Is it just a trick to keep people from using guillotines on the 1%?
What should be done instead?

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We need to restart.

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I grew up poor, I worked hard and now I am well off. Please explain why you are entitled to my labor.

>Is it just a trick to keep people from using guillotines on the 1%?
>What should be done instead?
Decrease immigration, which causes the value of local workers to increase.

>class consciousness
Racial consciousness is more important and you should go kill yourself, commie.

you talk like a fag

Because 51% said so.

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He is a leaf

I don’t think I am, also it’s a sin to steal.
this is true
Communism and capitalism are two sides of the same jewish coin


Yes, so don't talk about class consciousness, only communists talk about it. We don't need to eradicate the 1% if they're white. There will always be a 1%. The only problem with a 1% if it doesn't like the other 99% and I'm pretty sure most jews don't like gentiles.

without jesuits jews masons boomers and coloreds

UBI is nothing more than a theory at the moment, and a theory with a lot of unsolved contradictions too. It's just one of many proposals to keep the current system running, and it's not even the proposal favored by the 1%.

The 1% oppose UBI because it could lead to very low-paid employees dropping out of the labor force entirely and living off their UBI instead of slaving away every day for what is effectively less than the minimum wage if you look at actual hours worked. The 1%'s preferred solution is the implementation of a universal "work for welfare" system where people who get welfare are automatically put to work in unskilled jobs for big companies that have a shortage of personnel, not for a regular wage but simply for the right to keep their welfare payments. Such a system, coupled with constantly high rates of immigration, would keep wages down indefinitely, even at times when there are labor shortages. Just this morning the governing neoliberal party in this country proposed putting thousands of unemployed people to work restocking supermarket shelves at night, because a handful of big supermarket chains can't find people willing to do hard work at night for minimum wage.

The sad thing about the ChapoTrapHouse guys - I read their Reddit page regularly, so I know where you got that meme, OP - is that they prey on people who are both short-sighted and outraged. They take a problem that is real and that people care about - stagnant wages, devaluation of labor - but instead of offering a practical solution that would make people's lives better (such as halting immigration and reversing right-to-work and work-for-welfare schemes, so that labor becomes more valuable again) they offer a magical solution with no bearing on the real world ("class consciousness" is not going to save the value of labor from an influx of cheap workers through immigration and free workers through work-for-welfare schemes).

>mfw I'll never have a giantess Manifest Destiny gf

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I agree with everything you said, but I really wish you didn't say you were from Reddit.

I imsgine chapotraphouse want communism because they are the exact types who would try and use it to gain power and become “party members” so to speak, meaning subvert a worker owned production system and become the elite class.
Not to mention the main figureheads in communism were Jews who changed their last names to hide.

I remember this episode. first time I saw death on television, changed me on a deep level

What did the episode where they turn into salmon eggs and get jizzed on by a fish do to you?

I'm not. I was banned from Reddit ages ago for "agenda pushing" or some shit, but I do read left-wing pages on Reddit because it gives me an idea of what the 'other side' are up to and what their arguments are.

Sadly, most of the time it's just rationalizations they've cooked up to explain away the problems with their world view. They assume that there is a naturally just world where people are fundamentally equal and inequality is the result of reversible evils. The reason why they assume this is because it's the only way for a "kind", nice world governed by pure slave morality to work. They want to bring Heaven to Earth, and you can't do that when you have to admit that Heaven is an unattainable fantasy.

>I imsgine chapotraphouse want communism because they are the exact types who would try and use it to gain power and become “party members” so to speak
Communist carpenters, laborers, farmers and factory workers are very rare. All Communists I've met - and I've met a lot of Communists - were university students, primary or secondary school teachers or unemployed 'creatives'.

My guess is that the 'panel' from ChapoTrapHouse would do well enough in a Socialist/Communist country. They'd be too autistic to become national party executives, but I imagine they'd become directors of technical colleges, or professors of politicology, or propaganda editors, something like that. But the listeners? The dumber, louder half would be dead or in jail for being negative about the reality of the revolution, and the smarter, quieter half would be, to paraphrase the Dead Kennedys, put to work with guns in their backs for a bowl of rice a day. They're not well-spoken, they're not handsome, they're not brave, they're not natural leaders. That's why they subscribe to a slave morality. As for the real elite if a revolution happened... same elite we have now. Smart enough to always have a backup plan, social enough to get into the inner circle.

UBI is a meme that won't fix the issue caused by capitalism, which is to say a human's worth is defined by what he can provide to others. Guaranteed income or no, the poor/unemployed will still be as powerless and replaceable

As an unironic stalinist i fully support UBI
One of two things will happen
>It works as advertised, making people's lives better, people work because they want to not because they need to in order to survive, everyone is happier, not full communism but definitely a step in the right direction
>The billionaires refuse to pay for it, replacing the money lost from increased taxes in order to subsidize UBI with cutting the wages of workers by up to 90% and abolishing the minimum wage. The lives of the 1% don't change, NEETs get their neetbux, and who gets fucked the most? The worker. This only leads to further class consciousness. Basically accelerationism
Win win in both scenarios

>what should be done instead

Gravity applied transport to all communists

That's a point that deserves more credit.

There will always be an elite, there will always be a hierarchy, because people are inherently unequal. Smart people can get to the top, dumb people can't. Attractive people have a much easier time getting to the top than unattractive people. Strong people with booming voices are universally considered better leaders than twigs who mumble in high-pitched voices. All of these things determine who goes up and who goes down in the world.

The problem with Communism is that it denies this fundamental reality and tries to socially engineer it away by empowering the meek, the people whose natural role in the human hierarchy is to serve. Such a thing will always result, as it always has, in a strongman and his inner circle taking over. Look at Lenin (a brutal, ambitious man), look at Stalin (an even more brutal, even more ambitious man), look at Makhno (a man who spent no time on high philosophy and focused instead on getting what he wanted), look at Mao (a succesful Chinese warlord, the Red Emperor in the same way Stalin was the Red Tsar), look at Kim Il-sung (the first of a line of monarchs reigning to this day), they were all people whose rise to power was biological and based on their personal skills at speaking, leading and solving problems more than any ideological superstructure they built. They all had women aplenty, booze aplenty, fine wines at their dinner parties and more. Why? Because they understood, whether consciously or subconsciously, that ideology's just set dressing in a world of strongmen.