Some say slavs like this aren’t even white. What’s your reasoning behind that
Cataloguing the Human Races considered white
she has that Melania "ayy lmao" look
it's the result of having asian ancestors
She’s pure german
This is how you identify shills and mutts
Post a german girl and ask if slavs are white
Boom millions of shills
then plastic surgery messed up both her and Melania
their lips and eyes don't look western, it looks artificial
>Arabs, Berbers and Turks
>sometimes white
WTF? Who the hell created that God aweful map?
Listen White = Germanic Protestant. If you are not from a group that is considered Germanic in origin, left Europe for N. America, and told the Pope to go fuck himself you are not White.
Look. A protestant nutcase.
There are plenty of photos of Turks and Berbers with fair features who you wouldn't realize were from those countries until they opened their mouths.
I love how this simple map BTFO's all stupid "you're not white" D&C in one stroke
Slavs are goths mixed with sarmatians
Ew why would you want to associate with people who have no culture? Don't take the label white, it's a means to control you under one catch all. Like the sheep most of you are.
>he thinks "white" means skin colour and not European blooded
I mean, north africans and middle easterners are white by American census standards.
White is the highest of the food chain maggot shill. Go be poor and dumb somewhere else
Goths were Germanic, and Sarmatians were ancient Indo-Europeans. Sounds about white.
if you westerncucks consider yourself white, then I am not white, no no fuck that lol get that shit away from me
Arabs aren't white. Remove Jordan and North Africa from the sometimes white category. Syrians, Lebanese, Turks, and Kurds are at least of a different stock though still culturally Arab
American census does not ask for white, it asks if you are Caucasian.
>Highest on the chain
Facts and logic say otherwise you uncultured white.
Western Slavs are 99% white
Southern Slavs are 50% white but the Turk genes are strong so they often appear non-white
Eastern Slavs are a mixed bag, some are almost West Slav tier, some are obviously MONG'ed
yes and let us not forget
>56% white
>INCLUDING middle easterners and north africans
Of course they're white. The big mistake the Germans made was the "whiter than thou" crap, believing slavs were subhuman. Nope, they are as white as any of us, and we are all part of the same big racial family.
This would make Anglos non white according the Roman definition.
Fucking whites are stupid.
lmao look at the state of this mutts brain, lurk more newfag
everyone else
Most Slavs are White, but Russians are a mix of Turko-Mongols and Finno-Ugrics.
>Central Euromutts calling others mutt
So it's about aesthetics and not intelligence?
there is a difference between being a mixture of slavic and germanic dna only, and being you and being 1/4 latino 1/4 kike 1/4 anglo and 1/4 human trash, mutt
You do realize that large populations of genetic Europeans have migrated to the Southern Mediterranean over time
Want to try to back up those assertions with actual genetic studies, user?
The moorish occupation of the Iberian Peninsula left little to no genetic stain behind. Not only were the vast majority of the moslems during those times White Iberian converts, mixing was seen extremely poorly by both us and them.
Furthermore, after the Reconquista, both Portugal and Spain undertook "Limpieza de Sangre" Blood Purity so as to wean out any mixed breeds.
While, of course, it is not possible to claim that they were 100% successful, most studies indicate that the people with any trace amounts of non-European blood in the Peninsula amount to no more than 5% of the population. And even then, those usually have no more than 0,3% admixture.
Iberians are, of course, not Aryan or Nordic, but we are of European extraction.
Huguenot here
No, Germans were right, it's just a logical extension of an existing standard. If you can categorize between white and non-whites then you can further delineate whites into gradients of white and less-white.
Slavs are white but jews sure as fuck aren’t
Good map!
Dunno, am i white? Eyes are greenish grey.
If you live in Europe and still identify with European culture you are NOT white. You can call yourself whatever the fuck you like.
White is more than having pale skin. It is a culture.
It's a social construct. The definition of "white" will change to fit whatever fascist agenda is popular at the time.