Be black

>be black
>Follow the law and comply with police
>Get shot

This is Injustice, plain and simple. Racism and white supremacy in America must end.

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Other urls found in this thread:

all niggers must hang.

>be black
>follow the law

Doesn't add up

go back to africa instead of invading white countries then you wont have to deal with being oppressed so much


Looks like he is resisting arrest to me. Hope they remembered to double tap that pavement ape.

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Major reason even 2A folks don’t want oc/cc in every state. It’s a fact. We’d be living in war zones everywhere.

>following the law by rioting, looting and killing becuz wypepo did slavery 150 yearz ago an i wan get backzies.

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having a gun in your waistband isn't open carry....

Carrying a gun in the waistband isn't exactly the way people normally go about open carrying.

>be black
>pretend to comply
>start shucking and jiving halfway through
>get shot
Only a negroe saw something other than that.

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gun in waistband is concealed carry though. sorry man :-/


Why would you want to end a wonderful thing?

Yeahhh this is majorly fucked up. The cops fucked up and violated a civilian's rights. Then they tried to hide this footage. Fucking pig bastards.

Stop boot licking, white man.

>Open carry, no permit needed state

The gun was concealed and the nigger was pointing it at patrons before the cops arrived to take out the trash. In a perfect world, this monkey would have had the sense to not put people's lives in danger and the cops would have never been called.

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Source on this? How do you know it wasn't self defense?

>trying hard to make niggers look innocent

Once you read the context of what lead to the police being there, you realize it's the typical nigger shit

It’s in the fucking title. Fun in his waistband.

That is not an open carry.


How fucking disingenuous to completely disregard this nogs behavior that led to the police being called in the first place.

>Be nigger
>Point gun at innocent Popeyes patrons
>Get shot by cops

"Yet another innocent church going black child with a degree in astrophysics was gunned down by a white supremacist cop today in a state that allowed him to open carry without a permit."

lol rekt



Watched video, nigger. He pulls the gun out of his waistband from under his hoodie.

>be black
>follow the law, comply with police

Pick one.

You're a doctor. You should be able to save him. What's the problem?

They literally asked him 15-20 times to drop the gun. I'm glad they shot the dumb nigger.


>be nigger
>wave gun around in public and threaten to kill people
>be asked to drop weapon 20 times
>get shot

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>women cops

>woman as cops
Never, ever send a woman to do a man's job.

Video...or fuck off.

Land of the free. I guess this is probably the best video to show what your Constitution really is worth


I am in a blue state and the cops tried to frame and murder me for referencing the constitution in a positive manner.

They would gun you down and laugh for having a gun on you here in Hawaii.

Don't fall for the racist race baiters trying to divide and conquer. Rights are rights and any infringements are corruption to create slavery, no matter what color anyone is. They rape and murder kids of all colors hiding behind the image of lawful authority and need to be stopped.

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>illegally concealing the gun in his waistband
>before that he was pointing it at people >cops show up and shoot him
What’s the issue here?

This situation and video shows is another perfect example why women shouldn't be police officers.


Only, this is not what actually happened.

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>Open carry
>Concealed it in the waistband

>I shot a fire!!!!!!

No no, Judy. A nigger. You shot a nigger.

Nothing of value was lost.

I have no remorse for individuals to decide to commit suicide by cop. It's not that hard to fucking understand. If you lack enough docility in the presence of law enforcement: you have submitted to a trial by combat, which most of the time is it not work out well for you

lol sure

That's exactly what happened, dumbass.

If the cops tell you to drop your gun--even in an open carry state--then drop it.

>Follow the law and comply with police
Have a (You), Jamal.

then get shot by a n over emotional female officer

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wow, a based leaf


Feminism must end, feminism is what led to a woman being handed a gun in a high stress situation.

>Racism and white supremacy in America must end.
Kill your fucking self.

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Yep. They cannot handle the stress or fear knowing they are too weak and small to engage in actual hand to hand combat. my assessment based on JUST the video.
The cops fucked up, that day female cop better get fired and prosecuted.
He was not moving fast and had the classic "pinch" hold on the gun.
I can't even justify the cunt cops actions. Not even a little. Not even with a "you weren't there" aspect. He made no sudden moves.
The look on his face after he gets shot is also supports him getting rid of the weapon before he was shot.
Assuming he was waving it around and such before the cops get there really should not influenced the cunt. She was just too nervous. Needs to be charged with at least manslaughter in this case.

There's three cops and they're yelling and screaming "drop it" continually whilst he squats there, trying to decide what to do.
They were dealing with a crazy man with a gun.
Yet again, a dindu who dindu what the cops were telling him.

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Good. One less nigger.

Keep poking the bear Jamal. The culling draws near.


this could have been any white person in the same situation

women shouldn't be police officers

If you have a firearm ON you, and you are not holding it, like in this case. The police come and disarm you, they don't let you hold the weapon.
Cops fucked up here.
Same reason you have a suspect with their hands on their pocket. You go to them, stand behind and then you take their hands out. Preferably with a partner covering you.
Cops fucked up here.

Should have just put his hands up if they were empty and given up but sitting there like a dumbass for 2mins doesnt help then slowly reaching for the gun while not even lifting his hoodie to show it is there is kind of asking to get shot.

Would hands up dont shoot work better for him in this situation?

Fuck you, my hands go straight up and I don't touch that goddamn gun.

Those are women arms I think this particular case is only half a race issue she was on edge more than the men

Lel, stupid noggers.

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Don't put words in our mouths stupid faggot. Blacks carry guns regardless of legality, CC everywhere equalizes the playing field. OC is retarded outside of protest purposes.

S.o.p is the police physically disarm them of weapon they are carrying, not holding. He did not have the firearm in his hands. They should of told him to stand up, place his hands on the vehicle, and then one of them disarm the fellow. They fucked up from the word go.
Charlotte sucks anyway.

LOL like you are really in the Netherlands. LOL. UN AGENDA 2030. LOL.


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Common sense doesn't exist in these dindu's.
If cops have their guns trained on you, throw your hands up and comply.

Needs to be federal constitutional carry.

The nigger should have stood up with his hands up.
his squatting position partially hid the gun from the cops, making him seem more suspicious.
That being said, I think the female cop panicked and shot in error.

Go to back to Africa then.
It's all black people there. No need to worry about racism.
Just civil wars and being shot by another black person.....

Fuck niggers and fuck pigs. The porch monkey was obeying the swine so that's an anomaly. Overall another case of cops being retarded high school drop outs and niggers being nogging.

Where's the bodycam footage?

>women shouldn't be police officers
at least not in the streets
at leeeast not behind guns

hahaha whoops lol



It's not racism. It's military training used as police training.
Blacks just happen to encounter it more often.

>Fun in his waistband.
To be fair, I also got shot last time I tried this line on a lady.

tyrone should've done anything besides reaching for the gun without saying a word. what the fuck was she supposed to do?

Thanks user

>live in country with armed police
>voluntarily carry assault weapons giving police an excuse to gun you down

that's just as stupid as walking into the muslim part of Oslo with a t-shirt with the star of David. When I was an exchange student at duke university I wore skinny jeans, I didn't buy any guns and I didn't get shot

which part of was the waving i missed it

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>comply with police
That was his first mistake

why can't US cops just tell the suspects to hold their hands at the back of their head, fingers crossed.
Then one cop aims at him and the other arrests him.

They literally can't, different culture, impossible to assimilate, like it or not they are Americans

Werd. Though I'm sure the Dindu probably threatened someone to get the cops called to that Burger King, the bitch cop overreacted. Bad training (or it's just women).

And now we get another week of people proclaiming racism (it wasn't, it was untrained bitches probably shouldn't be cops), and maybe chimping out. Thanks female cop.

That is S.O.P. They did not follow S.O.P

I generally give police the benefit of doubt, but they fucked this one up badly. The instructions given by the officers caused him to get shot. He had no way to comply without them taking his actions as being aggressive.

Hands up. Lie down. Officer takes control of the firearm. Under no circumstance is the officer supposed to ask the person to touch their firearm.

Women police should be outlawed.

I’m typically defending cops but this is just stupid. Just another reason why women shouldn’t be allowed to work as police officers.

Yeah I usually side with the cops in 99 percent of the situations but she fucked up. I'm not heart broken about the loss of a nigger with a gun but it could have been a white dude as well. Just like that dumb manlet who played Simon says with a drunk dude and then lit him up with his own gun.

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>"But you told me-"
Hahahahaha based cop

theyve never assimilated or adopted the culture anywhere to begin with. there would literally be no difference.

>OC is retarded outside of protest purposes.
wrong. rights that are not used deteriorates and gets removed.