Does anyone besides myself recognize how heavily the media is forcing transgender as a normal concept...

Does anyone besides myself recognize how heavily the media is forcing transgender as a normal concept? Nearly every program features a transgender. Public places are accommodating to this. What is your take on the matter?

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Wow, the media is controlled by satanists. Who knew.
Do you have any actual revelations?


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Not weird enough

Do you have any actual contributions to the conversation?

Why is the mother happy?

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You asked if anyone besides you recognizes the fact. I think I answered that. So fuck off.

squeeky faggot gets the oil.

because of social media, these faggots can be extremely loud and make themselves seem like there are more of them than the tiny insignificant cunts they are.

Also, since gays are basicly accecpted now, the leftists needed a new group of faggots to praid around and 'save'. Look at what they do to gays now, they are basically ignored and it's funny as fuck.

Typical leftists being the trash they are.

This fucking wierdo look into the mirror and probably thinks it looks 'cute'. I want to fuck off to somewhere remote with the fewest humans possible.

I noticed it and do not like it. It's not just normalizing being transgender but glorifying it and misrepresenting what it actually is and what the actual outcomes are. If that wasn't bad enough it's the fact they explicitly target children and teenagers but not just any children and teenagers, white male children and teenagers.

I recognize this. Gays are so normalized they're ignored. They needed a new level. That was trangender. And they've even transcended from that level with pedophilia.

>ct they explic
i'm actually glad i've grown up before all of these

They did the same thing with organized crime and drugs. Hollywood sells dreams that turn out to be nightmares. We only see the trans thing b/c of how much these weirdos stand out. However, how many people do you think ended up selling drugs b/c of Breaking Bad or assaulted a person b/c of some gangster flick? The fact of the matter is, humans are highly suggestible creatures and when our leaders allow bad actors to influence they get bad results. Jow Forums is proving this to the entire world. Funny how the world only wants to act when the people exposing the weakness of mankind is drawing attention to the people who make a living from being bad influences.

I still would and you all know you would to

Yup. The muzzies in the UK threw a shitfit because the schools wanted to teach LGBTBBQXYZ shit. I've also seen stuff about them bringing in these abominations to talk to kindergarteners. If anyone has the pic showing what I'm talking about, them indoctrinating at schools I'd appreciate it.

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It's the ultimate psyop. To get people to openly admit to an obvious lie.

He was always a woman. He is a she. He/she has no meaning. Procreation is not important. There are so many bizarre poison memes that the normie must submit to in order to be accepted in clown world because of this transgender acceptance.

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They had to find a new civil rights cause to champion and since most major equal rights issues have been solved, they found the transgendered population to get behind. They realize this isn't enough so they need you to have a bleeding heart for another fabrication in the name of social justice, illegal immigrants. Lets just say they achieve their goals, then what? They will just find some other bullshit cause to fight for because this is all they have to stay relevant to their bleeding heart voters.

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They do the same thing here except for one step more in which liberal parents force their kids to transgender story hour in which the transgenders are more often than not it seems child sex offenders who managed to convince the courts to seal their cases so they wouldn't show up on a standard background check.

Very true. It's really funny to watch when they have break out moments. With the Christchurch shooting all my co-workers were at first quiet until they realized the entire staff, including management, all had the same take of "LMAO, I like this video" and "It was bound to happen eventually" suddenly it went from quiet to open conversation and I've never seen my normie co-workers this loose before. They were discussing a mass murder but had these huge smiles on their faces because they were allowed to crack jokes and talk unhindered.

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It's a chicken an egg thing.
>Transgenders are abnormal
>People pay attention to abnormal things
>Media shows things that people pay attention to
>People pay more attention to it
>Media feeds that attention.

Because her baby is happy! And her husband is bad and mean. She's good and happy!

Are you seriously suggesting that media is critiquing and subverting every virtue and norm of society, as part of a social agenda to weaken the integrity of the nation?

Stop being antisemitic. Go back to sleep.

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nobody but you has noticed this. You probably also think Netflix has an unusual amount of gay representation.

A Few rich people are paying a lot of money to push the issue. Part of it is their own misguided "morality" and another part is that trannies spend a lot of insurance money on hormones and surgery.

Look at any gender reveal video or I'm coming out as trans picture (you'll see some on pol soon enough)

The Dad always look heart broken but the mom's are always happy.

I believe this is because its the ultimate virtue signal.

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It is the ultimate virtue signal. The fathers realize they lost their only son and gained nothing. That they won't have grand children. That they'll end up outliving their child, the little boy they watched play baseball, wrestle with friends, and play with legos. Suddenly, the name you painstakingly spent months debating over is now a horrible insult and has been twisted into a feminine version befitting this nightmare. They play along so they can at least be present in said child's life as they pray to whatever god may be out there that this is all a bad dream.

While the woman only things of all the social capital she'd be able to reap from the situation.

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thankfully 50% of them still kill themselves, regardless of media

Ouch user. That hurt.

they and a few other fake genders make up 0.3% of the population, honestly what is the point

>What is your take on the matter?
I don't really understand why the left needs to include the group.
They're like 0.3% of the population

Human depopulation. ((They)) want to push kids to become gay or tranny to reduce the overall population. Agenda 21 by the UN I believe you can find a bit more on. Probably won't mention this specifically but it wouldn't be far fetched

> voluntarily pay for degeneracy
> complain
cancel your fucking tee-vee (cable, netflix, whatever). deprive the jew of your shekels and eyeballs. My kids are growing up without that crap and they're well adjusted.

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America is the whore of Babylon

This. Funny how fast that shit flipped with Dems and the sanctuary cities. Fucking opposite of everything Trump is doing or they're finally snapping from the fact their precious illegals are coming to their cities rather than making them come here for their good boy points

Nail in the coffin. I never thought about the money from that. Bet you these health insurance places make a lot of dough from that small percentage

>anyone notice that Jews are pushing degeneracy in every facet of our lives?
Nah, you're the only one.

This is why you need multiple children. And if all turn into Transpires just fuck some other bitches and put some seeds in some ovens

Sheckles and more sheckles

>gee i wonder why?
it couldn't be because trans shit serves a few different agendas. for the baphomet worshiping world controllers it's perfect as it's a big fuck you to god and pleases their dark overlord. at the same time though it's a pinnacle of consumer culture, imagine being able to sell everything to everyone even their gender or sex. all that's left to do at this point is honk.