Attached: Screenshot_20190405_165703.jpg (600x433, 50K)
Does this mean he's OUR GUY ???
Mason Stewart
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Hunter Young
No it means MBTI is a pseudoscience. Introverts aren’t capable of making it as far in politics as he has, its obvious his test results arent properly indicative of who he is.
William Sullivan
It's pretty accurate. HR people use it all the time with great success
Chase Thompson
INTJs are tunnelbrained morons
This explains EVERYTHING
Juan Thompson
>HR people use it all the time with great success
Noah Mitchell
>tfw only one letter different
Joseph Stewart
We need an ENTJ.
Adrian Wood
I agree, what a multidimensional bait. which hook shall you take?
Wyatt Hall
INTJ here, he's competition we can't let chink Intjs learn anything on their shit network
Fuck him and other intjs
Henry King
No way an INTJ is capable of such idiocy, and horrible math. Especially a fucking Asian. This man has a mental disorder.
Jaxon Wood
The rare one
Yang Gang
the architect
I am The Advocate INJF
Gavin Wood
You already have one. Trump has a ESTP public persona, but is really ENTJ
Josiah Wilson
Pretty sure Trump is an ENTJ
Chase Cruz
INTJs will find a way to justify whatever conclusion they have chosen. They pick the conclusion first and then make the evidence bow down to this conclusion
Aiden Kelly
Yang is the first political candidate I actually believed in.
Might be a rebirth of naivety but it's from this type of hope that great changes take place in locality on the back of inspiration and hope in something greater.
Hudson Murphy
>Introverts aren’t capable of making it as far in politics
Moron. Introverts are not automatically anti-social shut-ins. We've had presidents like Truman who were introverted. Shit, fucking HITLER was a INFJ.
Jacob Ramirez
>INTJs are tunnelbrained morons
Masterminds are introspective, logical, rational, pragmatic, clear-headed, directive, and attentive. As strategists, they are better than any other type at brainstorming approaches to situations. Masterminds are capable but not eager leaders, stepping forward only when it becomes obvious to them that they are the best for the job. Strong-willed and very self-assured, they may make this decision quickly, as they tend to make all decisions. But though they are decisive, they are open to new evidence and new ideas, flexible in their planning to accommodate changing situations.
Masterminds are highly pragmatic, and they will put forth a great deal of time and effort to implement effective ideas. They are driven to solve complex problems and to create organized, decided, and executed solutions. Masterminds tend to make positive statements instead of negative ones, focusing on how to make the organization more efficient in the future rather than dwelling on past mistakes.
Masterminds are also highly theoretical, and one of the more open-minded of the 16 role variants. Before Masterminds adopt a theoretical notion, they insist on researching all the available data and checking the idea against reality. Masterminds are suspicious of theories based on poor research and will discard ideas that cannot be effectively implemented.
As leaders, Masterminds are skilled in contingency planning and entailment organizing, which are directive activities that tell the planner what activities to do and in what order to do them. Once in a position of power, Masterminds are known for their efficiency and willingness to adopt useful ideas.
Liam Lopez
T. Virgintp
Lincoln Sullivan
INTJ master race
Evan James
INTJ here. I support yang.
Clownworld < Clownworld + 1000 yang bucks.
That's the essence for most of philosophy.
Thomas Flores
Lies, you can't be INTJ and be a braindead socialist at the same time
Christopher Johnson
non INTPs are subhuman filth
Jonathan Nguyen
does he wear cargo shorts?
Daniel Watson
>The money isn't for white supremacists nor anti semites
Ryder Price
no wonder he's a blabbering retard.
t. ISTP gang
Oliver Cooper
Exactly INTJ and socialism is never going to happen.
Fuck commies and jannies
Anthony Rogers
I have to do an MBTI and psych eval next week to refresh a security clearance, I just lie on them so I don't come off as a total nutter.
Benjamin Fisher
John Sanchez
>ideal vs reality
anyone can spend all day writing such glorifying nonsense.
Alexander Rodriguez
Eli Perry
>That's the essence for most of philosophy.
No wonder I hate most of philosophy
Nicholas Murphy
Is this actually legal? That's bullshit if it is.
Matthew Reed
Marx was INTJ mongreloid. As was Ayn Rand, funnily enough.
Chase Jones
>having an "S" in your myer-briggs.
Owen Campbell
Yang's the best. He'll further dilute the alt left voters and guarantee trump 2020.
Basically another Ron Paul, Ralph Nader, Bernie Sanders for their respective parties.
Doesn't matter how "good" the candidate is--people are fucking retarded cattle when voting.
Aaron Moore
ISTPs are honorary intuitives, although they are metaphysically clueless
Benjamin Sanchez
Intjs are impractical.
Thomas Cox
Does Jow Forums really take the horoscope of psychology seriously?
Zachary Carter
What, me lying or the psych tests they do?
Fuck knows, but it's the government so they make it up as they go along.
Luis Watson
Yang is a shill.
Colton Sanders
ITT brainlets cope with a lack of self understanding and a need to feel part of an ingroup by taking a nearly useless personality test invented by two women and used by employers to weed out absolute idiots
Oliver Walker
Why would a grown, adult male ever take that test. Explains his communist/female beliefs now.
Brody Nguyen
>not ENTJ-A
Leo Powell
Mason Torres
MBTI is derived from Jungian psychology, which is considered anti-semitic and unacceptable. Show some respect.
Charles Gomez
I agree
Asher Flores
Yes because it's pretty accurate I am a bleeding heart liberal with fascist and zealous tendencies if not kept in checked.
It's spot on.
Mason Butler
Can't wait to see him sperging hard when he gets blown the fuck out
Camden Cruz
The fact that they're allowed to use a sketchy personality test for their workers is retarded.
Hudson Ross
Jungian psychology is on the rise actually.
Ian Long
>implying employeers don't have the right to use whatever methods they want to screen their employees
Lincoln Jones
On the internet that's definitely true - but so is antisemitism. Coincidence?
Nathan Reyes
this board really is mostly boomer women now
Colton Jackson
:( Why even say that?
How can you possible not support Yang?
He is pure of soul.
Dylan Russell
>Introverts aren’t capable of making it as far in politics as he has
Adam Cook
Hunter Cooper
Dunno man. When I did my BSc in Psychology we focused more on Jung than Freud.
Samuel Bennett
>getting a job based on a tumblr tier personality test is ok and fine
Christopher Rodriguez
Even more retarded is how they're legally encouraged to discriminate by the color of one's skin.
Nolan Perez
I like that, means my gardening memes will take hold.
Ladies love me. I did a ladies yard today and planted her a strawberry, cleared all the moss, weeds and put two flowering climbers on her fence.
She doesn't know I did it but I think she might because her son took her out walking today for the first time, in years.
I said, good morning, happy easter - this morning and I saw she struggled down the stairs to do her washing
so that's when I decided to transform her garen
I know maybe you should ask but it's easter so Jesus gives me an excuse for good work.
Noah Martin
Why is this meme personality test so popular? There is no negative atributes, everything is
>Oh you're like too precise
Fuck this shit.
Evan Edwards
Bentley Peterson
I'm Mongolian not Caucasian
Alexander Hernandez
people are retards
Grayson Parker
Well im glad being anti Chinese communist still qualifies me.
Joshua Sanders
>bY aZuRa
>By AzUra
>bY aZuRa
Adrian Roberts
Hey there. Did you know that the Yang 2020 shills coordinate on Discord? It's true! They even have a channel for "engineering" memes to use as propaganda. You can see for yourself. The ENTIRE Discord shill group can be downloaded here.
Andrew Adams
I did it twice over 4 years and got the same result.
I think it's accurate.
Aiden Lee
This is even worse in the tech industry. They're so hellbent for hiring women that some of them don't even have to go through an interview.
Alexander Russell
An INTP is needed to bring about the Philosopher Kingdom
Christian Anderson
I'm just a gardener who knows how much I could do for the community with UBI
I'm not transexual but hold no malice towards them
Kayden Perez
>Yang's the best. He'll further dilute the alt left voters and guarantee trump 2020.
I can really see this happening. I mean shit, $1000 per month? Lots of ppl will support that. Meanwhile, no republican offers anything that could divert Trump's supporters.
Dominic King
you can be an INTJ and a deceiver at the same time. in fact it's what INTJ do all the time.
Christian Bell
I was just kidding around, but that's actually interesting. I always thought Jung had very minor role in modern psych education.
Lucas Wilson
I will work 18 hours a day for free, turning my community into a garden with UBI
I will spend my UBI on plants for the community
I will happily do this for years, no charge but my UBI
If neighbours gardens are not in order - I will gladly do them for free and invest my own UBI into plants for their gardens.
Connor Reed
>refusing a good paying job because you got it for the wrong reasons
Gavin Jackson
This is my genuine sentiment about why UBI could be incredible for communities
because everywhere, there is someone like me without the resources but big ideas and visions to transform our localities
Austin Hughes
>I'm not transexual but hold no malice towards them
So you are a collaborator
Juan Miller
To be fair i really don't believe they are that accurate. I ve taken the test for two different companies ( granted the tests were differently structured and differed in duration etc) and got two different results.Thing is i can see characteristics of myself in both archetypes that i got ( ENTP-T , INTJ-T) and i feel the amount and more importantly the wording and possible room for ambiguity in the questions heavily dictate the outcome.Btw i don't think neither archetype describes me 100%.
William Allen
This. Meyer Briggs is bullshit.
Ethan Reed
>actually getting the job
Dylan Powell
INTP master race reporting in
Jack Cook
This raises the value of areas for selling on - giving buyers an extra advantage financial despite the very fair giving of UBI to all peoples.
As areas increase in value, boomers benefit and I couldn't be happier about that.
I want everyone to benefit. That gives me joy and peace.
Seeing people sitting outside in the first time for years after planting a local garden gave me a greater peace than one billion bongs.
Austin Hall
>Btw i don't think neither archetype describes me 100%.
That's what an archetype is. Are you familiar with Jungian cognitive functions? These are easier to recognize in your own life than vague circumstancial questions.
John Gutierrez
You win.
John Allen
More accelerationism at it's finest.
Brandon Perry
Logan Garcia
Was Hitler even intp?
Isaac Russell
mbti is bullshit but literally everyone on Jow Forums is intp or intj, prove me wrong.
Evan Evans
Jewish Christian Jesuit Islamic Communities for the win. x
and Sikh and Hindus but those dudes are so quiet
Zachary Thomas
INJF lol which is funny because I am Jewish
Owen Lopez
INTP revolution when?
Bentley Robinson
Commonly agreed to have been an INFJ. Developed INFJs tend to be larger than life like that, inspiring people in ways that go deeper than mere sensory stimulation.
Benjamin Collins
Angel Gomez
>Shit, fucking HITLER was a INFJ.
>Calling another user a moron only to immediately claim Hitler was some label from a completely baseless pseud personality scheme
Hitler wasn't "an INFJ" because that's not a real thing. At absolute best you can say you believe Hitler could be described as the label "INFJ" from that idiotic system. But pretending it's some definite attribute he had like being right-handed or having blue eyes is retarded.
Carter Ramirez
I'm giving Ashkenazis the best rap in my neighbourhood
soon everyone will love the Jews
Connor Clark
Pic very related
Brody Martin
I wish I had it saved but there's a pic of people describing what Hitler was like in school and they are all about him being a loner and not socializing.
Austin Johnson
Oh look, the Jew elves are planting more fruit bushes
aren't they just something else?
Yes, those Jews are great.
Jonathan Watson
>I want everyone to benefit. That gives me joy and peace.
>I will spend my UBI on plants for the community
>I will gladly do them for free and invest my own UBI
>Jesus gives me an excuse for good work.
>because I am Jewish
wtf i love jews now