Which pill are you?

Which pill are you?

Attached: 1401991450004.png (3068x828, 912K)

Poo in loo





Attached: emerald pill.png (834x802, 194K)


black we are going to fail to stop the march of progressives and they will destroy every bit of culture, order and beauty that our ancestors have made. we may even fall to the east leaving all of the things we cherish to the sands of history

I would fucking love to say if that pictures resolution wasn't 1x1

Attached: e9d.jpg (600x600, 18K)

How about now?

Attached: 1406777851295.gif (6624x3024, 1.46M)

Have you tried opening in a new tab

Looks gay af

Every one of 'em Sometimes I break the capsules to mix things up a bit.

Attached: yakui.png (272x350, 134K)

Sperdra burdo :-DDDD

Attached: piasecki spurdo.png (900x595, 37K)

I'm not a pill, but a real human being with real feelings

what a shitty edit

Attached: pills .png (2800x832, 1.64M)

>Milk pill
Always gets me

What pill would I be if I want to kill all the Rothschilds, then establish myself as the overlord of the world but still exterminate everyone but like 500 million people?

Damn water is based.

Somewhere between brass pilled and pol pilled.

That is one of the gayest things I've ever seen