German handyman tries to replicate Notre Dame incineration of old wood

You know what they say about us Germans.

We're meticulous and thorough. Right? So, since everyone and their mother have some theories about the Notre Dame fire and how it happened, why not do an experiment.

In comes this mad lad from what I can only assume is Eastern Germany (via his accent), someone who works with wood for a living apparently. And he tries to recreate the incineration of an old wooden beam. It is very enlightening, especially for city slickers like us who know wood only from the TV and have to believe what the news anchor tells us.

If you're too lazy to watch: It's fucking hard to incinerate old wood. He tries out a lot, from gasoline to a fucking flame thrower (!), but he doesn't manage to incinerate the wooden beam. His own thoughts are at the end.

Very recommended watching.

Attached: er glaubt ernsthaft es war ein unfall.jpg (1200x900, 208K)

Other urls found in this thread:

german autism at its finest

based krautism. Can you translate the end?

timestamp for flame thrower

Thats not how you start fires, ignition comes from the flame not downwards heat. It is wacky though how an electrical fault can set off a plaster covered building

>east gemany
opinion discarded

>cigarette butts can't conflagrate oak beams

Bump 911 digits

go to sleep cunt