitler himself recognized, the core of the race is the female and her world, though smaller, is just as vital.
After 9/11 my own mother would unapologetically say that the US needed to just start at one end of the Middle East and nuke their way to the sea, and it was likely because she had 3 kids that she felt were endangered by Muslims, even as we would tell her that was crazy talk.

Women are Jews. Pic related

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no, it's just easier to see the demonic manifestation in women because they suck with their emotions. literally, figuratively, and spiritually.

the exorcist movie.. actually ALL HORROR movies.. aren't fantasy, it's just exaggerated or even tamed down reality.

They're not demons they're just an animal with significantly different behavioral incentives than the male half of the species. Their emancipation and introduction into the wider civilization from which they were intentionally kept revealed things about their nature that had been obscured by their previous condition, and these things proved to be incompatible with our civilization. And now we're all paying the price for this oversight.