How do I get a girlfriend who

how do I get a girlfriend who
>is smart
>has no friends
>is a virgin
>likes anime
>obsesses over me

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Actually talk to women and find out their interests

Are you able to get a normal gf? If so, find one? If not, you're probably not worth obsessing over. You won't find one with no friends because she doesn't go out. You won't find a virgin because she doesn't care about sex or relationships. You may find a smart anime fan though.

Are you handsome, smart, funny, and charming? It doesn't matter because that neet isn't coming out

too far

yes, however I am only attracted to girls who dont have any friends because I want to be the only person in her life.
Ive met a girl like that before but i moved to a different state

>has no friends
So no social life/skills.

>obsesses over me
Co-dependent and lacks and healthy sense of boundaries.

Believe me, I get the idealistic appeal the cute nerd girl who is "sexually inexperienced, into nerd shit, and socially awkward JUST LIKE ME," but trust me, the reality of it is far less appealing.

I promise you, you'll be better off with the girl who is 90% normie and "watched Sailormoon as a kid" but isn't a full blown weeb.

>Co-dependent and lacks and healthy sense of boundaries.
thats what I want though
>reddit spacing
fucking normalfags man i swear to god

I'm going to be honest, I don't believe you.

Why does it matter that she's a virgin?

You're basically looking at a fat Emo girl with borderline personality disorder who still lives at home and makes YouTube videos about how borderline somehow means she can't get a job.
That's about the archetype I think fits your checklist.

Not him but I started on this site and learned the spacing from anons. Also reddit spacing is just one space, not two, you're the one using reddit spacing

That's possessive af user.

your kidding right?

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The gym, work, uni, community college, rec center, cafe, bar, club, the park, public squares, meetups, tinder, bumble, conventions, parties, the grocery store

You're not even trying, you don't deserve a girlfriend and I hope you stay lonely fucking faggot.

>>Co-dependent and lacks any healthy sense of boundaries.
>thats what I want though

I get that, but have you ever actually dated anyone like that to KNOW that you actually like it? Because again, it's actually more like having an annoying pet that won't give you an inch of space and constantly needs shit.

Ive met a girl like that before however she had a boyfriend and was a mexican
your a normalfag you wont understand

One line per sentence is Reddit spacing dude, it's exactly how Reddits next line function works...

You want someone that will stay with you even if they're unhappy. The only difference between a virgin and non virgin is that the non virgin is pickier since she has more experience.

So you wabt a girl that is probably highly insecure and dependant on you? Hmm. I met mine through Jow Forums. You do not often find these types outside of their homes.

so many normalfags ITT who need to go the fuck back

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>You do not often find these types outside of their homes.
exactly why i have to look here

>That's what I want
You're speaking to experienced anons who know something you don't... You're making a monkey paw wish. That unhealthy level of co dependence comes with a lot of negative qualities. You'll think it's great and wonderful until she's key logging your computer and going through your phone and posing as you and making death threats to every contact you have as you because she thinks you're cheating because this one time you replied to a text in 11 minutes instead of your regular 10.

Or screaming at you for going to rub n tugs even though you've never been to one before in your life because this one time you went to the convenience store for a Pepsi without telling her.
>Reddit spacing
And stop this crap ffs. I've been on this website 12 years. This new crop of faggots only started whining about this a year ago. This is common formatting, it's easier to read and separate your ideas. You can't live your life being this faggy.

>asks for help socializing
>gets mad when normal people give social advice
Cut your balls off and when you won't be jealous of our girlfriends lol

oh please Ive suffered real abuse and social isolation before for many many years and id be ecstatic if someone cared about me that much
it doesnt matter how long youve been on this website if your a normalfag with friends irl and a gf you need to fuck off.

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>is a virgin
Dude what. Why do you want a virgin? Are you 15?

Havana oh nana

Haha well put.

even if i couldnt produce testosterone I would still have a psychological need for emotional companionship.
why cant you normalfags just leave? I know how to socialize I just dont know where to find these types of girls

your kidding right? marrying a non virgin girl is like using a used toothbrush you found off the floor


There's this fable I can't remember the authour of I'll water down for you.
Dude walks into an apothecary asking for a love potion. Before asking he seems this black vial for $15,000 dollars. He asks what it is. The apothecary says it's the greatest poison ever made. Kills instantly, leaves no trace, no evidence, no cause any autopsy can find. It's the perfect murder weapon.
Guy says "wow I can't believe anyone would want that. So about the love potion".
The apothecary offers him a love potion that makes a woman love him and only him. Follow him everywhere, only want his company, only want to please him, serves him in every way imaginable, he can even cheat on her, and she won't leave or get revenge. Just be hurt.
Guys like "That's true love! One people only dream of! How much for this miraculous potion!?"
The end

Do you understand user?

>why can't you normalfags just leave?
Lmao you gonna cry you big baby?


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no however i will find normalfags and beat them to a pulp
i met a guy off /soc/ and hit him in the back of the head with a baseball bat

Oh I see, you are 15. You'll grow into an adult one day.

I am going to talk to you man to man and share my strategies for success. Everyone itt will hate me for it. This is a normie zone my son. Are you ready?

Lmao you can't even find a woman who will speak to you without screaming rape. Bitch ass baby boy stay inside.

You know what? I changed my mind. Finding a possessive girl wouldn't be bad for you. I think you'd be bad for her. I feel like you'd be the crazy one and if She doesn't text you on time you'll hit her with a baseball bat.
Maybe stay out of love until you can be normal.

So you just want a girlfriend so you can hit her?

you are such a cuck lmao

You're not helping your case that you're not 15 with that reply....

>Can't get a girlfriend
>Has impossible standards.
>Asks others for help.
>Refuses all actual advice.
>Judges them for not sharing impossible and stupid checklist.

Yup. Regular Romeo over here. I see you don't need our help. You know what you want and by God the universe will rain it on your lap if you just ree hard enough.
Hang on tight to your crayons bud. I'm done with you.
See you on the news when you drive a van on the sidewalk.

>i met a guy off /soc/ and hit him in the back of the head with a baseball bat
BASED, doing gods work user

No worries OP, I get you. Fuck all the normalfuck scum I hope they all die. One normalfucker came to my thread from here as well so it's personal.

all these normalfags getting baited so hard in this thread

Not him but I hope you didn't piss your new tight jeans while writing that post there normalfaggot.

Mmmm. Delicious. Now tell me anom, what colour are those crayons?

First, you must work on yourself. And yes, that is normiefag wisdom but hear me out because they give you a bunch of shallow goals and end it there. While these shallow goals, like working out, better diet, ect, work to make you look better, and yes, this will obviously net you more attention than if you didn't try at all, there is more to it than that. You don't want to be anyones second pick, you want to be the idol of her life. You will need more than money and looks. Women can attain good looking men and rich men easily by spreading their legs. To be someones obsession is much different. You have to be a vital source of security, love, trust, emotionally and mentally complete with you. Her life would be a complete disaster without your guidance. You have to become a gate keeper. And your garden must be to die for.

Now, how do you attain this should be the first challenge you face. You need to self evaluate. I need you to be totally honest with me, who are you? What are your strengths, your weaknesses, what are your hobbies? Are you a consumer or a creator or a mix of both?

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>full of acne

Here's your gf, user

1, 2 and 5 checked. 3 and 4 are controversial. 4 is useless, you can watch movies or other shit. 3 if you are obsessed about it, it's a problem nowadays. I will work on it (point 3) if I were you. It's not a big deal, if she's not a slut.

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I happen to be exactly like that, but so should you if I were to date you

yeah man you're never going to have a meaningful relationship thinking like this. go to therapy

It's not about normalfaggotry, you're just too fucking dumb and socially retarded for us to help anymore. You need social rehabilitation and we can't give it.


lucid dreaming
or become a sorcerer

Get a Jow Forums gf

Are you implying you want a fat schizo? I guarantee that's what you'll end up with.

Let me guess you haven't found a girl yet

>yeah man you're never going to have a meaningful relationship thinking like this
>go to therapy
You just ruined it.

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Why think like this?

Because he is mentally ill.