My qt girlfriend is a woke sjw

>Be me at college
>Meet lovely half White half Mexican Castiza chick
>Lovely personality and nice nature. Absolute 10/10 body
>We hit it off and things are going really well. She seems to have lots of anxiety issues. I feel really good about looking after her
>3 months in I find out she has a Twitter page and I check it out.
Ffs just end me. This clownworld is hell. She made a post about how men should be doing more to look after women. Whines about rape culture a lot. Then I find a post where she complained about “straight white male” privilege. Fuck man she’s never said any of this shit with me. She seemed perfect but now I’m so disappointed.
Thoughts Jow Forums?
Pic unrelated, not her but the body is the same.

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I'm not reading your gay post

I'm not reading your gay post

I'm not reading your gay post

I'm not reading your gay post.

Cum in her mouth then show her the door.

I'm not reading your gay post.

I'm not reading your gay post

I'm not reading your gay post

>>Be me
Stopped reading there. This isn't your personal blog.

I'm not reading your gay post.


I'm not reading your gay post

I’m not reading your gay post

>She made a post about how men should be doing more to look after women. Whines about rape culture a lot. Then I find a post where she complained about “straight white male” privilege. Fuck man she’s never said any of this shit with me.

You know why she does it on twitter. To fit in and get social points. Tread lightly if you ask her about this, because she also would never admit thats why she does it.

A beautiful woman with an ugly mind and soul will become a disgusting wretch. Confront her about it and if she can't agree it's wrong to demonize an entire race, the white race, for all the world's problems, just leave.

What a stupid attention whoring thread
You should feel bad, OP
But nevermind, I'm probably posting in a bait thread

Put a bunch of white babies in her. She just needs something to take care of.

Online she pretends to an sjw, in real life she's a centrist, question her beliefs, make a cute game out of it, slowly peel her mask off, dont rip it off.

Attached: file.png (1200x800, 1.17M)

Post her tits plzz

Attached: 4392ae07ad8cbe3207698d608e4572fb89fe0b4ef85af559f37a318e9cb7df27.jpg (778x512, 46K)

Im not reading your gay post

they will never be truly white.

I’m not reading your gay post.

>we hit it off

if i had a dollar for every normalfag who said this, off to Jow Forums you go normalscum

I'm not reading your gay post

If you're man enough, you'll rescue her from the Dark Side.

where are her knees?

Attached: chloe morenetz reaction.jpg (268x347, 13K)

>but the body is the same.
Fake ass and fake tits too? Fucking gross, your gf is an abomination.

Attached: f2a3f3ec8f2594440ce9d890bc4146b3.jpg (500x401, 28K)

>half Mexican
dump her and make white babies with some slav's kurwa

I would inform the right honourable gentleman that I am not reading his gay post